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Why Mining Industry Needs Mobile Technologies

for blogToday, mobile technology has penetrated almost in every major industry, and mining is no exception. Those changes that new mobile technologies bring to this industry should be perceived as the opportunity to improve and grow the industry.

Julie Tregurtha, the head of database and technology and mobility sales for Continue reading “Why Mining Industry Needs Mobile Technologies” »

Snappii Offers OSHA Case Reporting App


There are many industries where workers face daily risks. That is why it’s so surprising that” until 1970, no uniform and comprehensive requirements existed for workplace safety and their protection against health hazards.

In 1979, the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed by a bipartisan Congress “…to assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the Nation safe and healthful working conditions to preserve our human resources.” Under the Act, the Occupational Safety and Health administration (OSHA) was created within the Department of Labor. OSHA’s mission is to “assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting Continue reading “Snappii Offers OSHA Case Reporting App” »

Top Information about the Need for User Research in Mobile App Development

for blogUser research, which can also predict the future of an app, is an important part of the app development process since users is a top priority in the process of creating an application.

Their response is a key indicator. This way, smart entrepreneurs and developers have long been investing into a thorough study of the intended Continue reading “Top Information about the Need for User Research in Mobile App Development” »

4 Top Tips to Avoid App Store Rejection

for blogAfter all the hard work and time you put into your mobile application development, it would be a big blow to get a rejection from the App Store. But if Apple rejects your application, it’s not the end of the world. It is extremely rare you have to start the job from the beginning. In most cases, your application requires just small fixes and revision. This way, before you start your work, make Continue reading “4 Top Tips to Avoid App Store Rejection” »

4 Surprising Results of B2B SaaS

for blogToday we are experiencing a turning point in the evolution of B2B SaaS. But before we go further, we should probably first clarify these two terms. Business-to-business (B2B) is commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. And software as a service (SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is Continue reading “4 Surprising Results of B2B SaaS” »

Construction Manager App as a Great Helper on Construction Projects

for blogMost construction activity takes place outdoors. Keeping track of construction teams, a workflow, working hours and other processes require great responsibility, flexibility and speed. Obviously, any construction manager needs a good helper. So what if you can get all necessary help just using your mobile device? Mobile construction apps Continue reading “Construction Manager App as a Great Helper on Construction Projects” »

Android Users Will Have an Opportunity to Get a Small Taste of Apple’s Software

for blog6 months ago, Apple acquired the subscription music service Beats Music.  Now Apple is working to launch a new music service that will be entirely Apple-designed but will leverage Beats’ technologies and music content. Multiple sources, including the music industry, have provided the first details for the new service. Continue reading “Android Users Will Have an Opportunity to Get a Small Taste of Apple’s Software” »

What to Expect from the Construction Industry This Year

for blogA number of challenges are predicted for the construction industry in 2015, but they will be different from the problems that workers of this industry faced last year.  After a difficult start in 2014, the construction industry is now being restored, gradually adapting to new techniques and technologies. That said, Continue reading “What to Expect from the Construction Industry This Year” »

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