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The App to Help Home Care Agencies Focus on the Essentials

The App to Help Home Care Agencies Focus on the EssentialsMore real help instead of drowning in paperwork

The rising number of elders continues to need daily or intermittent care. Home care agencies are in great demand nowadays. Caregivers do hard work and the strain continues to increase. Considering this, modern mobile solutions try to help simplify and accelerate some organizational and management tasks as well as operations with data and documentation to free up more time for real help.

One small app with such great assistance

Home care agencies must be legally executed and operate in strict accordance with some regulations. Strict control and regular inspections are in the order of things for them. This way, specialists have to fill out many different forms every day. To make this process easier and more optimized, Snappii has developed the In Home Care Providers app. First of all, this app allows users to get rid of paperwork. It provides 30+ ready-made mobile forms for caregivers and clients, which allows slashing the documentation time in half. The completed forms can be easily generated to PDF files and instantly shared via email, cloud drives, or printed. The In Home Care Providers app is easy to adopt in any organization with just a 10-minutes training. An important fact is that it complies with HIPAA. Watch this video to see the In Home Care Providers app in action.

Some results the app has already brought to its users

John Bennett, Executive Director of Sunny Days In-Home Care company says: “The app saves time and money by giving our field staff the ability to submit documentation from anywhere in our territory. We continue to grow our territory size and are able to run everything out of one office because we can submit documents instantaneously with our app. Also, the state is constantly changing policies and we can make quick adjustments to our documentation within the app so that our staff is immediately using documents that meet the requirements for compliance. It has enabled us to scale our business at a rapid rate. We have grown quickly enough to be an Inc. 5000 company four years in a row, that wouldn’t be possible without Snappii.”

The Snappii team is ready to add your existing forms right to this app. Send them to us and let’s discuss app customization.

Top Risk Factors in Construction and How to Prevent Them

Top Risk Factors in Construction and How to Prevent ThemAll construction projects carry some level of risk. Proper planning, regular reporting, and being able to make good decisions quickly can help avoid the risks and contribute to the successful completion of projects, higher profits, and the ability to grow and expand the company.

Keep abreast of the following points

Here are the common factors to watch out for on construction projects to not allow them to become a problem and derail the project:

Poor productivity. Often the reason for this lies in poor project management and poor resource allocation. A good project manager is certainly extremely important, but it is also important to give him the right tools to build and maintain an effective workflow. Accurate and timely data, as well as constant visibility and awareness are the key to high productivity.

Delays and interruptions in supply. This is a reality in the construction industry and it is unlikely that it can be completely eliminated. However, a timely and quick response to such situations can help mitigate the negative effect. Thereby, managers can quickly take a number of measures to reduce equipment downtime and prevent overpayments.

Health and safety hazards. Construction is a dangerous industry in terms of injuries and general safety. In addition to the potential harm to workers, a serious accident can cause work to be stopped or delayed and lead to a failure of the whole project. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain a strict safety policy and control everything related to this. It is also one more factor requiring a constant flow of accurate data.

Construction apps to overcome any difficulties and make the greater business

Snappii has been working with the construction industry for over 10 years. We identified the basic needs of specialists and know what to pay attention to. Therefore, our mobile construction apps are in rather high demand and we continue to develop and help our clients from the construction field cope with the issues above and achieve better results in their work. Today we are ready to present you our feature-rich ready-made construction apps for plenty of activities, from time tracking to reporting. Most of these apps are customizable and can be modified to meet some specific needs. “The most important factor for my team when choosing a business partner is that no matter how complicated the request, Snappii has always presented a work-around and a solution,” says Robert Gulino from Modern Niagara. Snappii is ready to become your assistant in overcoming any difficulties and creating opportunities for big income. Contact us today with any questions.

Paper No Longer Has a Place in Dealing with Bills of Lading

Paper No Longer Has a Place in Dealing with Bills of LadingBill of lading is a contract that establishes an agreement between a shipper and a transportation company for the transportation of goods. It contains a record of the traded goods which have been received on board. Bill of lading also makes sure that the shipper is paid. Here you can learn about the types of BOLs. Companies using bills of lading are used to their paper-based form. However, now we are living in the digital world and actively take advantage of modern mobile technologies. These benefits can also apply to dealing with BOLs.

