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Use your Mobile Phone to Create Professional Job Estimates

Are you ready to streamline your job estimate process?

Are you tired of going back and forth on job estimates and signing documents for your clients? Are you finding that the manual process of creating job estimates is costing you time and money? If so, you’re not alone.

Fortunately, with the help of a mobile app, creating job estimates has never been easier. Mobile apps make it possible to generate professional pdfs for your clients with digital signatures built in. Plus, many apps have built-in calculators so that all you need to do is input the necessary information, and the calculations are done for you.

Best of all, many mobile apps can convert a job estimate or work order into an invoice with just one click — saving time and money while streamlining your entire process.

So if you’re looking to save time on trips to your clients as well as manual document preparation — look no further than a mobile app for creating job estimates! Your business will thank you!

Snappii has created its Job Estimates & Invoices mobile app to provide professional Estimates, Work Orders and Invoices in minutes.

The Job Estimates & Invoices app allows contractors, service companies, salespeople and estimators to quickly create project estimates, work orders and invoices that cover company’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all parts that are necessary. The forms will also do all the calculations, so once all the data is entered in, the user can show a customer the total estimated cost in labor, parts, and the grand total.

Add your company info to appear on all the estimates, work orders and invoices automatically.

Additionally, the app allows users to track time and expenses spent on a particular project or client. The Job Estimates & Invoices app from Snappii is an ideal assistant to look professional to your clients. Create estimates in PDF and turn them into invoices with a click of a button just with the help of your mobile device. Download the app for free from the Apple and Google stores.

Create professional estimates, invoices and work orders in minutes

Project managers need to provide job estimates quickly enough but also be accurate while making estimates. Usually, customers request project estimates from different companies and then decide based on speed, accuracy, and professionalism.

It really doesn’t take much effort to look professional to your clients these days. Provide good-looking project estimates to your clients that are transparent on cost and clear on the job to be done. If the customer is satisfied with the estimate, convert it to an Invoice easily. Snappii has created a mobile app that makes this process fast and efficient. The Job Estimates & Invoices app is available for free download from the Apple and Google stores and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a business.

The Job Estimates & Invoices app has an easy-to-navigate tab that allows you to instantly switch from Estimates and Invoices to Work orders.

The Job Estimates & Invoices app allows contractors, service companies, salespeople, and estimators to quickly create project estimates, work orders, and invoices that cover the company’s information, work description, labor hours, and rates as well as all parts that are necessary. The forms will also do all the calculations, so once all the data is entered in, the user can show a customer the total estimated cost in labor, parts, and the grand total.

Add your company info to appear on all the estimates, work orders, and invoices automatically.
Additionally, the app allows users to track time and expenses spent on a particular project or client.

The app is very easy to use. You can import clients from the address book or Excel file. No need to type! Use speech to text feature. Preview the Estimate, Work order, or Invoice prior to sending it to the client.

The Job Estimates & Invoices app is available for free download from the Apple and Google stores and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a business.

We invite you to join the Job Estimates & Invoices app demo on July 28, 10 AM EDT. Join here.

Estimation Techniques and Updated Job Estimator App for Fast Estimations in the Field

One of the most important parts of the project

Estimation is an extremely important part of dealing with any project. Poor estimation can blow a project budget and extend timelines, frustrating clients and the team. Therefore, due attention should be paid to this process.

There are the following estimation techniques:

– Top-Down Estimation. Businesses usually use this technique early in a project. The essence of top-down estimation is in determining the project budget first and then dividing it up between different stages or tasks. This is a quite suitable estimation technique for small projects that allows project managers to let a client know whether their budget will work for the project and specific tasks. However, it is not accurate and it is mostly based on the assumption. The top-down estimation technique also doesn’t account for possible changes in the project and the budget.

– Bottom-Up Estimation. In the bottom-up estimation technique, each part is estimated individually and then summed up to determine the total cost of the project. It is the most accurate estimation due to a lot more information about the project on hand and a full understanding of the requirements. This technique is suitable when the scope and components of a project are clear. Among its disadvantages are the time-consuming and requirement of a quite huge effort and resources to get such amount of information.

– Analogous Estimation. With this technique, the budget of the new project is based on the previous one. However, it works if the previous and new projects are similar. It is a great approach when all the manager need is a rough number. Analogous estimation is fast and doesn’t require a ton of information. However, it is worth remembering about the risks and a large share of inaccuracy.

– Three Point Estimation. This technique involves taking an average of three scenarios of estimation: best case, worst case, and most likely. Managers can adjust a special formula for such an estimation process. This technique takes more time and some specific knowledge but delivers a more accurate estimate.

