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Mobile Business Apps for Different Industries

Mobile Business Apps for Different IndustriesTechnology has been playing a vital role in the businesses World in today’s market, one of the most important innovations and the newest addition to the market which is said to offer maximum benefits to different industries, of the recent past is Mobile Application Development. Smartphones have exposed and created a great shift on how we can easily access and share data or information on our phones; almost all workers and customers are using smartphones for their work, which enables even the most difficult and stressful task easier.

Why any business needs an app

Whether you’re a startup or an established business, you would need to promote your business to have potential buyers or customers need to achieve sales and profits targeted. In today’s competitive times, you will need to have an interactive mobile app to survive in the market because if you fail to promote your business properly, you may lose a lot of business.

For entrepreneurs, whether a startup or an established business is turning their vision into a business is a big dream, and it does not just come easily. There are various challenges that come from different corners and with the development of technology the chances of success have increased. Mobile marketing is new trend with users with information all over the world in automatic ways, and various mobile apps can now help businesses engage their customers in a better way and also keep their employees well connected and boost the bottom line. Mobile apps have provided a lot of benefits and a vital impact on the development of the company, entrepreneurs and business. Through mobile apps businesses increase the level of sales which also use to carry out branding, businesses can easily trace the actions of their customers, and what they really want, better visibility and also interactions with customers has become very easy and also minimized the opportunity to reach users in a short period (better communication).

In a simple word, taking advantage of innovations in mobile technology ensures that your company remains ahead of the market competition.

Choose mobile app development from Snappii

If you are looking for a good mobile development platform, we are the best to offer you such service. Our team will create any business app for your needs in days not months and in accordance with your requirements. The process also includes fast prototyping to provide you a full control under the development. We’ve already helped hundreds of companies and are not going to stop. Contact us right today!

How to Code an App Without Knowing How to Code

The world is turning into a place where the layman is king. I can’t tell you how many start-ups have approached us with an app idea, and the CEO knows next to the nothing about actually building an app or a website – even in some cases, a business. Outsourcing has become a thing of the past with such programs like Wix and Squarespace making it easy for people who have little to no knowledge accomplish their goals. Not to long ago, these things took specialist to create – someone who went to school and studied a skill in order to be competitive in the workplace. But just as the old adage says, “the machine will replace the hand”, and in this case, machines are replacing machines.

Similar to the popular website creators Wix and Squarespace, Snappii is a mobile app platform that allows anyone to create an app entirely from scratch. We accomplish this in a similar way, by making the platform intuitive enough that someone can pick it up and use it right away, but powerful enough to meet the demands of our users. To do this, we’ve divided the platform into two separate components – Express and Guru.

Express Mode

Express Mode is a simplified version of our platform, allowing the user to put together widgets that they select from a large catalog of features that we have available on the platform. These widgets can be customized to meet the users needs, so if there’s something that’s close but not quite what the user was looking for, the widgets give a good starting point.

This also makes it extremely easy to test out features, and figure out whether or not it will be useful for your personal business. Since widgets can quickly be added or taken away from your finished product, there’s no harm in adding a certain features and testing it in a real-world situation.

With many other app-shops out there, this can be problematic. If you want a new feature to be added to your app, coders will have to backtrack and go into the application, developing the prototype from scratch in hope that it’s actually what you were looking for. Even with careful planning, the amount of time and money a business can lose by testing things out can be debilitating. What’s more, it’s not something the original user can do themselves – they have to get someone else to create it. Snappii eliminates this need by providing you with the widgets ready-to-go. And with a 14-free-trial, you have more than enough time to determine if it’s something you would like to pursue within your app.

Guru Mode

Guru Mode is a bit trickier, but still accessible by the average user. To put it simple, Guru mode is Express mode, but it allows you to access the back-end of the app to make changes to things like databases, connectors and much more. It functions in a similar way to Express Mode, encompassing a drag-and-drop style of operation. Keeping this in mind, there is still a slight learning curve to be able to work Guru, but the Snappii team has worked tirelessly to bring the absolute best product to the market in this regard.

Guru will also allow you to do some more detailed things, such as changing the shapes of certain buttons, connecting to databases that you may already have and even going so far as to change the font of the text in your app. Because everything is built individually, just like Express, it is easy to test out certain functions, and omit them later if you decide it’s not something you need.

Guru also has access to features like user types, which allow the creator to specify the different users that can use the app, whether they be an admin, or completely anonymous. It can force a user to create a login, capturing vital information for your own business, or allow the user to access the app completely anonymously if you don’t want the hassle of going through the extra step. In a sense, we’ve created the most compatible version of an app builder possible, and all of it is done without an even a line of coding on your end.

