More Thoughts on 2013 and Enterprise Mobile Apps

More Thoughts on 2013 and Enterprise Mobile Apps

for blogOn Monday, I shared a blog on “What Does 2013 Hold for Enterprise Mobile Apps“, based on an article by . In addition to the points shared Monday, I have four additional points I’d like to make.

They would be:

1) smartphones and tablets continue to outsell laptops and pcs
In a study conducted by Flurry Analytics in December and reported by Peter Farago, 17.4 million new iOS and Android devices were activated on Christmas day, compared to 4 million in the entire first 20 days of the month.
2) More people realize that they can build mobile business apps without programming knowledge
With salaries and benefits for C++ and Java developers in access of $250,000 annually, a great demand for programmers as can easily be seen on sites like or job forums in, businesses will begin to discover enterprise mobile mobile business apps can be built far more effectively on Platforms like Snappii. In addition, by employees representing different facets of an organization, mobile business apps will be built right the first time and include more of the features that will meet the needs customers are already expressing to staff members.
3) corporations unable to find mobile programmers look for app development tools that leverage existing workforce
As I mentioned in point 2, corporations are going to discover that the cost of paying an hourly wage to a programmer and/or external app development company will be far more costly. Not only will every change result in having to pay hundreds if not thousands in extra fees, but staff will be tied up from other projects to try to educate the developer on your business and what your customer needs are.
Nothing is more efficient in developing enterprise mobile mobile business apps than getting key personnel from sales, advertising, IT, human resources, shipping, service and any other critical division together to develop the application together.  With an app development tool like the Snappii visual WYSIWYG Drag and Drog Editing Platform, everyone can work on their portion of the app, then get together to review the app, upload it to a device for quality control, make any final changes, then prepare to upload the app and market it to potential users.
4) businesses that don’t offer customer facing mobile business apps begin to fall behind
The growth in the number of mobile business apps being downloaded is simply staggering. In the same Flurry Analytics study references above, on Christmas day alone 328 million mobile business apps for iOS and Android were downloaded. Mobile mobile business apps are certainly becoming a primary key to the functionality we rely on our Smart phone and tablets to delivery for us. Needless to say, the use of mobile business apps in our personal lives is only going to accelerate the expectation for them in the business world too.
Tomorrow, I am pleased to share the wonderful advances in Enterprise Mobile App Development from Snappii in 2013. Whether you are looking to begin developing enterprise mobile mobile business apps for the first time or are a current user of the Snappii Platform, there are many areas where Snappii continues to provide you with the comprehensive, thorough and cost-effective way to build enterprise mobile mobile business apps without having to write any programming code.
Looking forward to sharing more with you tomorrow.

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