A solution to optimize estimations in the field

Snappii understands that accurate estimations set the stage for a thriving business. Therefore, we have created the Job Estimator app to generate professional estimates in minutes without paperwork. The app provides the pre-made mobile estimation form, automatically makes all calculations, allows users to generate and send reports, and more. You can find more detailed information about the Job Estimator app here. Moreover, there is a short video demonstrating how it works. Recently we have updated the app with some new features.

1. All the jobs, tasks, items, and equipment are now automatically saved from all the forms for future usage

2. Users can choose between hourly rate and sq ft rate

3. The time spent and items costs on a project are summed up when generating an invoice

4. Increased number of lines for the equipment table

5. Currency selection

Hurry up to download the Job Estimator app in App Store or Google Play and try these updates. Also, feel free to send us your feedback.

Improved Estimation Process with Updated Job Estimator App

Improved Estimation Process with Updated Job Estimator AppFor project managers, accurate estimates are a core for effective project planning and execution. Without proper estimating of duration, costs, resources, risks, etc. managers can’t make timely and efficient decisions. There are typical events that may impact the validity of estimates. Here are some of them:

– poor definition of work scope,

– lack of information,

– inflated optimism and bias,

– poor risk management,

– and more.

There is no more room for paperwork in the estimation process

To make accurate estimates managers need a constant flow of timely data. Moreover, the estimation process should not be complicated by time-consuming paperwork. That’s why special mobile solutions for estimations are extremely common today. Many companies offer ready-made estimation apps to use on-the-go. Such apps allow managers to always work with timely data without any paperwork and look more professional in front of clients.

The Job Estimator app from Snappii is a real godsend to generate professional job estimates in minutes and provide them to clients. The pre-made mobile estimation form can be filled in in a few clicks. The app automatically makes all calculations. Here you can learn how the Job Estimator app works in more detail. Also, we created a short demo video to show you the app in action.

On the way to improvement

Recently the Job Estimator app has been updated with some new functions. Here they are:

– Increased number of lines for the equipment table.

– All jobs, tasks, items, and equipment are now automatically saved from all the forms for future usage.

– The app users can choose between hourly rate and sq ft rate.

– The time spent and project items costs are summed up when generating the invoice.

– The app users can edit and delete client info.

Try the Job Estimator app with these new features right now. Download it in Apple App Store or Google Play.

The Snappii team is ready to consider the possibility of customizing this app for your specific needs. Contact us here to discuss.

Win Better Field Service Business with Mobile Apps for Estimating and Quoting

Win Better Field Service Business with Mobile Apps for Estimating and QuotingModern mobile solutions and extension of coverage

Mobile solutions provide huge opportunities for modern field service. Many field service providers successfully use efficient mobile apps to coordinate and sync their field activities, as well as manage documentation. Mobile technology is developing at an amazing rate and now mobile apps offer quite unique features. Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory company, predicts that 75% of field service organizations with over 50 users will deploy mobile apps that go beyond simplified data collection and add capabilities that help technicians succeed. Now mobile apps can affect so many different areas of service delivery for the better.

Why mobile apps for estimating and quoting

Regardless of the nature of the job, field service operation starts with estimating and quoting. Special mobile apps can help adjust estimates faster and more accurately, instantly provide quotes and be more organized in front of customers. Moreover, such apps allow users to efficiently manage business assets, monitor sales and service performance and save money.

Smart and multifunctional Job Estimator app

With so many field service companies still not on board with mobile apps for estimating and quoting, it’s the perfect time to get in front of the competition and start to change these processes into automated ones. Snappii offers a powerful, ready-made app for simple estimate creation right in the field. Job Estimator app allows users to collect company’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all parts that are necessary. All the calculations are made automatically, so the user can instantly show a customer the estimated cost in labor, parts, and the totals. There are a speech to text feature and an ability to import clients from the address book or Excel file. Also Job Estimator app allows users to preview the estimate as a PDF prior to sending it to the client. The estimate can be sent via texting or email.

You can download Job Estimator app in Apple AppStore and Google Play. If you need any customization of the app, Snappii team is ready to learn your requirements. Send them here.

3 Business Processes that Can Be Automated and Improved With Mobile Solutions

3 Business Processes that Can Be Automated and Improved With Mobile SolutionsAutomation plays an important role for modern businesses and helps stay competitive and successful. Mobile business apps are an active business partner and here are the major processes that can be improved with them.

