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Snappii Announces 7 Customizable Insurance Apps at No Cost

Snappii Announces 7 Customizable Insurance Apps at No CostNow every insurance company can afford to use Mobile Apps to save time, improve customer service and make any operation more effective.

Insurance companies are flooded with documents. Also, insurance agents often work in the field. Now employees can use their smartphones for rapid work with data Continue reading “Snappii Announces 7 Customizable Insurance Apps at No Cost” »

Snappii Offers 9 Powerful HR Apps for Multiple Operations at No Cost

Snappii Offers 9 Powerful HR Apps for Multiple Operations at No CostNow every HR department can afford to use Mobile Apps for quick and efficient operations.

HR industry requires work in the field, good tracking system and constant reporting using paper forms. Moreover, work with HR data requires adding different sorts of data Continue reading “Snappii Offers 9 Powerful HR Apps for Multiple Operations at No Cost” »

Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Mobile Apps for Real Estate and Property Management at No Cost

Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Mobile Apps for Real Estate and Property Management at No CostNow every real estate agency can afford to use Mobile Apps for quick and efficient operations.

Most real estate agents and inspectors require work in the field using paper forms. Creating real estate reports requires adding different sorts of data and pictures Continue reading “Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Mobile Apps for Real Estate and Property Management at No Cost” »

Social Media as a Powerful Business Tool

Social Media as a Powerful Business ToolSocial media is not solely a means of entertainment. Numerous statistics showcase how powerful social media can be for businesses of all sizes. According to the Statista, “in 2016, 78% of US Americans have a social network profile, representing a 5% growth compared to the previous year. Also, as of 2015, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 106.2 minutes per day, up from 103.2 minutes in the previous year.” Badgeville’s infographic clearly illustrates that 63% of Millennials stay updated on brands through social networks. Add to these facts that most people have social media apps installed on their mobile devices, and the potential of social media becomes enormous.

The Benefits of Social Media

Social media is becoming an indispensable solution for stellar customer service. It is an opportunity to find your customers in a completely non-intrusive way and turn them into loyal customers. Your potential and current customers’ preferences, as well as their feedback, can be at your fingertips thanks to the convenience and flexibility of social media apps. This allows monitoring customer satisfaction and resolving issues right away. Thanks to its huge popularity, social media is also a great means of advertising. Last but not least, it is a cost-effective solution.

Key to Running a Successful Business

Social media allows you to put customers and their needs first, which is a never-changing key to success. Snappii, a leading mobile business app development company, offers any business across industries powerful mobile opportunities to increase the efficiency, productivity and revenue of your company. This is a completely new trend in the development of mobile business apps. There are a huge number of satisfied customers among Snappii’s clients. Be in trend and get even more success. Visit our website and see what solutions Snappii has in store for your business.

Snappii Offers 8 Customizable Apps for Oil and Gas Industry at No Cost

Snappii Offers 8 Customizable Apps for Oil and Gas Industry at No CostNow every oil and gas company can afford to use Mobile Apps for quick and efficient operations.

Most operations in the oil and gas industry require work in the field using paper forms. Data collection and creation of reports require adding pictures, signatures, locations, etc. Continue reading “Snappii Offers 8 Customizable Apps for Oil and Gas Industry at No Cost” »

Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Customizable Inventory Apps at No Cost

Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Customizable Inventory Apps at No CostNow every company can afford to use Mobile Apps for quick and efficient inventories.

Most inventories require work in the field using paper forms. Creating inventory reports requires adding different sort of data and pictures into reports which is problematic and time consuming. Now specialists can use Continue reading “Snappii Offers 5 Brand New Customizable Inventory Apps at No Cost” »

Gartner Predictions about New IoT-Centric Solutions

Gartner Predictions about New IoT-Centric SolutionsMobile apps are now one of the leading tools enabling modern businesses to improve internal operations, venture into new markets and provide new revenue streams. That being said, the app development industry doesn’t stand still and regularly offers innovative business apps and enhanced processes for the creation of even more advanced enterprise apps.

