Author posts Alex Bakman

Snappii Expands into Mobile Websites for Businesses. Mobile Friendly, HTML5 Websites are Delivered to Customers in 48 hours at a Price Every Business Can Afford

Snappii, a platform for rapidly creating native iPhone, iPad and Android mobile business apps without programming skills now adds the ability to create mobile websites also known as web mobile business apps or HTML5 mobile business apps. Now Snappii offers a single development platform for creating a complete mobile solution for websites, tablets and smartphones.

As the number of smartphones now outnumbers PCs, nearly 40% of users are accessing websites on their smartphones. Continue reading “Snappii Expands into Mobile Websites for Businesses. Mobile Friendly, HTML5 Websites are Delivered to Customers in 48 hours at a Price Every Business Can Afford” »

Snappii Has Released Web Apps Support

A quick email to share with you a very existing new development. Now Snappii supports creation of mobile friendly websites, also know as HTML5  mobile business apps or web mobile business apps. In addition to native mobile business apps you can select mobile website as a target platform and we will generate the HTML5 app code. Many of the features that are available for native mobile business apps are also available for web mobile business apps. Web mobile business apps are quick and easy to do.  You don’t need to have Developer accounts with Apple or Google.  There is NO review and approval process.  Your mobile sites are available to the public instantly!!!
The following features are supported for web mobile business apps currently:
1. Call, email
2. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Continue reading “Snappii Has Released Web Apps Support” »

Why Do Mobile Sites Matter?

Simsom siteBy the year 2013, forecasts predict that there will be 1.7 billion mobile Internet users. This is the high time to think over the importance of getting a mobile version of your site. More people access Internet using their gadgets and it is not surprising. People always use what they can handle without troubles, at any time and anywhere. Mobile devices are easy and convenient to use as they are always in the bag or in the pocket on your go.
If your website doesn”t fit mobile devices you will have a high level of bounced rate. A few people have enough patience to stay on the site if it is not mobile friendly. Pinching pictures and text to make it visible is troublesome and not a surprise people hate it. They will definitely go away from your site after some clicks are made. Continue reading “Why Do Mobile Sites Matter?” »

Why Does Mobile Optimization Matter?

ahkorYou have already created a powerful website for your business where potential prospects and your current customers can find all the necessary information about you. Though it is not enough from modern point of view. First of all the popularity of mobile devices is growing that means that the majority of people all over the world prefer to use mobile gadgets to search the Web, exchange messages, emails, watch films and listen to music instead of using PCs and laptops. The main condition of mobility progress and success roots in always expanding WiFi connection which appears even in remote spots of our planet and the simplicity of mobile devices usage. So why to change already existing sites and get a mobile optimized website as an alternative. Why does mobile optimization matter? Continue reading “Why Does Mobile Optimization Matter?” »

The Advantages Of Mobile Sites And Web Apps

5The up-to-date world goes mobile. Everything is intended to be mobile to better suit modern people”s needs. Websites are not an exception. Today the popularity of mobile optimized websites is constantly growing. Here are only some of the advantages of mobile friendly websites:

– no need to work from desktop, mobile devices are easily kept in the pocket and are always with you
– mobile optimized websites have simpler but at the same time more comprehensive layout and information. Usual sites often contain excessive data which users wouldn”t need at their first visit to the site. Mobile sites give exactly the things that prospects may need and nothing abundant.
– mobile sites development is usually far more cheaper than app creating. This is an important reason why most businesses make mobile sites first and only then decide to get a mobile app Continue reading “The Advantages Of Mobile Sites And Web Apps” »

Why Are Mobile Optimized Websites Important?

for blogMobile devices are becoming more and more popular nowdays. The main advantage they offer is that people can use them on the go. Recently users have had to use PCs and laptops to surf on the net, but now this habit has undergone a change. Not only the youth prefer to search for something with the help of gadgets but also small children and old people use iPads and iPhones for fun and business in all over the world. Devices can be easily taken wherever and whenever you go and they can practically fully replace PCs” functionality. The situation is obvious – mobiles are going to exclude PCs usage and already made this in cases when people work in fields and need to handle large amount of paper work. Continue reading “Why Are Mobile Optimized Websites Important?” »

Why Web Apps Are Better Than Native Ones?

for blogWeb mobile business apps are a good alternative to native mobile business apps. Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity of web browsers, and the convenience of using a web browser as a client. The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client devices is a key reason for their popularity, as is the inherent support for cross-platform compatibility. Snappii web mobile business apps include a lot of functions such as nearby, maps, list and catalogs functionality, social channels and many more. Continue reading “Why Web Apps Are Better Than Native Ones?” »

How To Make Mobile Apps For Jewelry Stores

for blogThere is plenty of occasions when people take a chance to go to jewelry shops and buy something splendid for their sweethearts, friends and relatives. If you are a jewelry shop owner you are extremely interested in the fact that future newlyweds and the rest of people who want to give jewelry gifts and merely love it will prefer going to your shop not competitors”. To achieve this you need simply to get a mobile app. There is nothing better you can use to promote your business. Here are only some of the advantages iPhone/Ipad and Android mobile business apps can offer you and your clients:
Continue reading “How To Make Mobile Apps For Jewelry Stores” »

How To Get Your App Approved By Apple

for blogMost businesses  create mobile mobile business apps to promote their services and products. Apple Appstore and Google Play can greatly market your business and make it popular all over the world. That’s why it is important to get an iPhone or Android app live so that people could download it from the live stores and install it on their devices.  Each app can give more info about your business because most people don’t like to browse your site for hours to figure out everything about you, they will prefer looking through the key points of your business, it will be enough to understand how you differ from your  competitors and what advantages you can offer. One thing is to find someone who will make your app -the another one is how to get it approved by Apple.The point is that Apple has strong filters while reviewing mobile business apps. And it is reasonable, they want to have only native and functional mobile business apps in their store so that users could really benefit  and get pleasure from using such mobile business apps.  Continue reading “How To Get Your App Approved By Apple” »

Snappii offers Associations a free custom app

for blogAssociations allow small businesses to gain more visibility in the world”s market and attract new customers. Mobile app for association can become a really excellent tool for marketing and promoting businesses. Snappii specializes in making useful and functional mobile mobile business apps for various industries carefully meeting their specific needs and associations are not an exception. Many businesses have already chosen Snappii to get their mobile business apps live in the Appstore and Google Play as the advantages of having a custom mobile app today are obvious. Custom branded mobile business apps can be useful for associations as applications offer great opportunities and provide clients with all the indispensable options they need to benefit and succeed. Continue reading “Snappii offers Associations a free custom app” »

How To Make A Police App

for blogUp-to-date technologies are getting practically into all spheres of our life. First of all mobile devices are widely spread all over the world, everyone can choose something according to his character and income. Secondly such gadgets are very convenient to use as they are small, easy kept in a pocket and offer a great range of various powerful and helpful functions meeting household and business needs. Let”s take a look at the app which can be useful for citizens as well as for police. Continue reading “How To Make A Police App” »

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