Construction Change Orders and the Easiest Way of Their Generation

Construction Change Orders and the Easiest Way of Their Generation

Construction Change Orders and the Easiest Way of Their GenerationChange orders are an essential tool for contractors and subcontractors. They should clearly define the scope of work and generate detailed contracts with explicit pricing to protect themselves and their business. And if there are any changes to the original project, they need to be not just discussed and agreed verbally, but also documented.

What is a change order?

This way, a change order is a document used to record changes and amendment to the original construction contract. Change orders contain the records of additional services being provided, along with costing for those services. Change orders allow contractors to ensure that both parties are treated fairly. Sometimes, the original construction contract may spell out the specific change order form a contractor should use. Otherwise, if there is not a specific form in the contract, they can generally use any form.

How to make change order process easier and more efficient

Generating change orders is paperwork, and requires data collection, processing and calculations. This activity at the jobsite is a real headache. This way, contractors have to go to the office to complete all documents. However, nowadays there is a solution to add efficiency, speed and agility to the change order process.

Snappii offers ready-made Construction Change Order app to create quick construction change order requests and provide them to selected supervisors for reviews. The app allows users to avoid time consuming paperwork, as well as significantly simplify and accelerate the process. A worker can organize change orders by projects and fill in all necessary details, including information about labor, equipment, parts, construction sites, date and timestamp, as well as upload PDF documents and take pictures. Due to the in-built calculator it is simple to estimate total hours and costs needed to complete a particular project. Moreover, the app users are able to make a list of supervisors, assign orders to them, track supervisor’s feedback and proposed changes in case of rejections. Any order will be securely stored on the mobile device. Construction Change Order app contributes to more accurate and timely data. Change orders can be made right in the field and without visits to office and face to face interactions.

Construction Change Order app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play. Get a visual idea of Construction Change Order app from this video. Contact Snappii for any additional information. We can customize this app to meet any specific needs. Send us your requirements to get a free quote.

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