Snappii is proud to announce a brand new feature that is called Shared Data sources. With the help of it Snappii users can create native mobile role-based mobile business apps that use shared datasources and hence will be able to provide the same data to a series of mobile business apps. Let’s review a possible use case.
You want to create a work management app that will be of high value both for supervisors and employees. Using one app can be confusing and sometimes inconvenient. Due to the shared datasources option you can now create two different mobile business apps: one for supervisors and another for employees. Both mobile business apps will use the same datasource that will enable supervisors to assign tasks and check job statuses while employees will be able to review assigned tasks and edit them when tasks are completed. That clearly divides responsibilities and makes the whole work process easier and more intuitive.
Similar scenarios can be utilized for a majority of mobile business apps that have assignment features such as mobile business apps for logistics, dispatchers, drivers etc.
To enable this feature, open the Datasource dialog, click the datasource you want to share and put a check next to Share. Then save the settings. Now this datasource will appear in the Shared Data sources dialog like in the image below.