Author posts Daria Ivantsova

How a Commercial Cleaning Service Influences the Efficiency of Business

Costly consequences and lost opportunities of bad cleaning

Some businesses believe that commercial cleaning is not something to worry about, and prefer to save on it. However, saving money by hiring inexperienced or subpar cleaning companies may provide businesses more harm and difficulties than they think. Poor and improper cleaning can result in facility losing rental income, damage of property and some parts of facility, bad image of business, threat to safety and health of workers.

Ensure proper cleaning

Hire a reputable commercial cleaning service. Pay special attention to reviews, quality certificates and work experience. Also you can check cleaning products and equipment the company uses to ensure they will not damage the facility and equipment, as well as will not harm the health of employees. One more action you should do is to check the quality of cleaning and compliance with standards. Nowadays anyone can easily and quickly do this with a help of special mobile apps. Such cleaning inspection apps provide pre-made mobile forms to fill in right on a smartphone.

Try Snappii mobile solutions

Snappii offers Cleaning Inspection Checklist app for fast and convenient inspection of any specified area. Users are able to fill out the form by adding evaluations, notes and photos about the quality of cleaning. Also there is an opportunity to generate a report that can be printed and shared with anyone. All inspection data is safely stored right on the mobile device. Download and try this smart cleaning inspection app in Apple App Store and Google Play. Cleaning Inspection Checklist app is customizable to meet any specific needs. Moreover, Snappii provides a unique Form Converter to transform any existing paper form to its mobile analogue. Also, anyone can create any mobile form from scratch and instantly use it on a smartphone. Try it free here. Snappii team is able to do it for you. Send us your forms and requirements.

How to Ensure Synchronization and Proper Management of Multiple Warehouses

How to Ensure Synchronization and Proper Management of Multiple WarehousesMaintaining stock levels is quite uneasy task many businesses face on a daily basis, and this task is compounded when the inventory is in more than one warehouse.

Why multi-warehouse operation

When a business targets a dynamically growing market, using the space of one warehouse is not enough and shipping the items from a single warehouse may cause shipping delays for customers. Moreover, the availability of multiple warehouses can reduce transportation costs.

The challenges of multi-warehouse approach

Although a multi-warehouse strategy has its advantages, it can also provide some serious challenges. First of all, it’s increased responsibility and control. Also, businesses with multiple warehouses often run into communication issues. Lack of face-to-face interactions and timely data can cause delays and other issues. The presence of multiple warehouses is an increased volume of documentation that must be properly organized and accessible.

The advantages of mobile warehouse management apps

Using the right technology can make management of multiple warehouses easier and more efficient. Special warehouse management apps are able to automate some time-consuming and manual processes, ensure constant communication and timely data. They provide the ability to sync all warehouses and all employees with their mobile devices.

Snappii offers a ready-made warehouse management app, which can become an essential pocket tool right now. Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app allows users to perform a lot of different operations by using tablets and smartphones. Among the features are:

– make warehouse inventories in minutes,

– create supply records,

– track goods that are shipped in and shipped out,

– make quick pick lists,

– store captured information,

– sync data across multiple devices,

– bar code scanner,

– take pictures,

– show locations on a map,

– get custom looking PDF and Excel reports,

– share reports via email and upload to cloud drives.

Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play. Also Snappii team is ready to customize this app to meet any specific needs. The requirements can be sent here.

Snappii is the leading custom app development company. We create powerful, multifunctional apps from scratch in weeks. Snappii has helped thousands of companies in many industries. Learn more and contact us here.

Construction Insurance and How Mobile Solutions Can Help Reduce Insurance Costs

Construction Insurance and How Mobile Solutions Can Help Reduce Insurance CostsWhat is construction insurance

Construction insurance is a broad variety of insurance policies that provide protection during construction projects. Many factors influence the type of insurance for a given construction project or business. Here are some types of construction insurance:

– Builders risk insurance is insurance coverage for buildings, different types of property and other structures while they are under construction.

– General liability insurance provides liability protection to businesses in the case of bodily harm or property damage during the course of business. There are various versions of these policies.

