Author posts Daria Ivantsova

Energy Apps and Their Benefits for Utilities Companies

Energy Apps and Their Benefits for Utilities CompaniesPaige Leuschner, a co-author of the brief Energy Apps for Residential Customers and an energy research associate for Navigant Research, when talking about the benefits of energy management apps, divides them into 3 categories: “consumer applications, prosumer applications and utility engagement applications”. Continue reading “Energy Apps and Their Benefits for Utilities Companies” »

How to Easily and Legally Track Employees’ Working Hours

How to Easily and Legally Track Employees' Working HoursTracking employees’ working hours is not so simple process. Moreover, entrepreneurs must not violate personal rights and take into account the different legal issues. Modern mobile solutions greatly simplify this process and make it more convenient however the usage of mobile apps in tracking is accompanied by some nuances. Continue reading “How to Easily and Legally Track Employees’ Working Hours” »

Snappii Offers a New Mobile Solution for Political Candidates

Snappii Offers a New Mobile Solution for Political Candidates Today the main way for politicians to reach their publics is mass media. Recently, one more solution has been added to TV, radio and press – mobile apps, which allow them to stay mobile, flexible, well-informed, always connected, and have a better understanding of voter sentiment. Snappii, a rapid mobile business app Continue reading “Snappii Offers a New Mobile Solution for Political Candidates” »

Improve Vehicle Inspections with Special Mobile Apps

Improve Vehicle Inspections with Special Mobile AppsMany industries are associated with cargo transportation. To support this process in the proper form and to follow all the rules and regulations, the vehicle needs constant inspections. Drivewyze’s CEO Brian Heath states that “federal regulators anticipate that the freight volume handled by trucks will increase 60% by 2040”. This is going to place an Continue reading “Improve Vehicle Inspections with Special Mobile Apps” »

Mobile Solutions for Food Safety Inspections

Mobile Solutions for Food Safety InspectionsFood safety, handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness, is a top priority in any food facility. Traditionally, food safety inspections have been conducted with paper forms and clipboards and all the data has been written by hand and formalized into various reports. Not Continue reading “Mobile Solutions for Food Safety Inspections” »

Google Will Help You Find the Best Business App

Google Will Help You Find the Best Business App Google Play Store is a unique repository of Android operating system applications, and its download rates are higher than those of iOS App Store. Speaking about business direction in mobile apps environment, Rahul Sood, Managing Director, Google Apps for Work, noted, “Today, more than 2 million Continue reading “Google Will Help You Find the Best Business App” »

Predictions of Strategy Analytics for App Developers

iphone-933434_1920Strategy Analytics, a research and analytical firm specializing in technology, published a report with some interesting predictions for mobile app development environment. The report asserts, “While Apple’s App Store continues to generate billions for developers, the companies benefitting continue to change Continue reading “Predictions of Strategy Analytics for App Developers” »

The Collective App Economy

The Collective App EconomyAccording to Forrester, over $600 billion is spent on enterprise software each year. Speaking ahead of the Gartner Application Architecture, Development and Integration Summit in Sydney on 20-21st of July, Gartner’s principal research analyst Adrian Leow said, “Organizations increasingly find it difficult to be Continue reading “The Collective App Economy” »

What You Need to Be a Successful Contractor

What You Need to Be a Successful ContractorWhat does it take to be a successful contractor? Matt Michel, Chief Executive Officer of The Service Roundtable, outlines 17 separate characteristics of a successful contractor. He says that it’s the rare individual who possesses all, but all successful contractors possess most. In today’s blog post, we are sharing some of these characteristics. Continue reading “What You Need to Be a Successful Contractor” »

Mobile App Benefits for Your Restaurant

Mobile App Benefits for Your RestaurantNowadays more and more customers are glued to their smartphones and practically never let them out of their sight. Not surprisingly, these days these mobile apps offer numerous benefits to businesses. In today’s blog, we will talk specifically about restaurant mobile apps as their popularity is extremely high in modern life. Continue reading “Mobile App Benefits for Your Restaurant” »

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