10 tips to successfully launching your enterprise mobile app

10 tips to successfully launching your enterprise mobile app

for blogBuilding your enterprise mobile app for iOS, Android and HTML5 using the Snappii Platform is not the only concerns we have for you and your company. We also want to provide you advice to help ensure you effectively are able to market your app and encourage your customers to download and use it.

While I was at Apps World recently, I came across these 9 suggestions by Max Rabinovitc of ComboApp and felt you’d appreciate me sharing them with you.

“Like any other product, applications need the support of solid marketing copy and eye catching visual advertisements. Whether it’s via social media, right on the app store, or anywhere online, these materials are normally the first point of consumer interaction and they need to pique their interest.”

“Your copy needs be engaging, built around effective SEO keywords, and optimized so shoppers are primed to stumble across it searching the app stores and the web for products like yours. The following components are crucial to address before you begin marketing your mobile app.”

Pre-Launch campaign:

  1.   An App Name – Preferably a small title that rolls off the tongue and sounds memorable. Avoid using more than 1 or 2 words maximum and be original, names that sound like riffs on other product names tend to be a turnoff.
  2.   An App Icon – Seemingly a no-brainer, designing an app icon that’s both eye popping and representative of what your product’s goal/ function is a must as it’s the first visual reference point for consumers.
  3.   A Good SEO Keyword Set – Take time to figure out what terms your target audience searches for when looking for solutions or experiences your app provides and integrate them in all of the written content associated with your product.
  4.   A Professional App Marketplace Description – Going beyond a few small blurbs on the quality of your app, you’ll need to create:
  5.   Promotional Screenshots that visually highlight your product’s positives.
  6.   Analyze the Mobile marketplace you want to launch your app in thoroughly and pick the right category to submit it under to maximize potential traffic & interest.
  7.   Develop a well designed landing page for your app that can attract browsers and funnel them directly to its app store page where they can download it.
  8.   Social Media Accounts – Your app needs them to maintain a presence in the digital world, and it will if you use them to actively engage and update potential consumers on news regarding your product, special promotions, and most important keep them in the loop on when launch day is. At minimum you need to create accounts for your product on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
  9.  Promotional Video – Apps exist in the digital arena and likewise the best place to advertise them is online. Promotional videos are a powerful and cost effective way to introduce the world at large to your product, what the concept behind it is, and why consumers out to be interested via popular outlets such as YouTube and Vimeo.
  10. When these suggestions were shared on Linked In, Saurabh Saxena shared this important additional points related to preparing a press kit prior to the release of your mobile app.

One more useful strategy is always preparing a Press Kit. To make it as easy as possible for journalists or bloggers to write about your app, prepare a press kit with all the essential materials they may need for the story. Your press kit can live on your website as a downloadable zip file.

 It should include:

  1. A brief description of your app. Be sure to state why it is unique – what sets it apart from other mobile business apps?
  2. High quality screenshots of your app in action.
  3. High resolution logo and any other essential graphics from your app.
  4. Contact information.
  5. Important links to the App Store, Youtube, and social media channels, etc.
We at Snappii look forward to working with you on your next Enterprise Mobile App Development project and helping provide any insight we might be able to offer to ensure your app is successfully downloaded and used by your current and future customers.

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