Author posts Daria Ivantsova

Ace App Development Quickly and Easily

dc0096f298a35dd6b5e584ec30808d1f-300x200Earlier this year, comScore, a media analytics company, released its annual report on cross-platform media usage. The results revealed that desktop usage had dropped below 2013 levels of usage, accounting for only 35 percent of time spent with digital media. Smart phones, on the other hand, and mobile apps in particular, represent 54 percent. Not surprisingly, the most shrewd and clear-sighted CIOs nowadays consider business apps an opportunity for driving innovation, professional development, and company advancement.

Today’s Market Requires Rapid App Development

Today mobile app business needs light and agile apps, designed to perform a limited number of specific functions and customized for a particular user. Such apps need to be developed on demand and delivered within days or even hours. That is why RMAD (Rapid Mobile App Development) approach was born and has been gaining momentum in recent years. A number of IT companies now offer their approaches to rapid mobile app development. Thus, for instance, Salesforce, an American cloud computing company, is planning to offer its customers a platform service enabling everyone to build apps using simplified tools. The solution will have opened in the San Francisco Bay Area by the end of 2016.

Start Building Killer Mobile Apps Today

Naturally, rapid app development solutions range from complicated and difficult to get a grasp of to extremely intuitive and user-friendly. Snappii, a leading company of mobile business solutions, understands that few people nowadays have got days to learn nuts and bolts of a highly sophisticated platform and has recently released its Express Mode of Snappii’s rapid WYSYWYG editor. Now Snappii offers over 300 ready-made templates for any industry or occupation and allows anyone to easily and conveniently customize them within minutes and at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, Snappii presents a powerful White Label solution for novice app creation companies and allows them to become its partners. In addition, Snappii takes pride for its experience and excellent customer support. So don’t wait!  Start building mobile apps today!

Make a Fortune with Your App Business

2016-05-20-roman-drits-barnimages-006-300x200“The average iPhone owner in the US spent $35 on apps last year,” according to Sensor Tower, an app marketing company. Developer Economics survey has shown that “43% of enterprise app developers make more than $10K per month”.  When you read the success stories of such app developing companies as Seriously, Grail, Evernote and Smule, you realize that everyone can build a unique mobile app which thousands of app users will rave about. You don’t have a large team or budget to start off.  Thus, for instance, Seriously launched Best Friends with only 11 people and a very small marketing budget. The company behind the phenomenal CARROT apps is even smaller: it is actually just one self-taught man, Brian Mueller.

What unites all these leading app developers is honesty, focus on the users’ needs, perfecting every feature they offer, never stopping to learn from their learners, and a creative approach to social media marketing.

– “I think if you’re honest with people and you explain it well, they’re going to be more than happy to pay that fee if there’s a good reason for it,” explains Brian Mueller his pricing philosophy.

– “How do you get users to stay around longer?” asks Jeannie Yang, Chief Product and Design Officer at Smule. “You build a better product. Build better features. Build more reasons for them to come back.”

– “The game launched with only 11 people and a small marketing budget. We only had 80 levels at launch, so we focused on doing a few things really, really well,” says Matt McMahon, Vice President of Business Development at Seriously.

– “What is most important is your attitude — to learn from the users, learn from the culture, learn from the market. That will be the source of love for your product, “ strongly believes Hitoshi Hokamura, Special Advisor to the CEO at Evernote.

– “We want the community to be the Chief Marketing Officer for our brand,” says Phil Hickey, Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Seriously. The company constantly interacts with its users and invites followers to vote on characters or levels they would like to see in the game in the future.

Another thing that all these companies have in common is that they paid thousands of dollars to programmers to build their products. However, you don’t have to. With Snappii, a unique mobile business app development company that provides both a codeless cloud-based platform for rapid app creation and a great collection of powerful and feature-rich white label solutions, you can start building and selling killer mobile apps in a matter of days.

We offer:

– Simple but powerful codeless app building platform,

– Steller customer support,

– Very attractive price.

Among Snappii’s partners are such successful companies as GE, Allianz, Driscoll’s, Hyster, NationaLease. Please visit our partners’ page for more details or contact us at

How QR Codes Can Benefit Your Business

How QR Codes Can Benefit Your BusinessQR codes are two dimensional quick response codes that can be scanned by smartphone cameras to instantly pull up text, photos, videos, URLs, etc. Such codes can contain a huge amount of information, which makes them quite popular all over the world. Nowadays many businesses use QR codes as a means of marketing. “QR codes demonstrate just one of the ways in which mobile marketing can effectively be integrated into existing media and marketing campaigns to help reach desired consumer segments,” says Mark Donovan, the Chief Marketing Officer at comScore, Inc.

