Today more and more companies step away from paper work preferring to store data on clouds and servers. Insurance companies are not an exception. Insurance adjusters have to perform a lot of activities besides their direct responsibilities. Whichever way you look at it, they have to fill out piles of paper forms. The need to send reports from anywhere and submit data for an incident urges Insurance companies to change their practice from physically attending the place of the incident to releasing a mobile app and saving both time and money. The benefits are obvious: Continue reading “How Insurance Agencies can Replace paper forms with Mobile apps” »
Author posts Alex Bakman
Why Oil and Gas Industries Should Go Mobile
Today we will continue reviewing a mobile approach in two huge industries such as oil and gas fields. In our last post we discussed abundance of paper usage in both industries and how this problem could be eliminated. But a digital form is not the only solution available to simplify the business process for employees here. There are other powerful features which can be utilized together with electronic forms such as GPS, Web Services Integration, connection with backend systems and etc. In our today’s post we will try to answer the question why oil and gas industries need a custom native app solution and what opportunities can be expected here in the nearest future. Continue reading “Why Oil and Gas Industries Should Go Mobile” »
Advantages Of Having Mobile App For Logistics Industry
Today’s rapid and vast development of mobile commerce has a profound influence on the transportation and logistics industry. With the proliferation of mobile applications and technology, logistics companies and their customers are quickly adopting this new way of accessing real-time information, enhancing supply chain functionality, optimizing results and increasing efficiency. Lots of transportation companies are striving to provide their customers with a mobile solution. Nowadays, having a nice looking and feature-rich mobile app becomes an indicator of a stable, successful and sophisticated company. Continue reading “Advantages Of Having Mobile App For Logistics Industry” »
How Airplanes Crews Can Benefit From Mobile Applications
In our previous blog devoted to airlines industry we discussed mobilizing pilot cockpits with applications. Today, we’ll continue investigating the topic.
When talking about mobile mobile business apps for airlines, the first thing that crosses our minds is airlines and airports information, booking tickets and hotels in the area, transportation information, access to travel itineraries, flight delay details and so on. Thus, we imagine some customer-side mobile application all major airlines have today. Such an app is designed to make lives of people traveling by airplanes easier and much more comfortable allowing them to take all the advantages of mobile devices comparing with computers and even ticket offices. So, customers should feel quite satisfied with mobile airlines services. But what about those, who work in the airlines industry and do not really need booking and buying tickets? Let’s view the problem from the side of pilots, flight attendants and other crew members. Continue reading “How Airplanes Crews Can Benefit From Mobile Applications” »
Why Oil&Gas Industries Need Mobile Apps
Mobile technology is playing more and more significant role in our lives. Even industries which are not tightly combined with up-to-date technologies today are really wanting to involve into a mobile world. Oil and gas industries are not the exceptions. Taking into account that the above industries suppose in-field activities having a mobile app is a must-have for them. A lot of in-field businesses suffer from tons of paper forms they need to fill out and handle daily. That is time consuming and not convenient as paper can be easily damaged, lost that will mean both time and money wasting. We are living in the 21st century when it is a high time to think about forests preservation and digital forms is the best alternative ever. Using digital forms will not only eliminate paper usage but make the whole work process easier and more straight forward. That is thousand times more user friendly to have all necessary forms and documentation on one device and have 24/7 access to them than trying to sort out piles of paper which are just increasing all the time. Using mobile devices and tablets it is really simple to share, deliver and handle big amounts of data. Continue reading “Why Oil&Gas Industries Need Mobile Apps” »
Why Insurance Agencies need a mobile app
Insurance companies require a customer oriented approach that guarantees quick response to rapidly changing life conditions. Competition among insurance companies is intense so they must be fully equipped with modern technologies to remain competitive. Mobile mobile business apps are a must-have means to not only show contact information, but also involve clients in the complete insurance process allowing them to calculate insurance rates, order quotes and get feedback quickly. Continue reading “Why Insurance Agencies need a mobile app” »
SnAPPii makes it easy for customers to organize data inside their apps
As the time goes by, Snappii keeps growing and accumulating more and more user experience and receiving lots of feedback from its customers. Practice shows that most mobile business apps that are created operate various data. Snappii customers want to show different lists, categorize data, split it into groups, and that makes Snappii Development Team think that from a user perspective it would be great to add the ability to have easy access to any data, instead of looking through every entry. Continue reading “SnAPPii makes it easy for customers to organize data inside their apps” »
California Travel Guide
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state and the third most extensive. It is home to the nation’s second- and sixth-largest census statistical areas (Los Angeles Metropolitan Area and San Francisco Bay Area, respectively), and eight of the nation’s fifty most populated cities.