Author posts Alex Bakman

Enterprise Mobile App Development – Native vs. HTML5 – Part 1


for blogIt’s hard to imagine the first communication between a Web browser and a server via the internet occurred almost 23 year ago. For many businesses, adoption of the web was slow and sometimes painful, but consumers were patient, awaiting opportunities that provided access to endless information, shopping and social networking would afford. However, with the advent and almost stratospheric rise of smart mobile devices, consumers and employees alike are no longer patiently waiting. They want access and they want it now. The demand for mobile mobile business apps is staggering and for businesses, embracing mobile app development is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. As organizations work through creating and executing an enterprise mobile app strategy, a key decision to be made is whether to build Native or HTML5 (web mobile business apps). There is even talk about Hybrid mobile business apps being an option. Each certainly has benefits and drawbacks, but ultimately, native mobile business apps simply offer the best overall user experience. In part 1 of this blog – we’ll take a closer look at the challenges of HTML5 (and Hybrid) mobile app development. Continue reading “Enterprise Mobile App Development – Native vs. HTML5 – Part 1” »

New Gartner Report Says Mobility is Now Fundamentally Reshaping Mainstream Consumer Behavior

for blogA recent Gartner report, from a survey of more than 8,000 global consumers, indicated that:
“Household adoption and spending on consumer technology products is shifting faster than expected in favor of gadgets and services that are portable or mobile and those that deliver networking capabilities and entertainment…The major change is that mobility is now reshaping mainstream consumer behavior in fundamental ways…” Continue reading “New Gartner Report Says Mobility is Now Fundamentally Reshaping Mainstream Consumer Behavior” »

Tablets Beat Out Smartphones for Web Pages Views – Where is Your Business?

for blogAfter looking at 100 billion visits to 1,000+ websites worldwide, the Adobe Digital Index is reporting that tablets have taken over smartphones for the first time in global web traffic generation. While PC”s are still the predominant medium for web surfers, with tablet sales beating out PC sales by more than half at the end of 2012, it is evident that mobile devices will very soon be THE place to go for web browsing. That said, it”s virtually impossible for companies not to jump on the mobile bandwagon, no matter the company size or industry, and be visible anywhere. Continue reading “Tablets Beat Out Smartphones for Web Pages Views – Where is Your Business?” »

Creating an Enterprise Mobile App Strategy Step 1 – Understanding Your Business Needs

for blogWith almost 2 billion smart phones expected to be sold this year and tablets outselling PC’s by more than half, enterprise companies across the board will need to embrace a mobile app strategy to remain competitive. But there is a constant flow of conflicting information surrounding mobile app development and BYOD strategies and determining what’s needed to be successful can be a daunting task. In addition, rushing to jump on the mobile app bandwagon, some companies try to tackle every want and need at one time and within one app. This leads to an end product that is less than desired and in the wake of failed implementation, mobile app strategies can be abandoned altogether. Beyond obtaining the tools and resources needed to implement a mobile app strategy are the building blocks required to create a solid foundation for success. Reaching the goal of a clean, effective and successful enterprise mobile app strategy requires taking one well calculated step at a time and it starts from step one – understanding your business needs.
Continue reading “Creating an Enterprise Mobile App Strategy Step 1 – Understanding Your Business Needs” »

Yes, Companies Really Do Need “An App for That” and Getting There is Easier Than Ever


for blogAfter reading a recent editorialon whether or not businesses need mobile mobile business apps, I realized there is still confusion and lack of understanding about what is available and possible in today’s mobile app development world. There are some 1.9 billion mobile phones expected to be sold worldwide this year combined with continued growth in tablet sales which reached an estimated 52.5 million sales in the last quarter of 2012. While it may be true in the small business arena that perhaps not every company needs a mobile app, with staggering end-user numbers and easy, affordable app building options now available, the question really becomes why wouldn’t you want one? Certainly in the mid-to-Enterprise space, mobile app development is a wave that companies will need to ride for a host of reasons, especially with the increasing flood of BYOD demands. So for them, it isn’t even a want, it’s a need. Continue reading “Yes, Companies Really Do Need “An App for That” and Getting There is Easier Than Ever” »

