Lost and Found app
- Report things that were lost,stolen or found
- Show an exact location of lost and found items on a map
- Create your own list of items
- Share findings with your friends and other app users
- Use different pins for reports
- Preview your reports from multiple devices
- Edit and remove reports
- Take pictures and give directions
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Lost and Found app
All of us have things which are quite expensive or may represent a lot for us and losing them might be very frustrating. What about the pets’ loss it is a real disaster. Nowadays mobile technology comes to the aid for both losses and finds. Mobility and flexibility allow people to react faster, moreover it is an incredibly convenient way to solve such problems. For example, lost and found apps allow its users to instantly report about losses and finds, make photos of lost or found items, instantly connect with other users, create database of things and always have it handy. Lost and found apps offer unique benefits for those who have lost anything, however, such apps are useful for everyone. To have one of them on your smartphone or tablet means to protect yourself from need to say goodbye forever to something important for you.
Lost and Found app for iOS and Android from Snappii
Snappii, a rapid mobile business app development company, has such an app which offers some useful features for its users. Snappii’s Lost and Found app for iOS and Android makes it possible to:
- easily and quickly report about lost, stolen or found things;
- show locations of losses on a map;
- create your own lists of reports;
- use different pins for reports;
- store, edit and share reports;
- make photos of things.
You also can use this app for lost and found pets as this is the most significant loss and needs to be solved as soon as possible.
Lost and Found app’s customization and other Snappii’s solutions for complete satisfaction
Even if you are not satisfied with set of features in ready-made versions of the app, Lost and Found app can be customized to meet your needs and wants. This solution is available for all Snappii’s apps. Moreover, it is quite quick and easy. You just express your requirements and our team makes necessary changes in a few days. Also, you can order your own app which will be 100% customized in accordance with your needs. Snappii offers unique speed and quality of its work. A myriad of features for both apps for iOS and Android allow us to satisfy practically any customer.
It’s great never have to deal with the loss of things or pets, however, statistic shows that losses occur quite often. Use Lost and Found app to quickly and easily cope with such troubles.
Why a Premium app?
- Branded for your business
- Customer tailored for your needs
- Integrated to your existing systems and applications
- Cloud data backup
- Data shared on many devices