Scanning a QR code can trigger a range of actions, such as connecting to a website, downloading an app, sending a message or email, adding contact info, and direct purchasing. Here are additional ways to utilize QR codes in your business.

QR Codes to Promote Your Business

We all know that to make things easier for your customers means to show concern for them. When placing a QR code on your business card, you give them a quick and ingenious way to reach your website or mobile app with the click of a button, thus saving them time and improving their overall experience.  However, it’s important to remember that QR codes are scanned by smartphones, so whatever you link your QR code to should be optimized for mobile devices.

QR Codes as a Call to Action

QR codes can be used for quick and convenient registrations, sending emails, booking, mobile payments, etc. For example, people can find a QR code at the Pizza Hut website and instantly download its app, thus avoiding visiting the Google Play or Apple App Store.

QR Codes for Data Analysis

You can track the number of people who have scanned your QR code to identify potential customers and modify your business strategies.

Snappii, a rapid mobile business app development company, offers Snappii QR and Bar Code Scanner App, which can become an indispensable tool for both businesses usage and personal needs. It is an ideal app for scanning QR and Bar codes at any time and from anywhere. Moreover, most Snappii’s business apps have the QR code scanning feature. Please visit our website and learn more about various mobile solutions for your business.

How to Create a Killer Design for Your App

How to Create a Killer Design for Your AppA new study from Kitewheel clearly indicates that today mobile apps are the fastest-growing channel of customer outreach and hold great potential for brands in 2016. However, Kitewheel also cautions us by saying that such mobile apps “will require a strong, real-time capability”. Below we discuss additional aspects a mobile app developer needs to consider when designing apps that win customers’ hearts and minds.

Color Scheme

First of all, you should determine what colors will have a beneficial impact on your customers and at the same time be associated with your brand. Next, carefully choose a secondary color, text and background colors, shades and shadows. Remember that color creates hierarchy, so use color shades and hues to help users distinguish between more important and less important elements. Like one fantastic article about designing creative mobile apps demonstrates, “If you make one button black, the next dark grey, and the third light grey, what you are in effect saying is this: “Button one is most important to the visitor, button 2 is less important, and button 3 is least important.”

Generally speaking, numerous online color palette generators like Adobe Color CC greatly assist app developers in this process. That being said, Snappii has created a number of killer ready color solutions themes so that you can make all these decisions in a matter of seconds.


Less text is usually more. Keep it short, clear, and consistent. Make sure your font choices complement the overall design. Ask yourself:

– Can I easily use it on mobile/web?

– Is there a variety of weights?

– Is it legible?

Overall most users cannot tell the difference between Arial, Avenir, Roboto, or Helvetica. That is why as long as your font is clean and easy to read, you have nothing to worry about a more sophisticated font when you’re focusing on brand and less on usability.

App Icon

Icon design is another key factor determining the visibility and, hence, popularity of your app in app stores. First of all, you should make sure it communicates the core essence of your app, clearly conveying the main functions it can perform. Second, it should be beautiful, easily-identifiable, memorable, but not overly complicated. Ideally, it should complement the overall design of the app and the brand. Scalability is another important consideration because the icon should maintain its legibility and clarity in a variety of sizes. Last but not least, try to think what would appeal to your users since their demographic, cultural, and professional characteristics can greatly affect their preferences.

Thanks to modern codeless app development platforms like Snappii’s, today the creation of app is a matter of minutes, not months. Snappii offers a variety of mobile solutions so that you have less to worry about. We hope that the above-mentioned recommendations and resources will further assist you in the process of creating unique and sought after apps.

Offer Supreme Customer Service with a Mobile App

Offer Supreme Customer Service with a Mobile AppIn today’s world where everything is going mobile, more and more small and midsize businesses are adopting mobile apps thanks to the numerous benefits offered by quality business mobile apps. They know that apps expose them to the global customer, improve customer experience, and, therefore, promote customer loyalty. The latest data from Yahoo’s Flurry analytics shows that 90% of consumer’s mobile time is spent in apps. Not surprisingly, your local beauty salons or coffee shops are increasingly starting to take advantage of mobile apps, thereby taking marketing to the next level and bringing customers and clients even closer. Here are some additional benefits of business mobile apps.

Increased Visibility

Apps serve a myriad of functions: they provide general info, prices, booking forms, inspection reports, search options, messengers, news feeds, etc. By offering your customers products via a mobile app, you put all the information they might need at their fingertips. Thus, for instance, you can utilize push notifications to notify them of special sales or promotions. In addition, you can enable them to collect and redeem membership rewards right within the app. Thus, by increasing your visibility, you retain old customers and turn new customers into loyal ones.

