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Why are there so Few Business Apps in App Stores?

for blogApple and Google Appstores are loaded with games, weather mobile business apps and map mobile business apps, but surprisingly very few business mobile business apps.

You would think that with smartphones and tablets now outnumbering laptops and desktop computers there would be a ton of specific business mobile business apps covering many industries and specific needs.

I think there are several reasons for this. Continue reading “Why are there so Few Business Apps in App Stores?” »

Mobile Data Collection Apps Go Far Beyond Saving Paper

for blogThough the advent of the internet has dramatically changed the way we do business, most companies are still bound to a tremendous amount of daily paper transactions. Data collection, re-entry, validation and approval drag down productivity and leave too many opportunities for error. If field employees are involved, time is wasted waiting for the documentation to arrive for entry. The same delays occur in getting information out to the field. Inevitably extra steps in data processing can lead to errors. Automating this process dramatically reduces time delays, and removes the middle man, allowing off-site workers to gather and share information to, and from, the field in real-time.
Continue reading “Mobile Data Collection Apps Go Far Beyond Saving Paper” »

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