Author posts Daria Ivantsova

Snappii Apps for Precast Bridge Construction Projects

Snappii Apps for Precast Bridge Construction ProjectsStart from the quality, efficiency and safety

Construction of large bridges and related infrastructure requires the specialized engineering systems, experience and a huge team of specialists. A key of a successful project is to develop project specific construction methods that promote highly efficient rates of construction, while keeping the safety and quality control measures to meet ever-changing job requirements. This approach is main for all categories of bridge construction techniques, whether for cast-in-situ applications or precast construction. Special construction apps are an essential assistant in this field. They can help keep everything under control, smoothly manage the workflow and optimize the operations without spending a huge amount of time and effort.

The best apps to keep the project

Project managers need to work closely with the entire team while the project oversight, and stay informed at all times, with accurate and timely data at their fingertips. Snappii’s Precast Erectors Reporting app and Precast Erectors Planner app can help achieve this. A lack of constant flow of timely data and delays are the main enemies of a clear workflow and a successful project progress. Precast Erectors Reporting app and Precast Erectors Planner app are able to synchronizing the entire field team and keep all the team members, contractors and producers on the “same page”. These apps provide a real time view of all the field activity and project reporting, which enables management to schedule labor, equipment and materials just in time. This also allow project managers to save time and money, and win more future deals.

The main features of Precast Erectors Planner app:

– Load erection sequence from Excel

– Automatically fills out a 4 day look ahead with delivery dates and delivery times

– Automatically calculates the number of pieces that are erected on any given day

– Team members are instantly notified about schedule changes

– Easy to create daily and anytime status reports

– Unlimited photos

Find more information about the app and schedule a demo here. Watch the video about the app.

Precast Erectors Reporting app consists of these forms:

– Erection Foreman Daily Report

– Project Coordinator Checklist

– Erection Site Visit Checklist

– Project Stability Assurance Checklist

Download the app from the Apple App Store. Watch the video how it works.

Contact us if you need any customization of the apps. Snappii team is ready to discuss your requirements and make all possible to meet them.

The Top Ready-Made Business Apps to Improve Major Operations

The Top Ready-Made Business Apps to Improve Major OperationsToday it seems near-impossible to think of some daily work operations without a help of modern mobile solutions. The advantages of mobile business apps in today’s workplace are numerous. They are designed to meet the needs of workers in countless industries, especially those, which deal with field operations. Constant communication, real-time and accurate data, agility, instant reporting, acceleration of processes, time and cost reduction, etc. – this is just a small part of the capabilities of mobile business apps. Snappii is a leading provider of multifunctional apps for a plenty of industries and fields of activity. We help companies to increase their efficiency and revenue for about 10 years. The gained experience allows us to move forward and improve our solutions. Snappii offers a set of key ready-made business apps, which will be helpful for any business.

Instant professional estimates

Most estimates are done out in the field. Snappii offers an app to make this process simple, convenient and agile. Job Estimator app allows contractors, service companies, sales people, estimators, etc. to quickly create professional project estimates that cover company’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all parts that are necessary. The app can also do all the calculations, so the user can instantly show a customer the estimated cost in labor, parts, and the totals. To make Job Estimator app even more smart and nimble, we added a speech-to-text feature and an ability to import clients from the address book or Excel file. Download Job Estimator app to try (iOS and Android).

Regular inspections

Conducting regular inspections is essential for many businesses. Mobile inspection apps allow employees to perform inspections faster and more effectively, thanks pre-made mobile forms and checklists. Snappii provides multifunctional inspection apps for specific industries and fields. However, there is a general app, which can become an inalienable tool for any inspection process. Inspect Anything app allows users to easily capture various data, as well as add photos, signatures, drawings, QR codes, barcodes, etc. Collected data can be instantly generated to the PDF and/or Excel inspection reports and emailed. Completed inspections are saved and safely stored to be edited and provided at any time. Inspect Anything app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play.

Daily logs and reporting

Constant tracking of job progress and regular reporting are essential for streamlined workflow, as well as in case of litigation. Daily logs and reports become easier and quicker to fill in and provide with special business apps. Field Service Daily Log app is one of them. Professionals, working in the field can fill in all necessary details about the job in a few clicks. Also users are able to create their own profile, sync collected information across multiple devices, work online and offline, create daily reports on a base of the daily log form and more. Download the app for iOS and Android devices.