Custom Development

And if all of that doesn’t sound appealing to you, Snappii also offers our own developers to create an app for you. Even if the bulk of the app is done through the platform, special cases may employ the developers to create custom software for a particular app. This means that even if we don’t have the exact functionality you’re looking for, we can make it for you.

The first thing that probably popped into your head when I mentioned that is the cost. Hiring developers, especially app developers, can be a costly endeavor if approached incorrectly. What’s more is that you may not have access to those developers all the time. Other projects that are on that particular developers plate may cause their feedback to you to be slow and unresponsive. Snappii remedies this issue by working with an entire team of developers. On top of that, we have an entire team of Quality Assurance personell to make sure the app stays in tip top shape. And even further than that, Snappii offers an entire team of Support that is available (almost) around the clock to help you with.

In other words, Snappii’s got your back 110%.

If you want to try out our platform for yourself, click this link to go to Snappii Labs. If you were more interested in checking out what our developers can do for you, email us at, and we’ll point you in the right direction. For more information on how an app can literally change your business overnight, check out our various other blogs here.

The New Construction Photos App

In the last blog, I spoke about the new Construction Daily Log, an app that basically eliminates any hitches in communication between project managers, and their coworkers. The app works by organizing as much data as possible before actually starting the process of putting together the logs. This allows for swift and accurate completion that can all be done from the same device most people have in their pockets all day.

While we liked this idea a lot, we realized that the market has yet another necessity for an even more simple app. Even with the speed and efficiency of the Construction Daily Log, it still takes users some time to fill out all the elements of a daily log. In many cases, all of this information is not that necessary. So we took it one step even further.

The Construction Photos app is an app just for that – it takes pictures of your construction project, archives them and gives you the option to send it to other emails. That’s it.

By keeping the app completely clutter-free, we made it extremely easy for you to go in, take photos, send what you need to send, and get out. Simply put, it’s our most efficient app we’ve built yet. However, just like all of our other apps, it’s can be completely modified to fit a specific businesses processes.

Apps built on the Snappii platform have the unique quality of being able to be customized on Snappii’s platform. Snappii Labs, our open-platform that is used to create apps, allows our developers to modify the app to perform almost any function. Over the years, Snappii has developed a catalog of different apps that sample this technology, which can all be customized upon a clients request.

Although the Construction Daily Log was one of our original apps, and we have a special bias towards it, we all had to admit that the Construction Photos app could also be an invaluable tool for companies. It went through many test phases, and we even put it in the hands of construction workers to test it out. We finally think it’s ready to shake the industry.

I’ll take you through a little tour about the different features we’re using throughout the app:


Remember, all Snappii apps can be fully customized to fit your needs. If you like what you see in the Construction Daily Log app, but would still change a few features, feel free to reach out to our Support team and we’ll point you in the right direction to realizing your app. You can contact us anytime at

Snappii Releases New Construction Change Order App for Managing the Construction Sites

Snappii Releases New Construction Change Order App for Managing the Construction Sites

Now any company can afford to use a Mobile App to quickly create construction change order requests in the Field and ensure keep construction projects profitable. Continue reading “Snappii Releases New Construction Change Order App for Managing the Construction Sites” »

Start With a Mobile Form, End With an App

If you think about it, most mobile apps are centered on one feature. We have taxi-apps like Uber, apps that find you coupons like Groupon, even apps to help with your mental well-being like Thinkspace. All of them are positioned on a singular idea – everything else in the mobile app is made to supplement that one idea as much as possible.

When considering a mobile app for your business, the best place to start is usually at the beginning of the work-flow for your particular industry. For most businesses dealing with field-work, this usually entails recording data on a sheet of paper. Once the data is recorded, it gets sent back to the managers, or superintendents, that archive the data in a main computer. This allows them to see the data at a glance, and gives them the chance to see trends and pick up on problem areas using their analytic software.

Mobile forms make all the difference, and with Snappii’s online app builder, you can recreate any paper form into a mobile app that will function on any tablet, smartphone and even desktop. Try out Snappii’s app builder today to see how easy it is.


Mobile forms are useful for many different businesses, and many would consider it the first step in constructing your own mobile app. Let’s take a look at why mobile forms are creating such a splash in so many industries.


Upload your form first

Creating your first mobile form is relatively easy depending on what form editor you use. For most form editors, they have a drag-and-drop system where you can arrange and rearrange fields on the fly. This makes it a breeze to recreate a form that you may already use, but more importantly it allows you to address areas that could be choke points. Further refinement of your form means improved efficiency – all at the cost of a few minutes of tinkering in the DIY editor.