Work orders

A simplified process of creation and sending work orders improves workforce and workflow management, as well as increases business efficiency. Business apps for work orders allow users to do this operation in a few clicks on any mobile device right in the field. This significantly saves time and efforts. Snappii offers ready-made Work Order Assigner app to quickly generate and assign work orders to various technicians, contractors, etc. An assigner can provide details and time frames, and track progress. An assignee can login into the app and see the tasks, as well as notify managers when they are completed. Work Order Assigner app is available in both stores: App Store and Google Play.

Estimates and invoicing

Whether you are a roofer, electrician, technician, contractor, inspector or any other professional, mobile business apps can help you save time on estimates and win more projects. Mobile apps for estimates and invoicing streamline these operations and allow avoiding time-consuming paperwork and constant visits to the office. Also, on-site estimates and invoices can be more accurate. There are Job Estimator and Invoice Assistant apps from Snappii. The first one is the best pocket tool to make professional estimates in minutes. The invoicing app allows users to create professional-looking invoices right in the field and attract more deals.

Daily reporting

Mobile business apps significantly simplify and improve monitoring of daily activities and the progress. Daily reporting through mobile apps contributes to more timely decision making and changes. It is the most convenient and safe way to keep everything under control. Moreover, daily report apps free field technicians from hated and inconvenient paperwork. Snappii offers Construction Daily Log app, which is the #1 for fast and easy daily reporting. The convenient one-page collapsed form, voice-to-text feature, instant PDF reports and more. Also, there are many other reporting apps from Snappii, which cover any industry and field of activity.

Effective solutions to improve your business

Visit the gallery and find all our major ready-made apps, most of which are customizable to any specific needs. Snappii team struggles to understand and assess modern business needs and provide the best mobile solutions. If you have any ideas to improve your operations, we are happy to discuss and bring them to life.

Save Time on Estimating and Win More Jobs with Job Estimator App

Save Time on Estimating and Win More Jobs with Job Estimator AppUnreliable and untimely estimates can have enormous negative impacts on projects, organizations and individuals. They can lead to a failure to deliver and a lack of confidence among leadership, customers, and stakeholders. That’s why most companies today move to special mobile apps for estimation, invoicing and billing.

Simple estimate creation right in the field

Most estimates are done out in the field, but going back to the office to finalize and send them slows down the work and could cost you the deal and even the job. Snappii offers Job Estimator app to make all necessary estimates, generate and send reports right on a mobile device anywhere. The app is a perfect tool for contractors, service companies, sales people and individual estimators. It covers company’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all parts that are necessary.

Job Estimator app 2.0

Now we present the updated version 2.0 of Job Estimator app to save more time on estimating and billing the customers. The app is very easy to use. You can import clients from the address book or Excel file. The in-built form will do all the calculations, so once all the data is entered in, the user can show a customer the total estimated cost in labor, parts, and the grand total. No need to type. There is a speech to text feature. Also Job Estimator app allows users to preview the estimate as a PDF prior to sending it to the client. The estimate can be sent via texting or email. You can find sent estimates quickly.

Job Estimator app 2.0

Streamline estimate process and business efficiency

Creating estimates on the spot helps win more deals. And improving of data accuracy helps avoid mistakes and penalties. Job Estimator app is the best way to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. Don’t waste the time and download Job Estimator app right now: for iOS devices and for Android devices. Snappii team is able to customize this app specifically for your needs. Send us your requirements to discuss.

How to Reduce Face to Face Integration and Meetings in Construction

The Operations You Can Do Remotely with Mobile Forms and AppsIt is a matter of time before the effects of COVID-19/coronavirus spread to the construction industry’s current and future projects. However there is a solution to avoid this. Work remotely, using your mobile device! Snappii allows its users to limit office visits, face to face integrations and group meetings, while continue usual operations and prevent project stagnation.

Daily reporting

A lot of various details of how the job and project are progressing are consisted on the daily reporting. Daily reports are an integral part of construction business and we should primarily figure out how to make this process remote.

Snappii offers Construction Daily Log app to create professional daily reports anytime and anywhere. The app allows foremen, superintendents, project managers and others to fill in a one-page collapsed form or use mic and speak into it, attach pictures and photos, add signatures and locations, etc. Construction Daily Log app includes contractor details, site information, work performed, subcontractor progress, issues and punch lists, reasons for delays, additional work or change requests, materials purchased and received, labor and travel hours and more. The app captures weather conditions, locations, date and time, amount of labor performed and other field related information. It is the best solution to avoid constant visits to the office.

Timesheets and tracking

Snappii’s timesheet apps allow the whole team always to stay on task. Managers are able to create timesheets with minimum intersection of workers, make instant replacement and changes. They can track the workflow and the workforce remotely and instantly notify the workers.

