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3 Key Principles of Business App Conceptualization and Development

for blogToday, businesses of all sizes are adopting mobile apps for both consumers (60%) and employees (56%) (Afshar, V. and Kafel, A.). This is not surprising since most entrepreneurs now understand that business applications help to optimize workflow, bring more customers and clients, and save time. (The survey Continue reading “3 Key Principles of Business App Conceptualization and Development” »

Gartner’s Predictions about the Demand for Mobile Applications

for blogGartner, the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, predicts that by the end of 2017 the demand for mobile app development will be five times greater than the capacity of IT teams within organizations to deliver them.  In addition, Gartner estimates that mobile phone sales will reach 2.1 billion units by 2019, thereby increasing the demand for high-performance and usability enterprise applications. Continue reading “Gartner’s Predictions about the Demand for Mobile Applications” »

The Driving Force of App Development

for blogWe are living in mobile technology era. In the U.S.  171.5 million people (71%) own mobile devices. Millennials are one of the largest population segments in the U. S., and they are much more engaged with technology than their slightly older peers. According to statistics, 85% of 18-24 year olds own smartphones and spend an average of 37 hours and six minutes a month on apps. Continue reading “The Driving Force of App Development” »

Lack of Coding Experience is No Longer a Problem

for blogThe app market has been swamped by a new generation of app makers who have no experience in coding. All of them have already proved that the lack of coding skills doesn’t interfere with the chances of offering their apps in app stores. In fact, new app building tools can turn anyone into an app builder. The leading analytics firm Gartner believes that the future of app development belongs to such builders and calls them “citizen developers”.  Here are some successful stories from non-programmers. Continue reading “Lack of Coding Experience is No Longer a Problem” »

Mobile Apps Transform GPS-technology Usage

for blogToday, there are more than 3.3 million jobs that rely on GPS technology, including approximately 130,000 jobs in GPS manufacturing industries and 3.2 million in the downstream commercial GPS-intensive industries (“The Economic Benefits of Commercial GPS Use in the U.S. and The Costs of Potential Disruption” by NDP Consulting Group). GPS Continue reading “Mobile Apps Transform GPS-technology Usage” »

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