Snappii also has a feature where you can load your PDF into the mobile app editor and it will automatically generate fields for you. This can be useful to create a bare-bones mobile version of your form that can be further refined to match, or even be better, than the original form. Because the form will look the same, it’s extremely easy to teach other employees how to use it. If they own a smartphone, there’s a good chance that the employee will instinctively know how to operate it. There’s no extra equipment needed either – just download the mobile app on the employee’s phone, create credentials for that employee and they’re good to go.


Paper vs Digital

Recording information on paper can be tricky. If the paper gets ruined, the information recorded on it is no longer valid. If it gets lost, there’s no way of recovering it. With paper forms often switching hands many times throughout the day, scenarios like this are bound to happen. But what if we take out the messenger and leave that part up to technology?

By using a mobile form the user can input the information directly into their phone and send it off to their manager without ever having to pick up a pen or paper. The manager receives the report, and can instantly archive it for further review. With built-in analytic tools, mobile forms can be a one-stop shop for all software needs.

Digital forms also have the benefit of utilizing the phones capabilities to further enhance the quality of the form you’re filling out. If you’re an inspector and you’re checking machinery on the jobsite, you can take pictures to show parts that look faulty, or record your voice if your hands are ever too tied up to tap the screen. Mobile forms even give access to geo-location services, which will tell a superintendent where the form was submitted from without the worker knowing they’re being tracked.

And of course, let’s not forget about the money you’ll save from not buying ream after ream of paper every month.



Having a mobile form grants obvious benefits to the user, but the best feature is its ability to expand to other realms of the app world. Using Snappii’s online mobile app editor, you can take your one-trick-pony mobile form into a full-fledged toolbox of applications and features you would like to use on your jobsite. Transforming your mobile form into an app is as easy as loading your app and clicking on which features you’d like to see – Snappii will handle the rest.


Think it’s too easy? That’s the way we planned it. Try it out for yourself and see how a mobile form can level up your business today.



The Best Way to Document Your Construction Projects

For construction, documents are everything. With the advent of technology being further integrated into the construction industry, it’s important to document not only all the safety regulations, procedures and actions that must take place, but the equipment that is being used to carry out those procedures as well.

While some of these processes may be automatic, the majority of them require user input to function correctly. Paper forms get filled out by the workers, which in turn get inputted into spreadsheets on a computer so that they can be archived. By using a mobile app, however, the worker can take out the middle man and send reports directly to the main computer to be archived. Normally, mobile apps would cost a fortune.  But, by using a DIY app builder like Snappii, you can make a mobile form that resembles the form you already use in a matter of minutes. Try it out today!

That said, how does a mobile app help to alleviate the pressures of documenting everything while on the job?


Increased Complexity = Increased Functionality

Today’s construction projects are becoming more complex. Contractors and individuals are spread across multiple locations, and communicating between all of them can become difficult. Documents go through multiple people, all ending up on a desk where it needs to be processed and filed. And with the advent of the internet, stakeholders have expectations for information to be available whenever.

These requirements can be difficult to reach on a consistent basis without the aid of some type of software. Companies tend to lean in the direction of making their own software to handle documents, but this becomes problematic if a company has to exchanges documents with another entity also working on the same project. It also involves a lot of paper, which is easy to misplace or damage.

The best part about mobile apps is that they are malleable. As your business grows, you can expect your processes to become more time-sensitive and difficult. Mobile apps made on DIY editors allow you to constantly update and add functionality without paying programmers to come and tinker with it. As mobile app editors become more powerful, new features can be added with just the click of a button, making mobile apps far more intuitive than software that would have to be redesigned over and over.


How else can a mobile app help?

Many companies use document management software in order to manage all of their documents, and to keep them universally available. Document managers can be accessed from businesses via a cloud service, so location does not matter. And because the structure is already predefined in the document manager itself, there’s little room for error.

While it does work well, the cost associated with buying multiple licenses in order to use the software among all employees can be crippling for some companies. Mobile apps also provide the same universal structure for documents for a much cheaper cost – and you don’t have to give up convenience.

The biggest benefit a mobile app can provide is that the hardware to use the program is already in the pockets of most of your construction workers. They simply have to download the app, input their credentials, and a personalized view of the app will guide them through whatever processes they need to perform. These can be anything from filling out a mobile form, to checking what the weather will be like next Tuesday. Mobile apps eliminate the bridge of communication that companies have to cross by connecting every worker to the same system.


Mobile apps can get expensive quickly. Hiring a team of coders and programmers can not only be a logistical nightmare, it’s also going to break the bank. Snappii, a powerful DIY app editor, enables even anyone to create their own app from scratch with zero coding experience. One app can effectively replace all your paper forms, and add the functionality that you need to complete the long, difficult construction projects.

Try out Snappii today with a free trial, and see why how we’re making the construction world safer, and more efficient.

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