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How Mobile Apps Can Assist the Farming Industry

for blogMobile technology is entering the farming industry to forever change it. Thus, a new mobile app was recently featured in New York Times – Farm Logs app -, which helps farmers collect and retrieve data. Farm Logs app allows farmers to keep track of seeding dates, rainfall, field yield, soil health – in other words, to monitor the most essential information of the given growing season. The mobile app has already won the hearts of over 70,000 row-crop farms of 100 acres or more in the United States.

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5 Reasons Enterprise Mobile Apps are the Future

for blogAccording to a recent survey by VisionMobile, only 15% of mobile app developers focus on business apps. In fact, the majority of app developers favor the consumer market as it currently seems to be easier and faster to cash in on consumer apps. However, targeting the enterprise market could be a better approach very soon since, based on Gartner’s and Forrester’s researchers, the enterprise mobile app market is about to explode. Below are 5 reasons why enterprise mobile apps are the future of the business world. Continue reading “5 Reasons Enterprise Mobile Apps are the Future” »

How to Increase User Retention and Engagement with Mobile Apps

for blogOne of the best ways to increase the popularity of your product or service and, consequently, increase your income is to establish long-term and trusting relationships with your customers. After drawing their attention, you need to retain this attention as it always requires more resources to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. Continue reading “How to Increase User Retention and Engagement with Mobile Apps” »

A Few Considerations to Keep in Mind When Moving from Web to Mobile Apps

for blogIn the transition from Web to mobile business apps, the biggest issue for development teams is to determine what features the app should include and what can be left out to ensure the app increases productivity and streamlines a workflow while running smoothly on numerous mobile devices. It’s critical that the mobile app performs the most essential features, but the more features it can handle, the better. Continue reading “A Few Considerations to Keep in Mind When Moving from Web to Mobile Apps” »

Mobile Apps Increase Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry

for blogNowadays manufactures all over the world deal with high mobile and tech-savvy workforce that demands using mobile technology at work. In addition, in today’s world, the lines between personal and corporate digital lives are blurring. This way, organizations need to be able to support the BYOD, Bring Your Own Continue reading “Mobile Apps Increase Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry” »

A Tipping Point for Property Inspections

for blogProperty inspections are a key element of the process of underwriting. Over the last few decades, inspections have made a significant progress, which resulted in more efficient and accurate data processing. These positive changes were largely propelled by mobile technology. Thus, for instance, data, Continue reading “A Tipping Point for Property Inspections” »

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