How paper forms impact your business in a bad way, and options to solve this

How paper forms impact your business in a bad way, and options to solve this

One of the main values for most businesses is reliability. For a customer, it’s more likely to choose a service that has positive reviews and feedback. In order to achieve appreciation from the customers, businesses have to provide a very high level of their service. Competition is tough in many industries and businesses need to adapt to ever-changing reality. If for example, several years ago businesses had to physically travel to the clients and perform estimates, then today avoiding face-to-face interactions is nice to have. Today, more and more organizations turn to mobile apps and forms in order to speed up project estimation, electronically sign documents, improve team collaboration and communication, which helps them become a competitive business.

Paper forms vs. Mobile forms

If you are looking to decide on whether it makes sense to switch to digital forms, we have prepared a list of pros and cons.

Doing Paper Forms and Reports by Hand is So Last Century. Here’s what’s associated with paper forms:

– Takes hours to fill out

– Illegible handwriting

– Can’t find it

– Printing costs

– Storage costs

– Driving forms to the office

– Retyping data into computer

Now let’s see what’s associated with digital forms:

– Fill out forms in minutes

– No more illegible forms

– Easy to find anytime anywhere

– Speak your forms, don’t type them

– Even works without the Internet

– Stored in the Cloud Forever

A mobile device is something that’s always with you. It literally takes less time to find a smartphone than to find a pen to sign a document. So why not use this privilege? Using mobile forms and apps, you can make estimates, inspections, work orders, invoices, daily reports, which includes such abilities as taking and annotating photos to prove the work done, collecting signatures, sharing locations, recording audio, and video evidence, and so much more. Needless to say that mobile data collection eliminates human errors, which makes your business more reliable for your customers.

Thanks to Snappii, our company has gone from many paper items to ZERO paper needed for our purpose,” says Edwin Smutt from Elevation Transport.

Snappii offers multiple ways you can easily and affordably ditch paperwork forever. You can either create the forms yourself using Snappii’s mobile forms editor, or you can have our team of professionals convert your paper forms to mobile apps for you. In any case, Snappii will help you make this transformation a breeze.

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