You need to click on Publish button when you want to make the following changes:\n\nApp color theme;\nContent of the tabs and elements (phone number, email, text, Url etc…) and their order in the app;\nThe name of tabs and elements (icons)\n\n\nUsing the “publish” feature is a much faster option as it sends out updates to apps immediately without having to do an app store submission.\n\nYou need to click on the Resubmit when you want to change:\n\nSplash screen, icon;\nName of the app;\nDescription;\nKeywords;\nCategory;\nApp website;\nApp language.\n\n\nIf you add new elements (tabs/buttons) which are not supported by your current app version (new functionality since the last version of your app) you will get the message telling you to Resubmit your app.
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