The Applicability of Mobile Apps to Increase Productivity of Mining Industry

The Applicability of Mobile Apps to Increase Productivity of Mining Industry

The Applicability of Mobile Apps to Increase Productivity of Mining IndustryThe mining industry continues searching for the ways of productivity improvement. Companies should establish new technology practices that will enable them to become more efficient and productive. According to some studies, 70% of mining and oil industry respondents believe the use of mobile technology has prevented or reduced worker incidents and their related costs, and 86% believe that the use of mobile technology reduces paperwork.

The benefits of mobile solutions

Mobile technology is applicable to different areas of mine operations. However, its main advantage is agility and the ability to get and work with timely and accurate data to make more efficient decisions. Communication is one of the most important requirements for safe and productive mining. If workers encounter problems or find out important information at remote locations on-site, mobile apps become the best contacting tool. One more advantage of using mobile apps in the mining industry is that many of them are accessible offline, so they remain functional in locations without Internet coverage. Some special apps include an opportunity to make specific calculations, such as blasting calculations.

Mining Daily Log app

As mobile technology continues to radically transform mining, Snappii intends to do its bit, and offers a ready-made Mining Daily Log app. It is the ideal tool to generate daily reports that include information about employees, mined minerals and obstacles/issues that happen while mining. Managers or supervisors can select employees from a list to save time on data collecting, record audio and video as well as take pictures of violations to report to the office. Mining Daily Log app works offline that makes it especially helpful to use underground and in areas that have a limited coverage. The app users are able to create PDF and Excel reports that can be shared via email, uploaded to cloud drives and printed out. Mining Daily Log app is available to be downloaded in Apple App Store and Google Play. Moreover, Snappii team can customize the app to meet any specific needs.

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