SnAPPii Releases New Simple and Affordable Subscription-Based Pricing Plans for Mobile App Development

With the tremendous demand for both consumer and enterprise mobile applications, Snappii, an online mobile application platform for business, has just released their new subscription-based pricing plans to simplify the buying experience and offer their customers affordable pricing options to scale their mobility strategy.
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How Organizations Can Address Mobile App Backlog without Mobile Developers

for blogThe Mobile App development challenge:

Today’s organizations are being inundated with increasing customer and employee demands for customized enterprise mobile business apps. These mobile business apps must be robust and integrate with corporate IT systems.  They must also work on any mobile device that customers or employees may use. App development requires that developers learn many new programming languages and tools. Objective C, for example, is only used on iOS devices and was not popular until Apple mobile devices became popular, so few programmers know the language. This is the same with Java for Android, even though it is a little more popular, most programmers are not Java programmers. Therefore, the big issue is that 97% of developers in enterprise-size businesses do not yet have mobile programming skills, which is a key reason why app requests are being addressed so slowly.

10 tips to successfully launching your enterprise mobile app

for blogBuilding your enterprise mobile app for iOS, Android and HTML5 using the Snappii Platform is not the only concerns we have for you and your company. We also want to provide you advice to help ensure you effectively are able to market your app and encourage your customers to download and use it.

While I was at Apps World recently, I came across these 9 suggestions by Max Rabinovitc of ComboApp and felt you’d appreciate me sharing them with you.

“Like any other product, applications need the support of solid marketing copy and eye catching visual advertisements. Whether it’s via social media, right on the app store, or anywhere online, these materials are normally the first point of consumer interaction and they need to pique their interest.” Continue reading “10 tips to successfully launching your enterprise mobile app” »

7 Reasons Your Business Needs A Mobile App


for blogWhile the number of SMART phones and Tablets continues to grow, many businesses are still left with the questions, “Does my business really need a mobile app?”

In a recent article on The APP Entrepreneur, Pratek Patel wrote on this specific question and offered these compelling reasons why it is important for your business to develop a unique enterprise mobile app.
Continue reading “7 Reasons Your Business Needs A Mobile App” »

Leilani Fields

I was asked to find a programmer who could build an app for my company. When I was given this task, I thought, ‘well if I’m going to hire someone and oversee them, then I better know what it takes to build an app’. It was then that I stumbled on to Snappii. I was able to build a completely functional app in a matter of hours, and when my President followed up with me the next week regarding my progress with recruiting a programmer, I was able to blow his socks off with this finished product. The time and money that we saved, building our app with Snappii was significant. We are already thinking about Version 2.0. Can you imagine what it would cost me to have a programmer to add new features? With Snappii, I can make any changes I want, as often as I want, for no additional cost. Snappii has made me a superstar at work, and is truly one of the best things that I’ve ever stumbled upon.

Hotels Using Mobile Apps for Better Guest Experiences

for blogA recent article in The New York Times by Jane L. Levere states “Some hotels have begun to expand the definition of concierge to mean more than just a knowledgeable employee.” Among the services hotels are beginning to make available to guests and potential guests through their enterprise mobile mobile business apps are “restaurant tips, flight arrivals and departures and driving directions. Continue reading “Hotels Using Mobile Apps for Better Guest Experiences” »

Healthcare Industry BYOD and Mobile Security

for blogA recent story appeared in Becker”s Hospital Review on Mobile”s Impact on Hospital IT Security in 2013: How Your Institution Can Adapt to BYOD. In the article, written by Bill Ho, President of Biscom, he talks about both the barrage of new regulatory requirements, but also the widespread adoption of mobile technology.
Continue reading “Healthcare Industry BYOD and Mobile Security” »

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