– Construction bonds are used to “guarantee” certain aspects of a contract or construction project. There are also several types of contract bonds.

– Workers’ compensation insurance protects construction businesses and contractors when their employees are injured while on the job. It covers some costs after a covered incident. Compensation insurance is required by law in some states.

Focus on a strong safety policy

Insurance costs in construction industry are a significant cost element. If companies can reduce this cost, they will have more money to invest in their business. The major solution is improving safety at the jobsite, the result of which is the reduction of insured events. Construction companies should pay special attention to effective safety maintenance and inspection programs.

Modern mobile solutions can significantly help in ensuring stable, safe construction workflow. Construction apps provide pre-made mobile forms and checklists for regular, streamlined safety inspections. Moreover, there is an opportunity to generate professional reports right on the mobile device, share and store them. All necessary data is always at hand. Optimized documentation contributes to a smooth safety policy without incidents and great insurance payments.

Snappii helps construction companies create safe and efficient jobsites for about 10 years. We provide construction apps that are easy to use, as well as multifunctional and powerful. We are able to create any custom app, which will help maintain safety in your construction business. Send us your requirements and let’s discuss.

Ensure Safe Workplace and Healthy Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ensure Safe Workplace and Healthy Employees during the COVID-19 PandemicBack to the workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest challenges that society and business have faced for the last few years. We want to believe that the worst is over and the world is recovering. Now governments, employers and workers are responsible in reinforcing the progress made in stemming infection rates by ensuring a safe return to work. This requires compliance with safety measures, cooperation and coordinated action.

First of all, knowledge and awareness are key. Employees must be well informed about how the virus spreads, the symptoms of infection and how to minimize the risks. Here are some useful sources:

Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19,

COVID-19: guidance for the workplace,

COVID-19: Back to the workplace – Adapting workplaces and protecting workers,

A safe and healthy return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mobile checklists to monitor employee health

One of actions businesses should do to protect the employees is daily health monitoring. This process can be simplified and optimized with a use of mobile checklists. Using just a mobile device, the employer or manager can easily collect all data about the health of the employees. Mobile checklists provide fields to mark temperature and symptoms, add photos and signatures. All data is safely stored and always available.

Convert your own forms

Snappii is able to convert any existing form or checklist to its mobile analogue. Moreover, our unique Form Converter provides the opportunity of form conversion and creation of any mobile form by yourself. It doesn’t require any tech skills and great efforts. Users can download Snappii Mobile Forms app and start using the created mobile form. One more great solution is the ability to generate professional PDF reports on the base of completed forms.

Daily employee health screening logs, visitor screening forms, Coronavirus employee waiver and more. Keep the business open and the employees safe. Contact Snappii support team with any questions.

The Types of Maintenance Inspections and the Benefits of Inspection Apps

The Types of Maintenance Inspections and the Benefits of Inspection AppsA maintenance inspection is the process of evaluation the condition of facilities and equipment. The purpose of such inspection is to determine what is needed to keep them in good working condition. Also, maintenance inspections can identify issues before they turn into costly repairs, as well as prevent downtime. Every enterprise or facility must conduct regular inspections as part of the entire maintenance program. It’s important to note, that inspections should be documented and stored.

Here are some major types of maintenance inspections:

– Quality inspection

Catching and identifying critical defects and issues can help avoid rework, repair and downtime.

– Safety inspection

Safety inspections can include various aspects, from checking fire protection equipment to monitoring compliance with safety measures by employees.

– Vendor inspection

Vendor inspections are essential to ensure compliance with local and international standards, reduce cost and increase quality.

– Failure finding inspection

This type of inspection checks the operation of back-up or protective devices that cannot be checked unless a primary system fails. Failure instances are simulated to specifically test these components.

Inspection apps to improve and accelerate the process

With the advanced mobile technology available today, special inspection apps can make inspection process simple and efficient. They allow users to easily collect data, process them and generate professional reports right on the mobile device. Inspection apps cover a lot of specific industries and fields of activity. Snappii is the leader in mobile business apps and offers a plenty of powerful inspection apps. For example, Workplace Safety Inspection app, Building Inspection app, Inspect Anything app, Quality Inspection app, Heavy Equipment Inspection app and more. The apps provide advanced features and agility to operate right in the field. Most of Snappii’s inspection apps are customizable to meet any personal needs.

