QR and Bar Codes
A QR code is a specialized type of bar code that allows you to encode information that can be read by a scanner app running on a mobile device. The QR stands for “quick response” because they allow the end user to quickly capture information you want to share. Much like a product bar code, the QR code is unique and the pattern is created depending upon the information it contains. To read the QR code you need to download a QR code reader to your smart phone or other mobile device. To read the code you simply activate your QR code app, and point it at the QR code square. Your device will read the code and transmit the information it contains.
Read more about Benefits of using QR codes here
To start making QR code click on “QR codes” at the right top corner. Fill in the form with data depending on the type of QR code you want to create. The required fields are marked with red. In a drop-down menu choose the type you would like to be coded.\nSpecify the size of QR code image to be displayed. After all the necessary information is inputted click on Save button. Now you can select readymade QR code in Tabs and Buttons settings.\nTo make another QR code go to QR codes again and press Add at the left corner. All the created QR codes will be listed on the left menu.\n\nRead more in our User Manual here
You can use QR code as coupon.\n\nA QR code coupon is a special type of QR code that you can use in your app to give your customers special discounts or rewards. The QR code coupon is only scannable from your app. Continue reading “What is a QR code coupon?” »
The QR Code Scanner allows your app users to scan QR codes using this tab/button. Simply add this element to your app, and you’ll be able to scan QR codes from any surface.