Optimized management

Mobile management apps provide convenience, as well as great time saving. Snappii’s Task Manager Tracker app allows managers to assign tasks to the team and track when they are completed. They can create a database of employees and pick them from the list when assigning tasks. Task Manager Tracker app is also can be used by workers. They are able to get the task, update task status and time of completeness. Additionally, both managers and employees can filter tasks that are really important for tracking. Task Manager Tracker app can be found in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Most of Snappii ready-made business apps are customizable. Our team can modify them to meet your specific needs. Contact us with your requirements.

Regular Roof Inspections with Special App to Get Ahead of Problems

Regular Roof Inspections with Special App to Get Ahead of ProblemsOne of the most common causes of water damage in homes comes from leaky roofs. A roof should be inspected at least twice a year. You can call a professional to inspect the roof or do it yourself. However, it may be extremely dangerous to work on the roof without the proper training. Consider your skills and make the right choice.

What should be inspected primarily on the roof?

– flashings (impervious metal pieces, covering curves and edges, to prevent the passage of water into a structure),

– gutters (surface water collection and discharge channel),

– droops and sagging (moisture or rotting as a reason).

Roof inspection apps hold a strong position in the process

Regular roof inspections may help identify problems before they become worse and lead to a major repair and replacement. Today special roof inspection apps can significantly assist in this process. They provide helpful digital checklists and inspection forms with steps and fields to follow during a standard, proper roof inspection.

Snappii offers Roof Inspection app, designed for roofing industry professionals and any layman. Anyone can use a smartphone or tablet to document the data, take pictures, make notes, add digital signature, generate reports and send them. Hired professionals are able to easily and quickly communicate with their clients. They can select clients from the address book and share any report with them. There is a unique opportunity to preview the report prior to sending it. Upload completed inspection details to cloud drives and have a constant access to all data.

Roof Inspection app can save hours on data collection and processing, and significantly streamline the process. Learn more about the app from this short video. Download Roof Inspection app for iOS and Android devices. Contact Snappii if you need any customization of the app. For example, we can add your own forms.

By making sure the roof is in good condition, you can prevent bigger hassles as well as keep inhabitants safe. Get started right now with Roof Inspection app.

4 Features to Optimize Field Operations

4 Features to Optimize Field OperationsIf you want to achieve great customer experience, successful business development and high revenue, you need a field workforce that can quickly respond, and operate smoothly and without delay. Outdated or static tools and solutions lead to time wasting, high expenses and untimely operations. Modern mobile technology offers a functionality specifically to improve field productivity and meet all modern requirements. Special field service apps empower field workers to complete work efficiently and in time.

Field service apps as an essential pocket assistant

Constant communication, instant estimates, convenient data collection and processing, regular reporting and more. All these features make field service apps an essential tool for any field technician. Fortunately, mobile business app industry develops rapidly and can please us with new solutions quite often. Let’s consider some of them in this post.

Digital signature

If your company is dealing with various documents on a daily basis, digital signatures are a must-have. Thanks to digital signatures, documents can get signed off almost instantly, from anywhere using a smartphone or tablet. The major benefits of this feature are the ability to make the workflow more optimized and secure. The use of digital signatures will also help to cut down expenses due to the reduction of paper and elimination of trips. Some modern field service apps offer the feature of digital signature, and this has a great response among the users.

Voice-to-text feature

With modern field service apps any technician can experience the benefits of cutting back on typing. Voice-to-text feature boosts the speed of text adding by nearly 4 times. Moreover, field workers are able to record any information with greater accuracy. No need to worry about typing mistakes and corrections. Voice-to-text feature is essential for operations with high risk and increased attention, as well as for the areas with special uniform. Special field service apps with such feature can be used by roofing specialists, various inspectors, construction staff, plumbers and more.

Automatic calculations

Some field service apps allow users to make automatic calculations. Thanks to this feature, field workers can be calm about the accuracy of various data and estimates. It is several times more convenient and agile than using a separate calculator. The feature of automatic calculations can be customized for specific operation.

PDF reports

One of the great benefits of field service apps is the ability to submit digital reports. Many companies have already enjoyed the pros of this opportunity. Read more about the benefits of reporting through mobile apps here. However, there is a more unique feature, which is able to provide even more advantages to modern businesses. Snappii offers a feature to generate the completed mobile forms into the PDF format report. This is the more professional-looking and convenient reporting process. Thanks to powerful Snappii Form Converter, our team can convert your existing forms to their mobile analogue and create a pre-made report template, which will meet the requirements of your company. All you need is just fill in the forms and click the button to generate the report. It will be generated instantly in the PDF file, which is looking exactly you need. The PDF files are easier to print and safer to store. This Snappii’s feature can raise your company to the next level and help win more business. Contact us to learn more and discuss this.

