What is the most important component of our life? No one will argue that is about people’s safety. It doesn’t matter what business you are in – you have a responsibility to provide safe and sound solutions for your customers and your employees. Transportation businesses, such as airlines, are tasked with more challenges than most when it comes to managing compliance to safety requirements. Continue reading “Aircraft Inspection Forms – Mobile App Benefits” »
Author posts Alex Bakman
The Benefits of Mobile HR Applications
In our today’s post we’ll talk about a custom mobile app, its benefits for a particular industry and people involved in it. Less than a month ago Snappii, the creators of a Cloud-based development platform, created an App called the Snappii HR App for Human Resources, Recruiters, and Contract Agencies.
The prebuilt Snappii HR App provides a ready-made mobile solution to help centralize employee information. HR professionals and employees can enter, access, control, and take action on the workforce data instantly—from anywhere. In addition, Snappii Apps are secure, scalable and integrate with your back-end business systems.
Automatically keep track of the employee work in real time with Snappii HR App customizable features such as: Continue reading “The Benefits of Mobile HR Applications” »
The Top 2 “Less is More” Concepts of Mobile App Success
Mobile applications keep increasing in popularity every day and having an app for your business is not just a want, but is becoming a necessity to compete. Not only are businesses creating consumer-facing applications, but they are also focusing on developing an enterprise mobility strategy. In order to tap into mobile applications to increase sales and streamline workflow, mobile mobile business apps for business need to consider these features: Continue reading “The Top 2 “Less is More” Concepts of Mobile App Success” »
5 Challenges to Mobile App Strategies
The other day I got a Google alert referring to Jeffrey Hammond’s article called “9 Challenges To Your Mobile App Strategy” relating about possible challenges to mobile app strategies. I got interested what they are and if the list could be even expanded including the always growing needs of modern clients. Mobile mobile business apps should embrace every person’s needs to be customer-oriented and popular otherwise people will look for another solution and as we all know there are lots of mobile business apps available in the Appstore and Google Play which are difficult to compete. I wondered if I could create a similar list myself and give out all the necessary features flexible mobile solutions should have. Continue reading “5 Challenges to Mobile App Strategies” »
Mobility in the Enterprise: it is up to you to decide how challenging it will be!
The ongoing growth of mobility with nearly a billion smartphones expected to be sold by the end of the year (according to Gartner) and tablets outselling PC’s makes it substantial for enterprise companies to embrace a mobile app strategy to remain competitive. But due to the constant flow of conflicting information around mobile app development, determining what’s needed to be successful can be a serious challenge. There is even an interesting comparison we have recently found in one of the CIO’s articles describing mobility to be “a matrix of madness for enterprise IT”. So today we are going to investigate how challenging it really is. Continue reading “Mobility in the Enterprise: it is up to you to decide how challenging it will be!” »
How Home Health Care providers benefit from using a mobile app
Mobile technology simplifies the communication process between the doctors, nurses, patients and home health care services providers. Not only they allow to reach out to both sides of the process, but also save time on multiple paper work, provide real-time appointment schedule, store and update medication log and many more. Today, mobile solutions play a huge role in healthcare institutes and in this blog we’ll take a closer look at the benefits that are guaranteed with the mobile technologies usage. Continue reading “How Home Health Care providers benefit from using a mobile app” »
Mobile Way of Airlines Development
It is early days for mobile technology in airlines yet, but every person involved in the industry, whether a passenger or an employee, would agree that promising mobile future for airlines has already started and moreover there is plenty more to come.
According to SITA (one of the world’s leading providers of IT and telecommunication solutions to the air transport industry), utilization of smart phones by people using global grew from just 28 per cent in 2010 to 70 per cent in 2012. Continue reading “Mobile Way of Airlines Development” »
How Insurance Companies can help their Clients
In our previous blog posts on Insurance we described Insurance companies’ benefits from having a mobile app solution. Now let’s consider it from a user perspective.
Over 1 billion smartphones and tablets are in use by customers, employees, partners and agents across the country and around the globe. Consumers are quickly turning mobile app usage from just the fun of social networking and games to the everyday necessities of mobile banking, ecommerce and a host of business purposes. Today, people are using their smartphones not just to make calls and send text messages, but also to solve issues, report problems, collect data, etc. Continue reading “How Insurance Companies can help their Clients” »
Mobile logistic for internal usage
In the previous blog article devoted to mobile mobile business apps for transportation companies we discussed how end customers can utilize mobile business apps functionality according to their needs. Now let’s see how transportation companies can use mobile solutions to provide their workers with safe and ergonomic way to do their jobs.
Instead of considering just one mobile device, now companies are considering a suite of cross platform mobile tools. Most important among them allow both dispatchers and drivers to update status of a shipment, manage delivery orders, assign tasks process, check shipment progress and many more. All together these tools are boosting warehouse performance and significantly reduce the chance of human errors improving customer service for end user.
That is why supply chain and logistics professionals more and more rely on smartphones. Building enterprise applications such as transportation management systems, tracking shipments and assets, accessing reports and business intelligence enhance company productivity.
Airlines Keep Going Mobile
Airlines industry is one of the largest investors in technology solutions. Keeping up with huge amounts of flights performed and airlines operations conducted daily is a serious challenge that obliges companies to spend millions on information technology. Still, with rapid development of mobile industry, devices and applications, mobile solutions turned out to be a technology panacea.
The history of airlines utilizing mobile solutions is not really new: with passenger, airport workers and cargo spread over huge airport territories, having up-to-date information has always been essential. Continue reading “Airlines Keep Going Mobile” »
Mobile Future Of Oil&Gas Industry
It is hard to imagine a modern life without mobile phones and tablets. Most people all over the world use these devices daily for business, entertainment, games and etc. According to a Continue reading “Mobile Future Of Oil&Gas Industry” »
Mobile Apps Ensure Aircrafts Safety
Have you ever heard a story of the pilot, who, instead of saying “Goodbye” to his passengers as soon as they landed, said: “The safest part of your trip is now over”? That wasn’t a joke, but the truth most of us take for granted, though everything from the plane seats to the cabin air, from a single airplane part to the course and altitude of the flight, come after the careful consideration of its impact on safety and after numerous and detailed aircraft maintenance inspections.
Aircraft maintenance inspection is a very complex, multistage, time-consuming, accurate and important process, designed to maintain an aircraft in the best possible condition. Automating this process through a mobile app offers virtually limitless opportunities and affords efficient, detailed, professional and effective data collection and reporting. Regularly scheduled inspections, reports prepared by mechanics, pilots or crew flying an aircraft, airframe and engine inspections – all that can be performed within a single application.