Author posts Alex Bakman

Why you need your own Hotel iPhone app?

There are over 50 million people who are using iPhones today. Building your own app for hotel will make it easy for them to:
– Find your location(s) with a step by step GPS directions
– Book reservations
– Find your hotel app in Apple’s App store which gets millions of searches per day
– One touch call you
– Learn about what your hotel has to offerDo you know that large hotel chains have spent tens of thousands of dollars hiring programmers to develop their own iPhone mobile business apps?
Lucky you are to know that today you don”t have to possess developers” skills to make a custom branded app for your business. There is a web service that allows you to make an app without even knowing html and developing process.
The service is called using it anyone can make an app for your hotel without programming skills.
Today having a website obviously is not enough, app is more user engaging. Are you still thinking why you need an app?

Upload your image for Screen Elements

You can now choose your own icon for screen elements like Call, Email, Hyper Link, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Form, HTML. Simply go edit your app, then click to Change your Screen elements (not tabs). Please keep in mind. Screen elements are these:

Upload your image for Screen ElementsGo to and try this new feature. You can upload any image from your computer and use it as an icon for any Screen element. This will make your app stand out in a crowd.
Upload your image for Screen ElementsFriend us on Facebook to get most recent updates!

How to test your Snappii app

Congratulations! You made your first Snappii app! Now, you need to test it on your iPhone. Unlike other app making services, Snappii will not make you download anything from AppStore, or use cables and computers to test your app.

Go to and choose the saved app you wish to test. Click the test App button and you will see the 2 options to test your app. Continue reading “How to test your Snappii app” »

Get Users” Feedback right from your iPhone app

Snappii keeps adding new features! Now Snappii users can add a new Button to their iPhone mobile business apps. The button is called a Form button. With its help you can get your users’ feedback, orders, arrange meetings, etc.

Go to, choose your app and press Edit. Drag and drop the List button on iPhone, fill in the fields, and here you go:



When you add it, save your app, and test in on your iPhone, see how easy it is for your users now to interact with you!

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Go to and try the new List button right now!

How to Convince Clients That They Need an iPhone App

Just about every business person out there knows why it is important to have a website. However when it comes to clients’ understanding about iPhone mobile business apps many clients do not have a clear idea about why their business needs and app and what it will do for them

I will help you articulate the differences between websites and mobile business apps so that you could clearly explain the benefits of mobile business apps to your clients.

Websites vs. Apps

So the customer says I already have a web site. What do I need an app for? The simple answer is that mobile business apps engage customers in a way that websites never could.

1. App Store Presence = Being Found. There are over 250 million websites in the world today. The chances of your customer’s website being found is realistically speaking pretty small. Even though there are several hundred thousand mobile business apps in the iPhone App Store, chances are your app will show up in a search if it were tagged with specific keywords and its function is specific in nature. For example a search for “Law Firm Boston” produced only 2 results. Your client could be the third! Given the number of searches in the App Store that’s a lot of new exposure!

Snappii adds Social Media Integration

phone-screen-1This week Snappii added Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn buttons so that customers can stay connected with all the good stuff that is being posted on your social venues.

Use Facebook tab to show Facebook pages to users. Use a mobile version of a URL which begins with letter “m”. To figure out the full url go to site. Navigate to particular page of interest. Then copy the URL and paste it in to the url field.

Same with LinkedIn. Use a mobile version of a URL which begins with letter “m”. To figure out the full url go to site. Navigate to particular page of interest. Then copy the URL and paste it in to the url field.

To add Twitter, simply enter your Username.

Continue reading “Snappii adds Social Media Integration” »

How to Convince Clients That They Need an iPhone App

Just about every business person out there knows why it is important to have a website. However when it comes to clients’ understanding about iPhone mobile business apps many clients do not have a clear idea about why their business needs and app and what it will do for them

I will help you articulate the differences between websites and mobile business apps so that you could clearly explain the benefits of mobile business apps to your clients.

Websites vs. Apps

So the customer says I already have a web site. What do I need an app for? The simple answer is that mobile business apps engage customers in a way that websites never could.

1. App Store Presence = Being Found. There are over 250 million websites in the world today. The chances of your customer’s website being found is realistically speaking pretty small. Even though there are several hundred thousand mobile business apps in the iPhone App Store, chances are your app will show up in a search if it were tagged with specific keywords and its function is specific in nature. For example a search for “Law Firm Boston” produced only 2 results. Your client could be the third! Given the number of searches in the App Store that’s a lot of new exposure! Continue reading “How to Convince Clients That They Need an iPhone App” »

How to Add List Button to your app

Snappii service keeps improving its features, and now it has added a new control. It is List Control.
Use List button if you want to show more details about your business. If you have a restaurant – you can show your menu; if it’s a shop – show your price list or the catalog. It can be anything you want to show to your customers.iphonelist

What you should do to add your list with your information in your app?

Your List should be in Excel format and contain only the following columns: Header1, Image1, Details1, Header2, Image2, Details2, and Details3.
Header – it’s the title. Header 1 it’s general title (For example: Our Menu). Header 2 is more specific (For example: Out Breakfast)
Image – it’s a picture that conforms to the Header.
Details – it’s some information for your customers you need to show. It can be a price list, a catalogue with a description of clothes or shoes. Continue reading “How to Add List Button to your app” »

How iPhone app can help you to promote your business

Hi, my name is Mark and I’m just a simple American businessman. I want to tell you how iPhone app can help you to promote your business. I did it. Why don’t you do it too?

If you are still thinking about having your own business I tell you that it’s a wonderful thing. You can do what you really want but not what your boss wants.

But one thing is to make business and the other is to make it successful. If you do something – you should do it well.

How do you want to build your App?
Choose a ready-made app template for my business and customize it in WYSIWYG Editor
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Video tutorial
From scratch using WYSIWYG Editor
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Video tutorial
Open my apps

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