Vital Tips of Proper Disinfection and Keeping the COVID-19 Out of Your Life

Vital Tips of Proper Disinfection and Keeping the COVID-19 Out of Your LifeCleaning and disinfecting are critical parts of all services nowadays. The goal is not to completely sterilize the environment, but rather to decrease the transmission of the COVID-19. We know this virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. The important note is that rather simple and proper disinfection actions can kill it. Here are some cleaning, disinfection and hygiene tips to protect against the Coronavirus.

Personal hygiene

– Regular thoroughly wash your hands

– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

– Keep the distance

– Wear a mask in public

Cleaning and disinfection of premises

– Regularity and thoroughness

– Follow cleaning product instructions and take special attention to precautions

– Make a list of common high-touch surfaces and follow it while cleaning and disinfecting

– Mark the time of cleaning and disinfection and observe the time interval

Useful assistant for daily disinfection practices

Snappii offers special mobile app to help you with the disinfection process. Disinfection Checklist app is based on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention guidelines and will help individuals and organizations perform 38 checks to ensure proper disinfection. Moreover this app collects photos, signatures and dates, and submits the inspection report into a convenient PDF file that can be shared with anyone via email or other means available on your device. Disinfection Checklist app also contains a list of products that have been pre-approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use against emerging enveloped viral pathogens and can be used during the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (only for Apple version). Anyone is able to try the Disinfection Checklist for COVID-19 Prevention app at no cost by downloading it from the Apple AppStore and the Google Play. And here is the video to show you how the app works.

These days disinfection should be an integral part of your daily routine. Snappii tries to support and improve this process. However if you have any suggestions or requirements, please feel free to contact us to discuss. Stay safe and prosperous!

How to Manage Complex Construction Projects without Stress and Hard Efforts

How to Manage Complex Construction Projects without Stress and Hard EffortsComplex doesn’t mean impossible

Modern buildings are becoming quite complex in design and technology, causing large-scale and complicate construction projects. A job of superintendents and project managers has evolved into an extremely multifaceted and multipurpose process, requiring an increased agility and multitasking.

A simple way to be agile and proper equipped

Construction management technology has been also improved and upgraded in recent years, and now construction management apps can make life of superintendents and project managers significantly easier. Managing complex projects with construction management apps helps all workers save time and stay organized, and at the end, projects are done faster and without losses and stress.

When it comes to large-scale projects, a large amount of various workers should submit regular daily reports. If you’re gathering data on paper, that means you have to collect, process and deliver all this data to the office at the end of the day. This is extremely time-consuming, and moreover, sometimes, the reports can linger, get lost, etc. Construction Manager app becomes an irreplaceable assistant in such and many other cases.

Find all you need for efficient management in one app

Administrative duties can be done in minutes with Construction Manager app. The app ensures a regular flow of information between offices and construction sites. There are such pre-made mobile forms as estimation form, maintenance form, daily log form and timesheet form. Users can easily and quickly capture and add regular, accurate information, which is critical for a timely project progress. Construction Manager app provides room size, concrete and paint calculators for more convenient and simple calculations in the field. A PDF report can be easily generated, stored and shared. The app offers a better project organization, a better understanding of the work and the costs, and timely decisions.

Download and try Construction Manager app for iOS and for Android.

Managing complex projects with special construction management apps means that you gain back valuable time, maintain better organization, cut expenses and win more business. Start gaining the benefits as soon as possible.

Green Construction: How to Implement the Project in Conjunction with Environmental Protection

Green Construction: How to Implement the Project in Conjunction with Environmental ProtectionThe new trend in construction industry

The new ways of going green in construction pop up and earn special popularity nowadays. From various eco-friendly materials and renewable energy, to paperless jobsite management. Adopting such eco and green construction practices can lead not just to helping the planet – it is also the way to save money and win more business.

Actually, construction tools and equipment are also experiencing a green technology transformation to lower a carbon footprint. For example, the new machines with less emissions. The entire specialty fields are adopting the new methods with less negative impact to the environment.

Another great way to stay green and efficient, at the same time – is to go paperless. Paperwork at the end of the day can be a huge hassle, especially at the construction jobsite. By switching over to the paperless solutions, you will save trees as well as optimize and accelerate usual operations.

An important tool in green construction

Going green may be easier with special mobile software. Snappii offers Green Building Construction app for making quick inspection of construction or buildings. The app takes account of simple techniques and materials, which can be applied to site planning to reduce the environmental impact and development costs. Fill out pre-made mobile form and ensure that all requirements have been met. The completed form can be sent via email to anyone. Green Building Construction app is available for iOS devices as well as for Android devices. This video can give you more information about this app and help visualize it.