Expanded Audience

By offering your customers a mobile app with social network sharing options, you also give them an opportunity to easily share their feedback about your products and services with their friends and colleagues, which will undoubtedly bring more customers to your business.

Enhanced Brand Recognition

By creating an app exceeding your customers’ expectations and needs and getting them frequently involved with it, you boost your brand awareness and make them more inclined to purchase your products or services. Experts say a brand needs to be heard or seen about 20 times to be truly recognized. With a mobile app, it is easier to make sure your customers have plenty of opportunities to notice you.

Clear Analytics and Statistics

Mobile apps are also an invaluable tool for data storage and analysis. Thus, for instance, you can monitor sales and then graphically display the statistics. In addition, you can conduct surveys and polls and utilize the in-built graphics and charts to display the results.

Improved Customer Engagement

Mobile apps make it more convenient for your customers to reach you, and a messaging feature enabling your customers to reach you on demand could be a deal breaker when they are trying to choose between you and your competitors. For example, you can allow them to make a reservation via a text message or simply ask a question without picking up the phone.

Convinced yet? If so, it’s time to decide where to start. Snappii, a leading codeless mobile app developing company, will be happy to assist you. Thanks to Snappii’s intuitive mobile app development platform, you can become a real app developer and build any app yourself. Our support team will conduct a training for you and further help if needed. Bring your business to the next level with a feature-rich mobile app and take a big leap ahead of your competitors.

Why MY PDF Form Manager App Is a Better Alternative to Paper Forms

Why MY PDF Form Manager App Is a Better Alternative to Paper FormsIt is hard to imagine an industry that doesn’t regularly deal with numerous paper forms such as invoices, inspections, or reports. In fact, according to the statistics, an average office worker uses staggering 10,000 sheets of copy paper a year. The U.S. companies spend over $120 billion a year on printed forms, which get outdated within a few months, while 45% of paper printed in office ends up trashed by the end of the day. Moreover, paper forms are bulky, inconvenient, and are prone to getting lost, especially when it comes to field work.

Benefits of Mobile Forms

Thanks to modern mobile apps, now you can use your smartphone not only for communication but also for dealing with paperwork. Mobile forms allow users to fill them out on the go and store, edit, print, or share them at any time with the click of a button. Also, you can add images, audio files, video files, QR and bar-codes, signatures, to name but a few, and instantly email or store on cloud the completed forms.

Snappii Offers My PDF Form Manager App

All these benefits of mobile forms are conveniently combined in MY PDF Form Manager App by Snappii, a rapid mobile business app development company. Moreover, with this app, users can turn any PDF into an app, edit it, add necessary fields, upload completed forms to cloud drives, share them with others, or simply print them out.

Lowering paper use by adopting mobile forms will result in higher efficiency and increased productivity throughout your organization. My PDF Form Manager app is a unique tool for quick and flexible operations. Hundreds of people have already appreciated its features and reaped its benefits.

Unique Solution from Snappii

Snappii offers the unique solution of DIY (Do It Yourself) app creation. It enables everyone not only to use ready-made apps but also customize them or build new ones from scratch. Our WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) codeless online platform with powerful templates allows users to add necessary tabs and fields, change the design of an app and more. Also, each person can create mobile forms with our simple and convenient Form Editor. Join Snappii and stay ahead of the game.

App Store Optimization for Your Business Apps: ASO 101

App Store Optimization for Your Business Apps: ASO 101Every quarter it seems new data is released or new stats shared about the rapid migration of users to smartphones and mobile apps from desktops and the “web”. In 2014 the time spent in mobile apps surpassed time spent accessing the web from desktops. In 2015 Google announced more video is watched from mobile devices, more local search is conducted via mobile and even more web search comes from mobile than desktop.

Traditional business directories and large retailers from Yelp to Target and Macy’s adopted mobile-first strategies with great success. If the two previous years were the large tech and digital companies moving their businesses to mobile apps, the holiday season of 2015 announced that mobile was clearly not only for tech companies but “brick and mortar” retailers as well.

As search moves from simply “Googling” to interacting with a growing array of digital assistants (Google Now, Siri, Facebook M) and users are more frequently searching for content that exists in apps (Facebook, Yelp, Fandango, AllRecipes, Target, Amazon, Netflix etc.) – it has never been more clear a wide variety of businesses stand to benefit from a mobile app for their business.

Building a mobile app is an important first step, but helping your target market find your app, and then access it easily and quickly on their device requires creating an optimized app listing. The strategy of optimizing an app store listing is called app store optimization or ASO.

