How to Ensure Synchronization and Proper Management of Multiple Warehouses

How to Ensure Synchronization and Proper Management of Multiple Warehouses

How to Ensure Synchronization and Proper Management of Multiple WarehousesMaintaining stock levels is quite uneasy task many businesses face on a daily basis, and this task is compounded when the inventory is in more than one warehouse.

Why multi-warehouse operation

When a business targets a dynamically growing market, using the space of one warehouse is not enough and shipping the items from a single warehouse may cause shipping delays for customers. Moreover, the availability of multiple warehouses can reduce transportation costs.

The challenges of multi-warehouse approach

Although a multi-warehouse strategy has its advantages, it can also provide some serious challenges. First of all, it’s increased responsibility and control. Also, businesses with multiple warehouses often run into communication issues. Lack of face-to-face interactions and timely data can cause delays and other issues. The presence of multiple warehouses is an increased volume of documentation that must be properly organized and accessible.

The advantages of mobile warehouse management apps

Using the right technology can make management of multiple warehouses easier and more efficient. Special warehouse management apps are able to automate some time-consuming and manual processes, ensure constant communication and timely data. They provide the ability to sync all warehouses and all employees with their mobile devices.

Snappii offers a ready-made warehouse management app, which can become an essential pocket tool right now. Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app allows users to perform a lot of different operations by using tablets and smartphones. Among the features are:

– make warehouse inventories in minutes,

– create supply records,

– track goods that are shipped in and shipped out,

– make quick pick lists,

– store captured information,

– sync data across multiple devices,

– bar code scanner,

– take pictures,

– show locations on a map,

– get custom looking PDF and Excel reports,

– share reports via email and upload to cloud drives.

Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play. Also Snappii team is ready to customize this app to meet any specific needs. The requirements can be sent here.

Snappii is the leading custom app development company. We create powerful, multifunctional apps from scratch in weeks. Snappii has helped thousands of companies in many industries. Learn more and contact us here.

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