Author posts Alex Bakman

Top 9 business apps for productivity

 for blogProductivity is an average measure of the efficiency of production. It can be expressed as the ratio of output to inputs used in the production process, i.e. output per unit of input.

Productivity is a crucial factor in production performance of firms and nations. Increasing national productivity can raise living standards because more real income improves people’s ability to purchase goods and services, enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and environmental Continue reading “Top 9 business apps for productivity” »

How to win the trust at work?

for blogThe word “trust” is very popular nowadays, especially in business. The workplace trust is the main thing in increasing employees culture and work efficiency.

Of course trust at work begins from the leader. If the employee understands that the director is worth to trust, he becomes more trustful himself. So it`s a big pleasure to have friendly relations with a company team or a boss. Continue reading “How to win the trust at work?” »

Three types of workers: whose life is more successful?

for blogThe development of high technology allows people to be available at work 24/7. On one hand it`s very good for employee`s productivity, from another it has some disadvantages.

Due to the recent Gallup company research, more than one-third frequently check work email after business hours. It means that people continue to work after a working day. About 96% have access to a laptop, smartphone or tablet. 2/3 Americans say that the most part of their work they do ‘’outside’’. So their working time increases or even can reach 24 hours. This is the result of mobile technology. Continue reading “Three types of workers: whose life is more successful?” »

How to make your business mobile

for blogNowadays there are more than 5 billion mobile users. It doesn`t matter what business you have, there is no doubt that you`ll have to make it mobile. Especially, considering that most people around the world still haven’t made the transition to smartphones, this growth isn`t going to stop. Mobile technologies change not only our social life but also the way we work and live.
It`s rather easy to convince that your Continue reading “How to make your business mobile” »

Sky safety: a chance to land

for blogTel Aviv is a rather dangerous place to fly into, these days. Should Canadian, American and European airlines avoid this place, or should they continue flying there? There is a problem of safety. Commercial aircrafts have a real risk; the cause of it is the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians along the Gaza-Israel.
But what to do? To fly or not to fly? How much is risk? A spokesman for American Airways was quoted as Continue reading “Sky safety: a chance to land” »

Apple breaking news

for blogOur world is full of changes. But it`s hard to imagine that rather constant things can have radical changes. Sometimes these changes are good, but sometimes not. One thing is certain- changes are inevitable. One of them is recently announced leaving from world famous Apple Inc.

Some weeks ago an 18-year veteran of a famous global company, Apple Continue reading “Apple breaking news” »

22 famous quotes for the beginners

for blogWe live in the era of high technology and it`s difficult to surprise somebody with the latest device or a new tablet. Even paper and pens go into the past; people lead their business with the help of one button click. It`s rather easy to build own business, but it`s hard to held it on market. If you think to start your own business you should overthink how to make it needed, it will be also useful to learn Continue reading “22 famous quotes for the beginners” »

Do you know your customers well?

for blogIt`s a rather interesting business process if you have to communicate with customers or clients. But when does this communication start?

Everything that you do for your business earlier or later will lead to a better communication with a customer. Every process must be turned to client`s needs and goals. It`s one of the key to success. You should know your customer well. Continue reading “Do you know your customers well?” »

Go Ahead. Give Your Mobile Developer Walking Papers!

for blogToday’s smartest businesses are harnessing mobile, and for too many companies that means employing mobile developers to build custom mobile business apps. In the early days of mobile, this made a lot of sense.
Many of these mobile business apps more than paid for themselves, despite what was often a high cost. An average custom app can start at $50,000 and easily triple depending on complexity.
Fortunately mobile software development is undergoing a radical revolution, programming without programming. The best modern software development techniques are now being aimed at mobile devices; making it so easy to build an app even the average business person can do it.
In this piece, we’ll examine what you can do, what Continue reading “Go Ahead. Give Your Mobile Developer Walking Papers!” »

Are you ready for business?

for blogYou want to start your own business but don`t know how? At first you should think a little and try single out some points to understand that you are ready for it.

You should have a good motivation and certainly know how to start. It`s really difficult to see the goal when you don`t see the start line and nobody says that. You should decide and overthink it only yourself. Mind that successful businessmen are always independent, resourceful and don`t need someone to help them. Continue reading “Are you ready for business?” »

Are we coming to an end of paper?

for blogForest gives us plenty of paper non-stop every day. It seems that paper never ends. We go to a shop, buy a new batch of paper, write, send and dispose it. Several years ago the usage of paper was much more often. But think…we read news at the beginning of the working day, books in metro, send reports, receipts and emails on mobile devices. There is an era of high technology; the paper usage will not be worth it in several years or even months. Continue reading “Are we coming to an end of paper?” »

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