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Why You should Replace Paper forms with Mobile forms

3 devices with a shadeToday more and more companies step away from paper work preferring to store data on clouds and servers. Mobile forms have a wide range of advantages your company would surely benefit from.

Eliminate errors

For the most part, paper forms are filled out by hand, increasing the likelihood of human error. Moreover, as paper forms then require transcribing, the possibility of information being misread or illegible also exists. Continue reading “Why You should Replace Paper forms with Mobile forms” »

Aircraft Inspection Forms – Mobile App Benefits

for blogWhat is the most important component of our life? No one will argue that is about people’s safety. It doesn’t matter what business you are in – you have a responsibility to provide safe and sound solutions for your customers and your employees.  Transportation businesses, such as airlines, are tasked with more challenges than most when it comes to managing compliance to safety requirements. Continue reading “Aircraft Inspection Forms – Mobile App Benefits” »

How Insurance Agencies can Replace paper forms with Mobile apps

for blogToday more and more companies step away from paper work preferring to store data on clouds and servers. Insurance companies are not an exception. Insurance adjusters have to perform a lot of activities besides their direct responsibilities. Whichever way you look at it, they have to fill out piles of paper forms. The need to send reports from anywhere and submit data for an incident urges Insurance companies to change their practice from physically attending the place of the incident to releasing a mobile app and saving both time and money. The benefits are obvious: Continue reading “How Insurance Agencies can Replace paper forms with Mobile apps” »

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