How to Improve Fall Protection Policy in the Roofing Industry

How to Improve Fall Protection Policy in the Roofing IndustryThe scary stats

Roofers have the fifth-highest work-related death rate in construction. About 50 roofers are killed on the job each year, most by falls (The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) study). Poor fall protection policy is responsible for most of the fatal falls. Unfortunately, many roofing crews still operate without using any fall protection whatsoever. A neglect of control and accountability is also a problem.

It’s time to act

“All roofing contractors should have a written fall protection program that specifies what type of fall protection is provided, provides adequate training for workers, and enforces fall protection programs,” the study emphasizes. Also we want to add the need of accurate and timely data and constant monitoring of compliance with all measures.

OSHA Training opportunities for roofing workers are huge. Almost 5 million workers have already been trained in jobsite hazard recognition and avoidance techniques. Also, the business of fall protection has exploded into a multi-trillion dollar industry of great demand nowadays. The market competition keeps equipment costs relatively low. This way, any (even the smallest) roofing company can afford high-quality protective equipment and outfit.

Roofing apps as a one more way to increase safety

What about work with data, control and reporting, modern mobile technology is the best solution. Roofing apps allow users to collect necessary data, process and share it right in the field. In-time and accurate data is the key to successful and safe work. Instant inspections keep every aspect under control, and special inspection roofing apps ensure convenient storage of all inspection results and reports, and constant access to them.

Roof Inspection app from Snappii

To make roofing operations easier and safer, Snappii has created Roof Inspection app. This app is designed for roofing industry professionals and any layman, and covers all major types of roof inspections. Roof Inspection app allows users to collect all required details in minutes, take and upload pictures, make notes, add digital signature and more. A unique and powerful feature of this app is the opportunity to generate complete PDF and Excel reports. They can be previewed and shared via email or other ways. The app users are able to use the address book and choose clients from it to instantly share any report with them. Roof Inspection app helps keep everything in order and under strict control.

Roof Inspection app is available to download in Apple App Store and Google Play. Also, Snappii team is ready to customize this app to meet any specific needs. Contact us here.

It’s Time to Leave Behind Paper-Based Construction Daily Reports

It's Time to Leave Behind Paper-Based Construction Daily ReportsTime for a change

With constant evolution in the construction industry, transformation is more relevant than ever. The technologies, systems and tools have improved significantly in recent times.

Daily reports have been created the same way and had the same form for decades. Up until recently, no one really thought about creating a better process. At the end of a workday, all workers have to provide daily report. Usually they spent some time for it, using the traditional pen and paper forms. However, it’s certainly no longer the efficient way.

At this point, a lot of fields of activity and operations have gone digital, so construction also adapts to modern times. Workers don’t use archaic construction tools, and it is the turn to change outdated daily reporting process.

Mobile solutions to simplify and optimize reporting process

Today more and more construction companies move to mobile forms and special reporting apps. Their main goal is to be as simple and convenient as possible, so you can produce professional daily reports in a few clicks anytime and anywhere. Project managers will never have to keep track of messy paper documents again and workers will be happy to go home on time. Reporting apps contain pre-made mobile forms to fill out, process, share and store. Their users can forget about time consuming paperwork, unreliable paper forms and inaccurate and untimely data.

Construction Daily Log app

If you’re still filling out your daily reports with pen and paper, it is the best time to try Construction Daily Log app from Snappii. This is #1 app to create professional daily reports in minutes. Construction Daily Log app includes a one-page collapsed form with contractor details, site information, work performed, subcontractor progress, issues and punch lists, reasons for delays, additional work or change requests, materials purchased and received, labor and travel hours and more. Also the app captures weather conditions, locations, date and time, amount of labor performed and other field related information. To make Construction Daily Log app even more convenient for any field professional, we have added the opportunity to translate your voice into text. No need to type, just hit the mike and speak into it. Make photos, attach and mark them to highlight progress or show problem areas. After filling out the form, it can be instantly generated into the PDF report. The report is able be shared by various ways and safely stored in the app. Download Construction Daily Log app right today in Apple App store and Google Play. It’s time for update!