Timesheet Manager app is specifically designed to easily track working hours of employees. The app allows users to create projects and assign employees to each project. Punch In/Out Timesheet app provides even more features. Users punch in and out on their mobile devices, optionally add breaks and details, generate professional looking PDF and Excel time cards and send them to the management or accounting.  Managers can analyze time spent on projects with the dashboard. Both timesheet apps are customizable to meet any personal needs.


Mobile estimation apps are the best way to create quick estimates and win more projects and get more profit. Job Estimator app from Snappii allows users to provide detailed information about projects and work completed by construction companies, contractors and service organizations. It keeps track of basic data, specific details of the job and its progress statuses by creating estimates to completion reports. Job Estimator app contributes to more proposals from the clients, improves customer satisfaction, helps avoid penalties, saves time and money.


With inspection apps, specialists can continue to conduct inspections, but without having to visit the office with reports. Use Inspect Anything app at your smartphone and create full-length inspection reports with photos, drawings, signatures, QR codes, barcodes, and locations. Created reports are stored locally on your device and always available for sharing or printing.

Work orders and change orders

Change orders are time-consuming to operate with. However now anyone can optimize change orders with special app. Snappii offers Construction Change Order app. Easily and quickly create mobile change orders right on your smartphone and send them. Read more about this app here.

Digital format allows users to create, process, assign, track and report work orders right at any location and share them. The right information at the right time just in a few clicks. Work Order Assigner app is specifically designed by Snappii to easily create tasks and assign them to particular employees, provide details and time frames. After any task is assigned the assignee can login into the app using his/her credentials and see it, once it is completed assignee can add notes about it, which will become immediately available to the manager. With Work Order Assigner app, employees can operate remotely or from different locations.


Save yourself the need to constantly go to the warehouses to check on the goods. Track them with Inventory Anything app from Snappii. Also you can track a heavy equipment fleet with Heavy Equipment Inventory app. Remember that we can customize most of our Snappii apps.

Convert paper forms to mobile analogue

With Snappii you can convert any forms you use to mobile forms. Daily reports, various inspections, job estimates, invoices, work orders, inventories, timesheets and more. Fill out mobile forms using Snappii Mobile Forms app. Upload your forms right now and we will convert them for you.

Snappii will help minimize the negative impact of the Coronavirus to any business. Take care of yourself and entrust us with part of your worries.

Send Professional Quotes Out Quicker and Win More Deals

Optimized quoting means winning more deals and building your customer base. Creating estimates and quotes has traditionally been a slow and painful process for businesses, especially field services. Creating estimates on site and driving back to the office to finalize and get a quote is highly inefficient. Modern mobile software for estimate and quote generation and management has changed the process and allows businesses to significantly improve accuracy and profitability.

Professional-looking estimates are at your fingertips to get instant quotes

Estimate apps enable the users to quickly create professional-looking estimates out in the field and send them to the office to instantly get the quotes. The estimates and quotes are always available on the mobile devices in multiple file formats for reporting, printing when needed and easily sharing through multiple channels.

Look professional for your customers and become more successful

Leave a great, professional impression thanks to powerful estimate apps. Handwritten estimates can be hard to read and lead to misunderstandings, errors and delays. Mobile estimates are much more accurate. Estimate apps allow workers to capture the customer signature on their mobile device, and thereby accelerate the quoting process.  This way, the speed means more productivity, more success and it creates an attractive image.

The best app for quick estimates on the go

Snappii, a mobile business solution provider, helps various businesses become more optimized, profitable and successful. We cover different industries and make usual work operations easier and quicker. What about estimation and quoting process, Snappii offers a Job Estimator app, which is the best pocket assistant for field workers. Among the main features of the app are:

– the ability to collect and provide detailed information about projects and work completed,

– the ability to create project estimates that cover company’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all parts that are necessary,

– the ability to keep track of basic data, specific details of the job and its progress statuses,

– the ability to make calculations,

– the ability to report about the results of the completed work or project via professional report in a PDF or Excel formats,

– the ability to sync collected data across multiple devices,

– the ability to work in online/offline mode.

Download Job Estimator app, try it and get even more advantages.

More solutions from Snappii

Snappii offers a unique solution of customization the ready-made apps. We can modify Job Estimator app to meet your personal needs. For example, we can add your own estimate forms to streamline your workflow. App customization is the best way to get more for a small fee. You just need to send us your requirements and ideas.

However, if you want your personal business app, created from scratch, Snappii team is also ready to help you. Contact us to discuss this at

Leave the bad customer service to your competitors and move to the next level with fast mobile estimating and quoting. Win more deals and increase the revenue. Start it right today with Snappii!

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