No more paper involved

Snappii is the leader in powerful mobile solutions for business. We could not ignore such a field of activity as cargo shipping. Snappii has developed an app to let users create digital bills of lading right on a mobile device and instantly provide them to third parties. The Bill of Lading Manager app contains the pre-made mobile form to fill in in a few clicks. Moreover, the app allows users to use the existing client database, auto-fill the saved information, calculate total costs, instantly email the bills in PDF format, and more. All data is conveniently stored in the app and is always at hand. Watch this video to learn more about the Bill of Lading Manager app and see it in action.

Download and try the app in Apple App Store and Google Play.

Your specific needs will not be left out

If the ready-made app does not fully satisfy your needs, we offer a custom solution. The Snappii team can customize the app to meet some specific needs. It is faster and more affordable than creating software from scratch. We can use your existing paper forms and convert them to their mobile analog. Contact us here to discuss your requirements and opportunities for app customization.

The Time of Moving from Paper-Based Inspection Process to Mobile Inspection Forms

The Time of Moving from Paper-Based Inspection Process to Mobile Inspection FormsThe new digital reality

Every day we are reminded that we live in a digital age. Just imagine how many people in the world start their day picking up a smartphone. Digital solutions left a lot of things and actions in the past and paperwork is at the top of this list.

More and more companies move to paperless operations with data. Today there are digital solutions for plenty of activities. It saves time and money, streamlines the entire workflow, and contributes to increased profit. In this blog, we will speak about paperless inspections and mobile inspection forms.

The benefits of mobile inspection forms

Inspection forms or checklists are essential for any inspection process. Paper-based forms are inconvenient and unreliable. Therefore, the digital transformation of various business fields primarily affected inspection forms. Mobile inspection forms are much more efficient and reliable. Any specialist can easily and quickly fill in an inspection form right on a smartphone or tablet anytime and anywhere. Mobile forms are always at hand and there is no problem with their storage. Mobile inspection forms have become a real godsend for specialists working in the field due to the flexibility provided. The problem of constant driving to the office for processing and submission of paper forms disappears. Mobile inspection forms can be emailed or sent in various other ways. Also, the accuracy of data improves thanks to its timeliness and the reduction of errors due to handwriting.

Ready-made solutions from Snappii – start using them right today

Snappii is the #1 provider of advanced mobile forms. We offer several ways for businesses to go mobile. First of all, there are plenty of powerful ready-made solutions from Snappii. Anyone can instantly download our ready-made inspection apps that cover different industries and fields of activity. Find them here. Most of these inspection apps are customizable and can be modified in accordance with some specific needs. Send us your requirements here to find out the app customization opportunities for a particular app. Moreover, Snappii provides the ready-made Snappii Mobile Forms app with 100+ ready-to-use form templates for your business. Download the app in Apple App Store or Google Play and start using the necessary mobile inspection forms right now.

Have some specific requirements? We are ready to meet them

If our ready-made solutions do not suit you, Snappii is ready to create your own mobile inspection apps or forms. We can convert your already existing paper forms to their mobile analog or create any mobile inspection form from scratch. If you are interested in form conversion, please send them to us here. Contact us here to discuss your specific requirements and get a free quote for app creation.

Getting Workplace Safe and Properly Disinfected with Disinfection Checklist App

Getting Workplace Safe and Properly Disinfected with Disinfection Checklist AppCleaned and disinfected workplace – safe workplace

The continued spread of the COVID-19 infection further demonstrates the need to keep workplaces clean and healthy. Luckily, regular cleaning and disinfection dramatically reduce the chances of the infection spreading. It not only helps to save the lives and health of employees but also reduces working days lost due to illness and maintains a stable workflow.

Don’t forget about the other measures

In addition to regular disinfection, there are a number of other measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here are some of them:

–  regular and thorough hand-washing by employees and customers,

– proper respiratory hygiene in the workplace,

– keeping distance in the workspace,

– regular employees’ health checks,

– keeping employees informed of the epidemiological situation.