Automation of Field Service Activities: Where to Begin

Automation of Field Service Activities: Where to BeginModern field service businesses require a certain level of automation. The old method of manually processing became outdated. It is extremely time-consuming and doesn’t lend well to modern dynamic and agile field service industry. Field service apps have a 25% market penetration today. They track employee activity, schedule work, keep communication, control conditions, track a progress, support safety and more. Needless to say, they can do a lot for any business. Here are several major activities which can and should be automated with field service apps.

Work orders

If you are going to start field service automation, pay attention to work orders. These paper-based forms can be extremely difficult to produce manually and share. Your business clearly deserves better. Digital work orders allow users to create, process, assign, track and report work orders right at any mobile device. Just imagine in how many times it simplifies the process! The right and accurate information is provided in time just in a few clicks. No more unreliable paper forms and constant trips between the office and the field. Snappii offers a ready-made Work Order Assigner app. This app already contains all necessary features to easily and quickly create and assign professional work orders. Work Order Assigner app is ready to use and you can download it at Apple App Store and Google Play.


Paper timesheets, time cards and schedules are inconvenient for field service, and lead to confusions, mistakes, delays and waste of time. Timesheet and time tracking mobile apps can become better solution. They allow field team members to add work time, as well as have an accurate timesheet with all changes at hand. And managers are able to keep all technicians under control and ensure smooth workflow.


A lot of estimates are done in the field. Unreliable and untimely estimates can have quite negative impacts on customers and cost money. That’s why field service companies should move to special mobile apps for estimation, invoicing and billing. Job Estimator app from Snappii allows its users to quickly create professional project estimates that cover all necessary information. The app can also do all the calculations. Recently we have added a speech-to-text feature and an ability to import clients from the address book or Excel file. Download Job Estimator app (iOS and Android) to save time on estimating and win more jobs.

Mobile Solutions to Make Life of HGVs Drivers and Managers Easier and Safer

Mobile Solutions to Make Life of HGVs Drivers and Managers Easier and SaferDriving long distances is a hard job. HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) drivers spend extended periods of time on the road, dealing with the deadlines, vehicle maintenance and the dangers of the road. Nowadays, fleet managers can make their drivers’ lives easier with special mobile solutions. Automation and optimization of regular operations bring many benefits for long haulage drivers.

The benefits of vehicle inspection apps

The better the condition of HGVs, the safer they are to drive. Regular vehicle inspections and maintenances are a top priority for any company with a fleet. Inspections are also required for long-distance driving. Drivers should keep any aspect of their HGVs under strong control. Vehicle inspection apps can significantly simplify this process and make it more convenient for conducting inspections right on the road. Drivers are able to fill in pre-made mobile checklists right on their smartphones and generate them to a complete report to send to their managers. Vehicle inspection apps make HGVs drivers more in-control behind the wheel.

A full compliance with legal requirements

Regular HGV inspections are also a legal requirement. Any violations can cost primarily the lives of drivers, as well as large sums of money. Vehicle inspection apps allow managers to safely store all data and provide it upon a request from regulatory authorities. Timeliness and accuracy contribute to successful operation of the entire company.

Powerful solutions from Snappii

Snappii is a long-standing and strong player in the business app market. We cover a plenty of industries and fleet management is one of them. There are 2 specific apps. Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app is created to perform detailed inspections of various types of vehicles, including heavy and not heavy ones. With this vehicle inspection app, drivers can be sure in the vehicles and their safety. They can easily identify possible issues and breakings, fill in pre-made mobile forms, generate a report and send it to managers and mechanics. Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app is customizable to meet any specific needs. Snappii team is ready to learn your requirements. Another useful mobile solution is Fleet Management app. The app is created for both drivers and managers. Managers can quickly view the current status of every vehicle, assign tasks and track their fulfilment. Drivers can get clear tasks and instantly generate daily reports. Fleet Management app will help reduce extra operational costs and extend the life of vehicles. The app is also customizable.

