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3 Benefits of Having an Enterprise App

for blogeMarket predicts that a quarter of the world will be using smartphones in 2016 and about 2.56 billion – in 2018, so without any exaggeration we can say that smartphones have now become an integral part of our lives. Naturally, business is not left out of the new mobile technologies as there are already about 1.3 billion mobile workers, and their number is expected to grow really fast. Continue reading “3 Benefits of Having an Enterprise App” »

How to Manage Auto-Reporting in Your App

for blogManagers of small organizations and big companies alike receive tons of reports from employees on a daily basis. These reports need to be sorted out based on the employee who has sent it, or date, or other conditions which is very time consuming.  Snappii, a rapid mobile app development platform understands the needs of modern businesses and creates a brand new and useful feature to manage auto-reporting in the app. Continue reading “How to Manage Auto-Reporting in Your App” »

Mobile App for Building Maintenance

for blogAccording to Wikipedia, building maintenance relates to the upkeep of a home, apartment, rental property or any other building. Usually, an inspector has to fill out a form containing many functional areas of the building: keys and locks, electronic access control, fire and security alarm systems, environment control systems, elevator maintenance, lighting, heating, air conditioning, cleaning and more. Each functional area has its own form to fill out, deliver and store. Just imagine the amount of paperwork the inspector has to deal with. But can you rely on paper? Continue reading “Mobile App for Building Maintenance” »

The Importance of Ensuring Customer Experience

for blogCustomers’ experience is the most important thing for any business that provides any services. Today, in the era of social media the principle of “customer is always right,” is added by a very important customer public estimation right. Organizations that fail to ensure seamless customer experience risk undermining Continue reading “The Importance of Ensuring Customer Experience” »

Mobile Technology to Assist Nursing Homes and Home Health Care Agencies

for blogTechnology is changing the world at warp speed, forever changing the face of contemporary healthcare, including nursing homes, home health care agencies, assisted living facilities, and retirement communities. “Since technology is used in nursing homes to admit and discharge residents, monitor patients’ dietary Continue reading “Mobile Technology to Assist Nursing Homes and Home Health Care Agencies” »

Custom Mobile App Development for Construction Companies

for blogMobile devices have quickly moved from being used simply for calls or messages to being an important work tool. For the construction industry, the adoption of new technology such as mobile apps is an obvious and necessary step, especially judging by the huge amount of the work in the field, constant work with data and a Continue reading “Custom Mobile App Development for Construction Companies” »

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