What changes to my app do I need to Publish and what to Resubmit?

You need to click on Publish button when you want to make the following changes:\n\nApp color theme;\nContent of the tabs and elements (phone number, email, text, Url etc…) and their order in the app;\nThe name of tabs and elements (icons)\n\n\nUsing the “publish” feature is a much faster option as it sends out updates to apps immediately without having to do an app store submission.\n\nYou need to click on the Resubmit when you want to change:\n\nSplash screen, icon;\nName of the app;\nDescription;\nKeywords;\nCategory;\nApp website;\nApp language.\n\n\nIf you add new elements (tabs/buttons) which are not supported by your current app version (new functionality since the last version of your app) you will get the message telling you to Resubmit your app.

Posted in: Making Changes in apps

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