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HR Goes Mobile
By SnappiiMobile apps are hot today, businesses are asking for them because customers are expecting businesses to have them. Learn how to create mobile apps yourself.
According to San Francisco-based research firm Flurry Analytics the use of mobile apps grew by 115 percent last year. Many companies continue to realize a positive impact of mobile applications for businesses. In addition to helping customers, mobile apps facilitate and make the work of the employees more comfortable. Here are the main benefits of Mobile HR applications.
Facilitating to employees’ communication
Many workers in such industries as construction, manufacturing, transportation and utilities don’t have regular access to a PC during the workday. Among businesses surveyed by Automatic Data Processing’s ADP Research Institute, over 70% of midsized organizations and 90% of large firms have either deployed smartphones, are supporting employee-owned smartphones, or plan to either deploy or evaluate future deployment of these devices. “In terms of functionality, mobile will become the main channel for workforce management and engagement,” says Roberto Masiero, vice president and head of ADP’s Innovation Lab. Mobile business app is the perfect way for a company to communicate with employees, and for employees to collaborate among themselves. So, workers are no longer tied to a specific workplace and they become more mobile. Due to the increased mobility of workers their operability is also increased.
Increased awareness
HR applications allow employees to be aware of the latest events. Frequently, it’s difficult to use email on your mobile devices. A lot of unnecessary information and spam complicate the work. “People get inundated with emails – it’s a chore to get through them,” says Jeff Corbin, CEO of New York-based theCOMMSapp. The HR mobile app can offer the push-notification. So, you will not miss anything important. And also different informative alerts accelerate the workflows.
Benefits in recruiting process
Recruiting is still considered the important area for now. Recruiting features in the HR mobile business app allows to inform candidates of upcoming interview schedules, to provide background on the organization and the data of people they are interviewing, to provide the updateable list of vacancies. Thanks to location services on smartphones they can do things like display job listings in a user’s immediate geographic location. New Yorkbased Take the Interview released an app which lets companies conduct video interviews via mobile devices.
Accessible payment information
A recent survey from Automatic Data Processing’s ADP Research Institute finds that 37 percent of registered mobile users are using mobile HR applications to access their pay information. HR mobile app can help quickly count weekly/monthly and annual pays and figure out the true cost of hiring a person accordingly. For example Snappii Ultra-fast Codeless Mobile App Development Platform offers a lot of HR features for your app, and calculation of salary and turnover rates is one of them. Employees are always aware of remuneration of their labor.
The facts speak for themselves – HR mobile applications in workers’ everyday lives are a great opportunity to improve engagement and productivity of all employees. The staff will have the useful tools which were previously described. One more of the compelling reasons for HR apps is that they don’t necessarily have to rely on IT departments or expensive outside vendors to build them. Snappii, the creator of a Cloud-based development platform, offers mobile apps that offer HR professionals and employees to do HR tasks more professionally, quickly and easily. Create the HR mobile business app with Snappii and take full advantage of the application.