The Time to Opt for Billable Hours Tracker App

The Time to Opt for Billable Hours Tracker App

The Time to Opt for Billable Hours Tracker AppIn many companies, employees receive payment proportionate to the units of time they work. Managers track the billable hours of employees’ work to derive a payroll. Typically, data is recorded in a tabular format. Depending on the company’s preferences, it may be noted the duration of time worked or mentioned the specific times at which an employee began and stopped working, also more details about the specifics of the tasks completed may be added.

A paper-based format is a thing of the past

In some companies, this process still retains a paper base. Such a paper-based system has many limitations and cons. First of all, it’s time-consuming. It slows down the entire team and distracts people from their primary job. Manual data can always contain errors and blots. Even small errors can have large repercussions. Also, paper-based documents are unreliable and inconvenient to store and submit. All these complications can cause real problems and proceedings.

The good news is that there are now modern mobile solutions such as the Billable Hours Tracker app from Snappii that can completely transform the billable hours tracking experience for different companies. The app allows users to:

– create invoices filling out the pre-made form of billable hours,

– add signatures,

– automatically calculate earnings,

– create an employee database,

– save invoices as PDF files,

– store and share saved invoices,

– review the revenue stats.

The Billable Hours Tracker app is a helpful tool for any professional working in the field. It enables users to avoid inefficient paperwork. The Billable Hours Tracker app is available in both Apple App Store and Google Play. Here is a short video about the app. The Snappii team is ready to customize this app to meet some specific requirements. Send them to us and get a free quote to start.

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