The two largest app stores, Google Play and Apple’s App Store, account for over 90% of active smartphones, but have different app listing fields with different requirements. While the approach to optimizing an app for each store is a bit different, the opportunity is the same:  Most users find new apps via app store search, and an optimized app help tap into this huge stream of organic traffic.

There are all sorts of strategies and approaches for optimizing a mobile app, but one of the most important things to understand about app store search is how users search the app stores is very different than how they search the web.

A simple demonstration you can do yourself is to search “bakery” or “craft beer” or “sushi” in Google or Bing, and then again in the Apple App Store. The different results you are sure to have received help show just how different the intentions of a user are when performing an app store search versus a web search.

Users searching the app stores tend to search for features and functions, with brands making up the balance of search. Be sure to use your business’ name, and then what you do, or location if relevant.

Ideally you are optimizing your app using the words your target market is using to find your app, which generally requires partnering with an app store intelligence platform – a service that tracks app store search, trends and related search phrases.

The infographic below provides a good overview of ASO for Apple’s App Store. The Apple App Store listing is comprised of an app name, description field, icon and screenshots as well as a “stated keywords” field for you the publisher to help Apple understand what your app is and who it is for.


As more and more users of all age groups turn to mobile first, now is the time to look at how a mobile app can help your business connect with your target market and future-proof your business during this time of change.

About the author

Dave Bell is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Gummicube. In this role, Dave is responsible for overseeing the business strategy for the company, driving growth and market development. Dave is a pioneer of the mobile entertainment industry with more than 15 years of experience publishing, marketing and distributing mobile applications and games across carrier, direct to consumer and app store channels.



Business Apps: Bringing Your Employees Onboard

Business Apps: Bringing Your Employees Onboard“Mobility has become synonymous with productivity both inside and outside the workplace, and the mass adoption of mobile technology in the United States has cultivated an environment where workers expect to leverage mobile technology at work,” says Bryan Bassett, a research analyst at Mobile Enterprise Device Solutions at IDC. However, before implementing mobile business apps in the workforce, business owners should do their best to ensure this adoption happens painlessly and seamlessly for their employees. Below are a few strategies they might want to use.

BYOD System

The Bring Your Own Device system is extremely popular nowadays as it allows employees to use familiar personal devices at work. This comes as no surprise since it simplifies the adoption of business apps and offers constant access anytime and anywhere. Moreover, BYOD significantly reduces learning time and allows employees to immediately get to work on their mobile devices.

User-Friendly Apps

If you deploy an internal mobile app in your company, it should be easy to navigate for all the employees and bring about a positive user experience for easy and reliable work. Always remember about the importance of the intuitiveness of its design as it will determine the success of its implementation. Last but not least, all its features should provide clear business advantages and be thought-through.

Reinforced Security

Data security is one of the most important considerations, especially when BYOD is in place. To prevent possible troubles, consider the security of your business applications in advance. Secure the code, devices, data, and transactions.  An appropriate security framework will enable your employees to increase productivity and enhance satisfaction while limiting the exposure of business information and assets.

If you want to learn more about modern mobile business solutions, please visit Snappii’s webpage Snappii is the leader of business app development companies. Our codeless app development platform allows any user to build powerful apps in just a few minutes, and our highly qualified support team will accompany you throughout the process. Snappii is an opportunity to make any business app in a snap!

The Benefits of Modern Mobile Payment Systems

The Benefits of Modern Mobile Payment SystemsNowadays we find ourselves using payment cards far more often than cash. Moreover, innovations in mobile commerce now offer mobile users such a convenient payment option as mobile payment apps. Research studies show that this trend is gaining momentum. “Nearly three-quarters (73%) of mobile banking customers use mobile payment apps to pay bills,” according to a new study from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Apple Pay Service

Apple Pay is Apple’s payment service. It allows users to make payments with their iPhones using an NFC chip built into their iPhones. “Apple Pay is simple to use and works with the cards you already have on the devices you use every day. And because your card details are never shared when you use Apple Pay — in fact, they aren’t stored on your device at all — using Apple Pay on your iPhone, Apple Watch, or iPad is the safer and more private way to pay,” writes Apple on its webpage.

Google Wallet System for Android Devices

Google Wallet is another mobile payment system for in-store and online payments from Google. The app is available for Android devices with NFC technology. “Send money to anyone in the US using an email address or phone number. It’s fast, easy, and free to send directly from your debit card, bank account, or Wallet Balance. When you receive money, you can quickly cash out to your bank account using your debit card, or spend it instantly with the Google Wallet Card,” states the official website.