Improve the long term health of building, its occupants and the whole region. Snappii team can customize Green Building Construction app to meet your specific needs. For example, we can convert your own usual forms and add them to this app. Just contact us with your requirements.

By choosing green construction with a help of special apps, you improve your business and help the earth. So, make the right choice.

Extend Life of HVAC Systems with Regular Inspections and Special Apps for This

Extend Life of HVAC Systems with Regular Inspections and Special Apps for ThisThe importance of regular HVAC maintenance is well known to building managers and any individuals. Heating and cooling systems are expensive to replace and specialists are always searching for the ways to keep HVAC systems running better for longer. Regular HVAC inspections can reduce the odds of downtime, prevent the breakages and increase the life expectancy of equipment.

The best way to conduct HVAC inspections

The best way to conduct regular, fast and efficient inspections is a right piece of technology. Today this is mobile apps. They have allowed technicians to replace paper forms and manual collection and movement of data. HVAC inspection apps cover all necessary operations with data and not only this.

Snappii offers multifunctional mobile solutions for field services to think proactively and provide better service. HVAC inspection app is one from the number of Snappii’s ready-made apps. HVAC Inspection Checklist app allows users to make complete inspections right on their mobile devices. There is a mobile checklist to instantly fill it out in a few clicks. Users can generate the report on the base of this checklist and send it via email as a PDF file. The app enables users to find all small problems that turn into major expenses. This video shows how it works. HVAC Inspection Checklist app is available for iOS and Android devices.

Snappii’s HVAC Inspection app was built with an average service company in mind. However, our team can customize it specifically for your business. Eliminate paperwork headaches and impress your clients with excellent service. Contact us right now to discuss your requirements and get a free quote. If you are just a homeowner, whether there’s a problem with your HVAC system or not, it’s wise to conduct regular, proper inspections.

Traditional heating and cooling systems can last about 20 years with proper maintenance. Regular inspections with HVAC inspection apps will prove this.

Avoid the Challenges of Fleet Management with Snappii

Avoid the Challenges of Fleet Management with SnappiiFleet management is an essential process for companies, which deal with vehicles. The proper management enables companies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance of the entire fleet.

Unfortunately, sometimes fleet management can be a challenge. It is extremely difficult to keep everything under control and work with large amount of various data, considering that the main work object is located outside the office.

The help is already here

Nowadays more and more businesses take steps to become more efficient and organized by embracing fleet management technologies, such as fleet management apps. Such apps can provide different types of functionality and cover vehicle maintenance, control of inspections, workforce management, shipment management and more. The main purpose of fleet management apps is to control the entire lifecycle of vehicles alongside reducing associated risk, improving efficiency, increasing productivity and ensuring compliance with legislation.

The best fleet management app to instantly improve the work

Snappii offers multifunctional apps for companies working with vehicles. Now we want to present our Fleet Management app. Fleet Management app is designed for both drivers and managers to improve a workflow and simplify tracking working hours, vehicles and tasks. This app can become an indispensable tool for any specialist. Managers are able to create a database of drivers and vehicles and assign different tasks. Also they can track task fulfilment. Drivers can check tasks, communicate with managers, complete tasks and notify managers. Fleet Management app provides lots of benefits including:

– data accuracy,

– acceleration of operations,

– management simplification and improvement,

– reduce of expenses,

– workflow optimization,

– etc.

Download and try Fleet Management app.

In addition, Snappii offers an app customization solution. Most of Snappii apps can be modified to better meet your specific needs. We can make some changes in Fleet Management app. Just contact us.

Improve Time Management and Work Hours Tracking with Snappii Apps

Improve Time Management and Work Hours Tracking with Snappii AppsPaper timesheets and time cards have got a bad reputation – they are inconvenient to fill in, lead to confusions, mistakes, waste of time and money. But the truth is that time tracking is essential for businesses. It helps assess the accuracy of workflow, the effectiveness of all employees and allows business owners and managers to find out the ways of process optimization and increase of the revenue.

Why you need timesheet and time tracking mobile apps

Timesheet and time tracking mobile apps can become the best solution. They allow your team members to add work time, punch in and out, as well as have an accurate timesheet with all changes at hand. In turn, managers are able to keep all employees on track, easily create timesheets and share them, make instant changes, view and print time reports for projects and track the workload. This way, timesheet and time tracking mobile apps can replace piles of paper, efforts and special employees.

Fast and convenient work hours tracking and not only

Snappii offers 2 powerful timesheet and time tracking mobile apps: Timesheet Manager app and Punch In/Out Timesheet app.

