Getting Rid of the Paper

Getting Rid of the Paper

Paper has been a thorn in the business world’s foot for as long as anyone can remember.

Some businesses have begun to wise up to their paper trail, and have developed mobile forms that provide easier data entry, quicker results and even in-depth analytics. A manager can now run their operation right from the palm of their hand without fumbling around for a pencil. They save on the cost of paper, and the time it takes to file it.

If money doesn’t grow on trees, where’s the paper?

Paper is an easy way to cut cost that companies often overlook. Even on a small scale, paper can put a dent in the companies wallet, and that dent only gets bigger the more the company expands. What’s worst is the amount of time it takes to find something after it’s been filed.

Let’s put it into perspective:

 – The average U.S worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper a year. That’s about 20 reams or about $160 per employee.

– Using paper to send information can cost up to 31 times what it originally costs due to things like printing, copying, postage, storage, etc…

– Cabinets are inefficient and hard to index

In other words, paper is probably hurting a lot more than helping.

Eliminating the paper

Most papers around the business, whether it’s an auto-repair shop or a hospital, are forms. Businesses revolve around recording data and inputting it into a database. Mobile forms work by eliminating the middleman – data entered through your smartphone goes directly to where and who you want.

Is it expensive? Traditionally, smartphone apps take a lot of money to produce. Hiring a coder and programmer can quickly become costly, and can even turn into something you weren’t expecting (in a bad way).

To combat this, more companies are turning to rapid-development mobile solutions like Snappii to create forms. Snappii simplified the process to just a few steps:

  1. Re-create your form on our drag-and-drop form editor
  2. Set where you would like finished mobile forms to go
  3. Download Snappii’s preview app and login with your credentials
  4. Fill the form as you would normally and click send!

You can also upload your form and Snappii’s app builders will convert your first form into an app at no cost. Try it out!

Building your own form can be a bit daunting. That’s why Snappii has worked with countless industries to provide a form template for nearly every occasion. Check out our extensive catalog today, and see how easy it is to transform your business (in a good way).

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