Project managers need to provide job estimates quickly enough but also be accurate while making estimates. Usually, customers request project estimates from different companies and then decide based on speed, accuracy, and professionalism.
It really doesn’t take much effort to look professional to your clients these days. Provide good-looking project estimates to your clients that are transparent on cost and clear on the job to be done. If the customer is satisfied with the estimate, convert it to an Invoice easily. Snappii has created a mobile app that makes this process fast and efficient. The Job Estimates & Invoices app is available for free download from the Apple and Google stores and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a business.
The Job Estimates & Invoices app has an easy-to-navigate tab that allows you to instantly switch from Estimates and Invoices to Work orders.
The Job Estimates & Invoices app allows contractors, service companies, salespeople, and estimators to quickly create project estimates, work orders, and invoices that cover the company’s information, work description, labor hours, and rates as well as all parts that are necessary. The forms will also do all the calculations, so once all the data is entered in, the user can show a customer the total estimated cost in labor, parts, and the grand total.
Add your company info to appear on all the estimates, work orders, and invoices automatically.
Additionally, the app allows users to track time and expenses spent on a particular project or client.
The app is very easy to use. You can import clients from the address book or Excel file. No need to type! Use speech to text feature. Preview the Estimate, Work order, or Invoice prior to sending it to the client.
The Job Estimates & Invoices app is available for free download from the Apple and Google stores and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a business.
We invite you to join the Job Estimates & Invoices app demo on July 28, 10 AM EDT. Join here.