All controls in the “Elements” section and the “Form and Calculator Fields” section have the viewing formulas.
There are four options for viewing formulas:
- use formula to disable field
- use formula to enable field
- use formula to hide field
- use formula to show field
- Automatically move other controls up to fill space when this control is hidden
2.2. Viewing formula for tabs.
You can include following variables into a formula to show/hide the tab:
- <user.userName>
- <user.emailAddress>
- <user.memberId>
- <user.userType>
- <user.location>
- <user.location.latitude>
- <user.location.longitude>
- <user.location.textAddress>
- <user.location.textAddress.address>
- <>
- <user.location.textAddress.region>
- <>
- <>
- <device.version>
- <device.model>
- <device.language>
Use cases:
Example 1: Show new questions to user depending on his answer on forms.
Example 2: Display different pictures to users depending on what you have in data source. If a pilot is unavailable, we can highlight him with red color. If he is available – with green.
Example 3:App creator can give some users access to a form (or any other button) with a password – the form will not be visible or accessible until the user enters a valid password.
Example 4: Display different background pictures for users depending on what country they are from.