Codeless Application Platforms as a Way to Reduce App Backlogs

Codeless Application Platforms as a Way to Reduce App Backlogs

for blogToday over 90% of Americans own a smartphone, and close to half own a tablet. And as more people are now using mobile devices to obtain information and get access to services, more business owners are realizing the benefits of going mobile. Today’s mobile users expect best quality, security, speed, intuitive interfaces and on-demand access to the latest information across different mobile devices. To stay competitive, enterprises have to develop and “live” test quality apps in record time and then never stop updating them.

The growth of requirements leads to significant backlogs of mobile app projects. For instance, 85% of responders to Opinion Matters have a backlog of at least one app, while 50% of the responders have a backlog of 10 to 20 mobile apps.

However, there is a solution to app backlogs. In his article for RCR Wireless News, Alex Bakman, executive chairman and founder of Snappii, tells about low-code application development platforms that let companies of any size and budget design custom business apps without hiring programmers. Read more.

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