Without being mobile oriented many businesses small and medium sized are doomed to lose customers” interest to them. If websites are not mobile equipped up to 70% of visitors will leave such sites after a few clicks. The information is hard to read from screen and it needs constant scrolling and pinching that can irritate users. Every business should change its strategy to fit up-to-date world business conditions.
Hopefully it is not difficult to establish mobile development today. There are lots of services which make mobile optimized websites and iOS/Android native mobile business apps from scratch according to clients” needs. A good example is Snappii web service which have more than 7000 users who already created or are in the process of making their own mobile business apps. Though Snappii platform doesn”t require programming skills not all of its users can afford themselves spending a lot of time on building their mobile business apps. However there is a solution – Full Service. You just tell Snappii team the app idea and supply with required materials for app content. The rest of the work including app development, testing, submitting, making updates and full maintenance is made on Snappii side.
Visit Snappii site today to implement real mobility to your business.