Timesheet Manager app is specifically designed to easily track working hours of employees. The app users are able to create projects and assign employees to each project. There is an opportunity to start multiple projects simultaneously. Timesheet Manager app allows users to create weekly timesheets with work hours and break minutes and also notify supervisors about projects’ statuses. All forms can be generated to the report.

Punch In/Out Timesheet app enables anybody to track their time for any project or job code and generate a professional time card which can be emailed. Users punch in and out on their mobile devices and optionally add breaks and details. Managers can analyze time spent on projects with the Dashboard. Punch In/Out Timesheet app generates a convenient time card report that is stored on the device, can be shared via cloud drives, emailed or printed.

These timesheet and time tracking mobile apps are used by 10,000+ employees and managers to improve time management and create instant reports right from their mobile devices. Download the apps right now from the app stores.

Timesheet Manager app: iOS, Android

Punch In/Out Timesheet app: iOS, Android

Contact us to discuss any customization.

2 Apps to Make Facilities Safer for Everyone during COVID-19

The emergence of the novel pandemic COVID-19 has created an unprecedented impact on the way we live and work. Everybody knows how the virus spreads – by breathing in droplets coughed out or exhaled by infected people or by touching contaminated surfaces or objects, and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. While the spread of the virus is swift, the fact is that good cleaning and disinfection routines can greatly reduce or eliminate the viral count of COVID-19 on surfaces and objects.

We have already written about the measures for protecting yourself, your workplace and the employees. However, now we have created a solution to make the protection process even more accessible, fast and reliable.

Ensure proper cleaning and disinfection with 2 powerful apps

There are 2 apps, which can help conduct cleaning and disinfection inspection to be confident in safety. Cleaning Inspection Checklist app and Disinfection Checklist app provide a checklist with 38 checks for the audit and inspection of any specified area. Also, the apps collect photos, which can be marked, comments, dates and signatures.

Generate a report that you can share with anyone. It can be submitted into a convenient PDF file. Look at the disinfection report below. You can be sure in regular flow of accurate and timely data thanks to these reports. If you provide cleaning service, you can provide proof to customers.

Disinfection report

You can learn more about the apps and see how they work from the videos. Download and try them right now.

Cleaning Inspection Checklist app: iOS and Android versions

Disinfection Checklist app video: iOS and Android versions

Cleaning Inspection Checklist app and Disinfection Checklist app are based on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention guidelines. We can add changes to meet your specific needs. For, example you can convert your own usual form and use it instead of the pre-made one. Contact us to discuss.

3 Business Processes that Can Be Automated and Improved With Mobile Solutions

3 Business Processes that Can Be Automated and Improved With Mobile SolutionsAutomation plays an important role for modern businesses and helps stay competitive and successful. Mobile business apps are an active business partner and here are the major processes that can be improved with them.

Work orders

A simplified process of creation and sending work orders improves workforce and workflow management, as well as increases business efficiency. Business apps for work orders allow users to do this operation in a few clicks on any mobile device right in the field. This significantly saves time and efforts. Snappii offers ready-made Work Order Assigner app to quickly generate and assign work orders to various technicians, contractors, etc. An assigner can provide details and time frames, and track progress. An assignee can login into the app and see the tasks, as well as notify managers when they are completed. Work Order Assigner app is available in both stores: App Store and Google Play.

Estimates and invoicing

Whether you are a roofer, electrician, technician, contractor, inspector or any other professional, mobile business apps can help you save time on estimates and win more projects. Mobile apps for estimates and invoicing streamline these operations and allow avoiding time-consuming paperwork and constant visits to the office. Also, on-site estimates and invoices can be more accurate. There are Job Estimator and Invoice Assistant apps from Snappii. The first one is the best pocket tool to make professional estimates in minutes. The invoicing app allows users to create professional-looking invoices right in the field and attract more deals.

Daily reporting

Mobile business apps significantly simplify and improve monitoring of daily activities and the progress. Daily reporting through mobile apps contributes to more timely decision making and changes. It is the most convenient and safe way to keep everything under control. Moreover, daily report apps free field technicians from hated and inconvenient paperwork. Snappii offers Construction Daily Log app, which is the #1 for fast and easy daily reporting. The convenient one-page collapsed form, voice-to-text feature, instant PDF reports and more. Also, there are many other reporting apps from Snappii, which cover any industry and field of activity.

Effective solutions to improve your business

Visit the gallery and find all our major ready-made apps, most of which are customizable to any specific needs. Snappii team struggles to understand and assess modern business needs and provide the best mobile solutions. If you have any ideas to improve your operations, we are happy to discuss and bring them to life.

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