Fishing Forum
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Fishing app
Mobile devices have never been as popular as they are now. Most people use them to fulfill a lot of daily tasks at work, as well as at home. Snappii introduces fishing forum mobile app.
The fishing app is specially designed for tracking your best fish catches. Add your catches, take notes, post photos and get other anglers’ feedback. Comment on other stories yourself and communicate with users to share your experience and challenges.
The fishing app form contains several forms. In the check weather form you can easily and quickly choose you location and enter a number of days; and you will quickly get the weather report for one or several days in the area you mentioned before. In your catches form you can fill in your name, current date, your location and caught fish with its photo, fish name, length, weight and enter your comments with the help of only one button click. Save, edit and share created forms. You can also track and manage your catches on a map or in all catches record list.
Fishing Forum - mobile app
This fishing app also allows fishermen to take part in discussions in community tab, where you can read discussions or ask questions or give answers. Do you want to read relates articles and news? There is our blog tab where you can get the latest info about fishing trends and news in this industry.
To summarize, the fishing app will enable you to:
- Check weather at different locations to enjoy your fishing
- Add your catches
- Review your and other catches on a map to figure out the best places for fishing
- Take or upload pictures
- Take notes
- Work offline
- Edit your entries
- Chat with other fishermen
- Post your catchers for others to review
- Comment on other fishermen’s catches
This fishing app is 100% customizable for your needs. Moreover, fishing app helps to save time and money, eliminate paper and increase business productivity. Let us know your requirements and Snappii will customize it for you or you have an opportunity to customize it yourself or build a new one from scratch. Snappii offers excellent opportunities for businesses to build their own mobile business apps. Using the platform`s visual WYSIWYG drag and drop editor, mobile business apps are quick and easy to build. All important app platforms are supported, including iOS and Android mobile business apps.
Why a Premium app?
- Branded for your business
- Customer tailored for your needs
- Integrated to your existing systems and applications
- Cloud data backup
- Data shared on many devices