The Construction Timecard App for More Efficient Time Tracking

The Construction Time Card App for More Efficient Work Time TrackingTime cards and daily timesheets are an essential part of the construction process, but the tedious and time consuming work, that can be a real headache for anyone, from management roll to field specialists. Paper time cards are a thing of the past. All construction project team has so many important tasks to take care of, and they don’t have time to be spending hours each day recording hours, filling out timesheets, dividing up work time, marking regular and overtime hours and so on. Snappii can help any construction company in transition from paper time cards to an easy-to-use and powerful mobile analogue.

The best mobile app for time cards and work time tracking

Snappii offers Punch In/Out Timesheet app that contains all of the necessary aspects needed to accurately record time for any project or job code for every worker in every crew, and to generate a professional time card which can be emailed. Here are the main benefits of this app, which can urge you to ditch pen and paper forms and start using just your mobile device.

Simplicity and convenience

Punch In/Out Timesheet app makes it easy for the guys in the field to whip out their mobile device and quickly punch in or punch out in a few clicks. They even have the option to add breaks and descriptions. This way, the control over work time is simplified several times for both field employees and managers. It also contributes to timeliness and optimization of the entire workflow.

Accuracy and reliability

No more messing around with paper documents and fearing the possibility of losing records. Punch In/Out Timesheet app safely stores all data, which is accessible at anytime and anywhere. Moreover mobile time cards and forms are more accurate and allow managers to avoid difficulties associated with manual writing.

Reporting and timeliness

If construction time cards and daily reports are not created on a daily basis, things can go very wrong very quickly and eventually cost the company big amount of money, project delays or even larger troubles. Create professional looking PDF and Excel reports by projects, by job codes or by date ranges with Punch In/Out Timesheet app. They can be shared via cloud drives, emailed or printed. Each report is conveniently stored right in the app.

Learn more about Punch In/Out Timesheet app here. Also you can watch how it works in this short video. Join thousands of people who have already made their time tracking easier and more efficient.

3 Actions to Prevent Fire at the Enterprise

3 Actions to Prevent Fire at the EnterpriseThe fundamentals of fire safety of any enterprise are not only the presence of fire extinguishers and evacuation plan. This concept is much more extensive and includes fire preventive trainings, safe behavior, constant inspections and reporting. The main causes of fire situations at the enterprise are:

– poor power, short circuit;

– faulty equipment, incorrect operation of equipment;

– neglect and violation of fire safety rules;

– improper storage of flammable things.

Here are 3 major activities of fire prevention at the enterprise.

Forewarned is forearmed

Provide training and maintenance of guidelines and procedures aimed to assure the safety of all employees. Pay special attention to trust and responsibility in the team. The more trust workers have in each other, the better equipped they are for whatever problems and incidents do arise in the workplace. Conduct regular fire alarm trainings and do not spare time for analysis of actions.

Constant communication

Always maintain clear lines of communication. Whether it’s a regular report, or any observations and comments, make sure all the team knows what’s going on. In every field communication is the key to operate safely and efficiently, and to making sure that everyone is on the same page.

Regular inspections

Regular fire safety inspections are the key for trouble-free and safe operation of the enterprise and the calmness of its managers. Work out a plan of inspections and strictly observe it. In order for such quite time consuming activity to take place without problems and misses, special inspection apps can be required. They allow inspectors to organize and optimize fire safety inspection and make it faster but proper.

Fire Inspection app

Snappii offers Fire Inspection app to help businesses in providing safe workplace and ensure that the premises have all fire suppression equipment in place and in good working order. It is the excellent tool to capture required data easily and quickly and add it to pre-made mobile forms. Take photos related to the inspection, include them into the PDF inspection forms, capture handwritten signatures, report locations with map or GPS features and more. Fire Inspection app conveniently stores all necessary data which is always available. Snappii team is able to customize this app to your specific needs. Contact us with any requirements.

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