The Choice of Modern Millennials

Venmo is a mobile peer-to-peer payment system now owned by Braintree. It has gained wide popularity among the Millennials. With this app, users can pay anyone with a phone number or email using money they have in Venmo, or link their bank account or debit card to it.

These payment systems can be very useful for businesses and make any payment operation more convenient, quick and safe. Moreover, you can take advantage of additional mobile solutions for business from Snappii. Snappii is a leading mobile app development company which can improve your business and make any operation more effective. Please learn more about the company and opportunities we offer on our website.

Benefits of the New iPhone SE for Businesses

Benefits of the New iPhone SE for BusinessesApple is back to making iPhones with 4-inch screens. Since the launch of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6Plus, there have been different rumors about Apple’s plans. Finally, on March 21st, Apple announced its plans to release its new iPhone 5SE (Special Edition), or simply “the iPhone SE”, which is available to pre-order in some countries from March 24. Continue reading “Benefits of the New iPhone SE for Businesses” »

Social Media as a Powerful Business Tool

Social Media as a Powerful Business ToolSocial media is not solely a means of entertainment. Numerous statistics showcase how powerful social media can be for businesses of all sizes. According to the Statista, “in 2016, 78% of US Americans have a social network profile, representing a 5% growth compared to the previous year. Also, as of 2015, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 106.2 minutes per day, up from 103.2 minutes in the previous year.” Badgeville’s infographic clearly illustrates that 63% of Millennials stay updated on brands through social networks. Add to these facts that most people have social media apps installed on their mobile devices, and the potential of social media becomes enormous.

The Benefits of Social Media

Social media is becoming an indispensable solution for stellar customer service. It is an opportunity to find your customers in a completely non-intrusive way and turn them into loyal customers. Your potential and current customers’ preferences, as well as their feedback, can be at your fingertips thanks to the convenience and flexibility of social media apps. This allows monitoring customer satisfaction and resolving issues right away. Thanks to its huge popularity, social media is also a great means of advertising. Last but not least, it is a cost-effective solution.

Key to Running a Successful Business

Social media allows you to put customers and their needs first, which is a never-changing key to success. Snappii, a leading mobile business app development company, offers any business across industries powerful mobile opportunities to increase the efficiency, productivity and revenue of your company. This is a completely new trend in the development of mobile business apps. There are a huge number of satisfied customers among Snappii’s clients. Be in trend and get even more success. Visit our website and see what solutions Snappii has in store for your business.

Gartner Predictions about New IoT-Centric Solutions

Gartner Predictions about New IoT-Centric SolutionsMobile apps are now one of the leading tools enabling modern businesses to improve internal operations, venture into new markets and provide new revenue streams. That being said, the app development industry doesn’t stand still and regularly offers innovative business apps and enhanced processes for the creation of even more advanced enterprise apps.

New Gartner’s Prediction

The widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) and utilization of Platform as a service (PaaS) have induced the research firm Gartner to make a prediction that “by 2020, more than 50% of all new applications developed on PaaS will be IoT-centric, disrupting conventional architecture practices”.

“IoT adoption will drive additional use of PaaS to implement IoT-centric business applications built around event-driven architecture and IoT data, instead of business applications built around traditional master data, “said Benoit Lheureux, a Research VP at Gartner. “New IoT-centric business applications will drive a transformation in application design practices that focus on real-time contextually rich decisions, event-analysis, lightweight workflow, and broad access to Web-scale data”.

IoT-Centric Solutions

Lheureux explained that “most new IoT-centric solutions will be implemented on IoT platforms, a form of multifunctional comprehensive PaaS that is a hybrid, architecturally coherent integration of application platform as a service (aPaaS), integration platform as a service (iPaaS), IoT device management, orchestration and business process management services as a platform (bpmPaaS), database PaaS (dbPaaS) and analytic services”.

Advanced Container Services

Gartner also predicts, “Through 2018, more than 70% of IT organizations planning a private PaaS will deploy a container service (rather than PaaS framework software). Instead of constructing a private PaaS using a PaaS framework, many organizations adopt a container service. An advanced container service provides subscribers with self-service access to container-based infrastructure. It hosts, orchestrates, schedules, scales and ensures the reliability of containers. It may also provide other capabilities, such as monitoring, load balancing and securing container communications”.

You can find more detailed information in Gartner’s report “Predicts 2016: PaaS Innovation Continues Unabated”. Also, you might be interested in attending the Gartner Application, Architecture, Development & Integration Summits of 2016, which will be held on May 23 and 24 in London and July 25 and 26 in Sydney, to learn more about the challenges around postmodern application integration.

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