Author posts Alex Bakman

Snappii Preview App is now available to download from the Apple AppStore with the newly supported iOS 6 features.

Snappii, a fast growing start up that allows anyone to build mobile mobile business apps without programming, has just announced iOS 6 support for its native mobile business apps created with Snappii WYSIWYG editor.

iOS 6 was released at the same time as iPhone 5 which made developers all over the world scramble to support it. Snappii developers worked quickly to make the Snappii mobile mobile business apps development platform support the new Apple operating system and to take advantage of its new features. The Snappii Preview app which enables customers to see their app work on iPhone or iPad as its being built and tested is the first component to be released by Snappii.

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A Mobile App Development Enterprise

Mobile mobile business apps are not difficult to create even if you have no programming back knowledge. If you can afford yourself to hire a developer that is excellent however you will spend a lot of time and money waiting for your app released. And it won’t be easy to update your app as each time you will have to address programmers and be charged. The real way out for you can be to use online web services like Snappii which allow you not only to make an app but also establish your own app development business. Dozens of mobile business apps can be created in weeks and resold to potential customers. If you own a big company you may take such service into account too as it is a great opportunity to outsource your business and thus expand it. Free up your programmers so that they could work more on back-end and Snappii will take care of your front-end development. Native mobile mobile business apps running on iOS and Android platforms are built with Snappii 30x times faster than developers can do.

Why Enterprises Should Not Use SDKs To Create Mobile Apps

for blogA software development kit (SDK) is typically a set of software development tools that allows to create mobile and not only applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system.

Though frequently used SDK has quite a lot of drawbacks which are listed below

–        SDKs provided by Google and Apple are platform specific
–        They require knowledge of Objective-C and Java… it a skill not every programmer has Continue reading “Why Enterprises Should Not Use SDKs To Create Mobile Apps” »

How Enterprises Can Utilize Existing Programmers To Build Apps

for blogThe enterprise is getting serious about developing and submitting various mobile business mobile business apps. No matter whether the goal of the app is to spread information, sell products and /or services, show business locations, display catalogs, watch videos or push mobile applications as products in themselves, the stable emergence and evolution of mobile platforms have many IT organizations wondering how best to represent their mobile business apps – which devices the mobile business apps should run on, what audience to be focused on and when.
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Enterprise Software Is Becoming Mobile

for blogMobile application development, including the need to extend enterprise applications to mobile devices, is growing in prominence, according to numerous researches. Mobile and tablet applications have become an enormous part of the development landscape.
Hiring developers is not affordable especially for small businesses as it requires tens of thousands of dollars to cover the expenses. Moreover some programmers should be involved in iOS and/or Android mobile business apps development as it requires  knowing various programming skills like Java, JQuery, HTML5, Objective-C and etc. Continue reading “Enterprise Software Is Becoming Mobile” »

The Importance Of Mobility For Modern Businesses

for blogLast year, smart phone shipments beat those of PCs for the first time ever, with 73 million more units being sold. In IBM’s recent CIO study of more than 3,000 CIOs, 75 percent of respondents identified mobile solutions as one of their top priorities. And as CIOs and CMOs begin to partner together to better engage and market to the digital customer, marketing through the mobile channel will continue to become a priority for both discipline.

How Can Anyone Create Mobile Apps

Recently respective analyst group Gartner has published their report on practically all MADP (mobile app development platforms). The most interesting observation is that each listed platform require programmers to handle them. And it seems to become the most difficult issue to be solved as finding appropriate and cost-effective developers is a hard work. In most cases programmers” fees are high and many companies with low budgets just cannot afford hiring these developers. Their way out is to outsource  programming to India or other countries where app development is some times cheaper. However it can give variable results and at last you might spend time and money and get nothing. What is the answer?

How To Establish A Mobile App Business

for blogMany people around need mobile business apps for their businesses. No surprise customers and potential prospects like getting all the information using mobile devices. They spend twice more time surfing the Web from their gadgets than PCs. The main reason is the convenience of use and ability to work wherever you are: in the street, in a bus, in a traffic jam, while eating out or jogging. If you obtain only a website that is a high time to think over the importance of getting mobile versions of it or even mobile mobile business apps. You can find clients who want mobile business apps and create iOS and Android mobile business apps for them. With up-to-date technologies it is really easy. No programming skills are required to enterprise a mobile app development. For example Snappii online app builder allows creating native and HTML5 mobile business apps 30x times faster than any programmer can do. Along with the time frame the cost of services does matter and it will pleasantly surprise you. In difference with hiring programmers you will pay dozen times less. The advantages of web services result in the opportunity to quickly modify and update all mobile business apps which will not be expensive and besides are quick indeed.

How To Start A Mobile App Business

for blogTo create an enterprize mobile app everyone should make sure his/her app will be popular and especially useful for future users. Analyze who,when and how will use the app. One more significant factor is if such or similar mobile business apps already exist. It doesn”t make sense to create again the one which was created and many people already use it. Don”t forget about marketing. Without promoting any mobile app will come into oblivion even being live in the Appstore or Google Play. It can be really important to have an ability to make updates to mobile business apps when it is needed to meet growing needs of businesses or app users. Hiring a developer will cost thousands of dollars and each update will empty one”s pockets for sure.  Continue reading “How To Start A Mobile App Business” »

How To Develop Apps For Mid-Sized Companies

If you have a definite idea for your app and know exactly which platforms it will run on you probably already asked yourself -“how will I make it”? Let”s say you are not a programmer and not going to become a one. There are two ways left then: hiring app developer or using online app builder service. In this blog entry we will filter the advantages of the second method and give the correct answer to the question why online builders are better. To expand one”s business and attract new clients you need a powerful mobile app. The more platforms it will support the better. Don”t forget about web mobile business apps they are popular and besides can be a good alternative to your existing website. The number of people being online from mobile devices is increasing that”s why such an app seems even indispensable not to lose contact with your clients. Let”s list the disadvantages of hiring developers:
Continue reading “How To Develop Apps For Mid-Sized Companies” »

Some Tips On How To Create Profitable Mobile Sites

It is really important to get a mobile optimized website nowadays. The chief reason for this is that mobile devices are becoming a trend today and many people prefer using them to PCs or laptops, hence users spend more time to be online from gadgets. Mobile websites for businesses are already must-have things. When accessing usual sites from iPhones or Android your potential clients will have to scroll and pinch the wording to make it readable. That frankly speaking is not a pleasant thing to do. According to the stats 40% of first time visitors will never come back as they didn”t like their first experience on your site. It is inconvenient and besides takes quite a lot of time while pages are loading. Here are some rules of better user experience of mobile friendly websites: Continue reading “Some Tips On How To Create Profitable Mobile Sites” »

New iPhone 5 Has Come

for blogFinally it has happened. IPhone 5 has been released. Most Apple admirers all over the world are waiting impatiently for Sep. 21. when iPhone sales start in USA. In addition to this country, the new iPhone also goes on sale in Canada, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore on September 21. Let”s review the advantages and updates new device has in difference with its predecessor:

– first of all the latest Apple kid is ligher than iPhone 4 and weighs only 112 grams Continue reading “New iPhone 5 Has Come” »

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