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How Insurance Companies can help their Clients

for blogIn our previous blog posts on Insurance we described Insurance companies’ benefits from having a mobile app solution. Now let’s consider it from a user perspective.

Over 1 billion smartphones and tablets are in use by customers, employees, partners and agents across the country and around the globe. Consumers are quickly turning mobile app usage from just the fun of social networking and games to the everyday necessities of mobile banking, ecommerce and a host of business purposes. Today, people are using their smartphones not just to make calls and send text messages, but also to solve issues, report problems, collect data, etc. Continue reading “How Insurance Companies can help their Clients” »

How Insurance Agencies can Replace paper forms with Mobile apps

for blogToday more and more companies step away from paper work preferring to store data on clouds and servers. Insurance companies are not an exception. Insurance adjusters have to perform a lot of activities besides their direct responsibilities. Whichever way you look at it, they have to fill out piles of paper forms. The need to send reports from anywhere and submit data for an incident urges Insurance companies to change their practice from physically attending the place of the incident to releasing a mobile app and saving both time and money. The benefits are obvious: Continue reading “How Insurance Agencies can Replace paper forms with Mobile apps” »

Diane George, Virtual Lobbyist App

With no background in App development, I searched and found Snappii through reading numerous favorable reviews. Their patience and help–with hours of assistance in App design, approval for and submission to App Store and Android–has been endless. Their customer support/service is positively outstanding! Absolutely wonderful experience!”

Creating Insurance Property and Causality Apps is Now Easier Than Ever


for blogOver 1 billion smartphones and tablets are in use by customers, employees, partners and agents across the country and around the globe. Consumers are quickly turning mobile app usage from just the fun of social networking and games to the every day necessities of mobile banking, ecommerce and a host of business purposes. Some large insurance companies have increased their marketshare by jumping on the mobile app bandwagon and now it”s even easier for any insurance and property/casualty companies to follow suit with their own mobile business apps.

SnAPPii Adds Key Features in Support of Mobile Insurance Apps

With over a billion smartphones and tablets already in use today many organizations are reducing or even eliminating entirely the use of paper forms. Now customers, employees and partners can use smartphones and tablets to collect any information needed. Data can be instantly sent to corporate systems where it can be processes and acted upon. Continue reading “SnAPPii Adds Key Features in Support of Mobile Insurance Apps” »

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