New Gartner’s Prediction

The widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) and utilization of Platform as a service (PaaS) have induced the research firm Gartner to make a prediction that “by 2020, more than 50% of all new applications developed on PaaS will be IoT-centric, disrupting conventional architecture practices”.

“IoT adoption will drive additional use of PaaS to implement IoT-centric business applications built around event-driven architecture and IoT data, instead of business applications built around traditional master data, “said Benoit Lheureux, a Research VP at Gartner. “New IoT-centric business applications will drive a transformation in application design practices that focus on real-time contextually rich decisions, event-analysis, lightweight workflow, and broad access to Web-scale data”.

IoT-Centric Solutions

Lheureux explained that “most new IoT-centric solutions will be implemented on IoT platforms, a form of multifunctional comprehensive PaaS that is a hybrid, architecturally coherent integration of application platform as a service (aPaaS), integration platform as a service (iPaaS), IoT device management, orchestration and business process management services as a platform (bpmPaaS), database PaaS (dbPaaS) and analytic services”.

Advanced Container Services

Gartner also predicts, “Through 2018, more than 70% of IT organizations planning a private PaaS will deploy a container service (rather than PaaS framework software). Instead of constructing a private PaaS using a PaaS framework, many organizations adopt a container service. An advanced container service provides subscribers with self-service access to container-based infrastructure. It hosts, orchestrates, schedules, scales and ensures the reliability of containers. It may also provide other capabilities, such as monitoring, load balancing and securing container communications”.

You can find more detailed information in Gartner’s report “Predicts 2016: PaaS Innovation Continues Unabated”. Also, you might be interested in attending the Gartner Application, Architecture, Development & Integration Summits of 2016, which will be held on May 23 and 24 in London and July 25 and 26 in Sydney, to learn more about the challenges around postmodern application integration.

Mobile Emergency Response Apps

Mobile Emergency Response AppsSmartphones and mobile apps accelerate numerous processes in our life. Not surprisingly, emergency apps are on the rise since they allow users to immediately get in touch with emergency services and notify others of potential or imminent danger, thereby averting or minimizing injuries, crimes, and casualties. Continue reading “Mobile Emergency Response Apps” »

Mobile Apps Bring Field Work to Your Fingertips

Mobile Apps Bring Field Work to Your FingertipsAccording to the PewResearch Center, nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone, and this number is expected to rise exponentially in the coming years. Nowadays thanks to mobile apps, they are not just a communication tool but a great means of work with multiple types of data. These constantly improving features make apps an extremely popular solution for field work.

Apps Simplify Data Management

Long gone are the days where field work was limited to clip-boards, notebooks and pencils. These days mobile apps allow users to collect data in any location and process it without returning to the office. For example, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council has provided field workers delivering multiple services to its 200,000 tenants with mobile apps. “Berneslai Homes is responsible for managing more than 18,000 properties and providing landlord services to council tenants on the authority’s behalf. Before the new solution, their workers were spending a lot of time completing paper timesheets, which then had to be reviewed and approved by operational managers before the information was manually entered into SAP. Also, one of the apps, a tradesperson management application (TMA), enables gas engineers to electronically record and automate the inspection and production of CP12 gas certificates”.

Best Mobile Solutions for Your Business

Want the same agility and convenience for your business? Snappii, a rapid mobile business app development company, offers powerful apps for multiple industries and any types of operations, including field work. Now inspections and inventories are quick and easy processes which can be performed directly in the enterprise or warehouse or anywhere in the field. Snappii’s apps allow users to:

– Collect data with necessary details;

– Edit captured data anytime from anywhere;

– Create PDF and Excel reports;

– Share reports via email;

– Upload details to cloud drives;

– Sync data across multiple devices;

– Work offline.

Snappii’s apps are 100% customizable. Thanks to its codeless app development platform, you can build the app you need yourself or order custom mobile app development. Thousands of employees already enjoy Snappii’s solutions. Please visit our website for more details.


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