Disinfection Checklist app from Snappii

However, let’s return to the issue of proper disinfection of the workplace and one more task associated with this process. Workplace managers should monitor the regularity and quality of cleaning and disinfection. There is a smart tool to help with this. Snappii offers the Disinfection Checklist app that makes the process more efficient and organized.

The Disinfection Checklist app is based on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention guidelines and helps individuals and businesses perform 38 checks. It also contains a list of products that have been pre-approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use against emerging enveloped viral pathogens and can be used during the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. In addition to the convenient mobile form, the app allows users to add photos, dates, and signatures as well as submit the inspection PDF report.

Find more information about the Disinfection Checklist app in this press release. Also, here is a short video about the app. The app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play. Download and try it right now. The app does not fully meet your needs? Contact us to discuss app customization. For example, we can add your own inspection form.

Essential Assistants for Safe Business Events

Essential Assistants for Safe Business EventsCOVID-19 precautions come first

We hope that with the advent of the new year, the situation with COVID-19 will improve. However, we shouldn’t forget about precautions both in everyday life and in business. Business meetings and events are resumed but with special rules and restrictions. For example, regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities, social distancing arrangements, wearing hygienic masks, visitors’ health screening, etc. Also, it is important to track visitors, let them check in safely without face-to-face contact, and have an opportunity to quickly contact them. Snappii offers the apps to become an essential assistant for these tasks.

Safe and fast sign in with Sign In Guest Book app

The Sign In Guest Book app is designed to quickly and easily sign in, sign out later, keep track of visitors, and work with this kind of data. The visitors can sign in themselves in a few clicks on any mobile device or the admin can do this. The app helps capture such information as name, photo, company, contact info, notes, etc. After signing in the visitors can print badges via a wireless printer. To sign out, users just need to search the name and date in the database. The admins can get a history of visitors for any time range. Also, the Sign In Guest Book app saves visitor logs so next time of visit he/she can pick themselves from the list and pre-fill the form. It reduces the time of registration. Moreover, the app users can create events, add information, upload attendees, and track who has attended and who’s not. They also can create consolidated reports. The Snappii team created a short video demo of the app to let anyone see it in action. The Sign In Guest Book app is available in Apple App Store as well as Google Play.

Lead generation without face-to-face contacts

One more useful app from Snappii is the Trade Show Lead Collection app. Utilizing the app business people can easily collect email addresses, phone numbers, locations, and other information necessary to generate leads and develop marketing strategies. Capture leads on the spot easily and quickly without filling in unreliable paper forms. Create events or trade shows and add participants to them. Follow up with the leads after the event: send emails and make calls. The Trade Show Lead Collection app helps avoid crowds and face-to-face contacts. Download and try it in Apple App Store and Google Play.

Both apps can be customized. The Snappii team is ready to consider your specific requirements. Send them here and let’s discuss it.

Perform Year-End Warehouse Inventory with Warehouse Inventory & Shipment App

Perform Year-End Warehouse Inventory with Warehouse Inventory & Shipment AppWhy is it the time to perform warehouse inventory?

As the end of the year approaches, it’s time for companies with warehouses to perform general inventory. It is essential for preparing a valid profit and loss statement for the year. Also, stockrooms and warehouses can get messy at the end of the year. This way now is the best time to get rid of unnecessary stuff and prepare a warehouse for an efficient and productive start to the new year. You can’t do without an assistant in this matter. Snappii offers a useful pocket tool that will help perform a fast and optimized inventory.

The benefits of the Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app

The Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app from Snappii is the best solution to automate warehouse inventory and perform it in minutes right on a mobile device. Being equipped with a bar code scanner and photo capturing users can instantly collect required details and add them to the pre-made mobile form. Also, they are able to make quick pick lists as well as sync data across multiple devices. The Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app allows users to generate custom looking PDF and Excel reports, share them via email, and upload them to cloud drives. Watch this short demo to learn more about the app and see it in action. The Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app is available in Apple App Store and Google Play.

Get even more

If you are not fully satisfied with the pre-made forms of the app, the Snappii team is ready to customize the Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app and add your own forms. We will easily convert them to their mobile analog. Please note that it’s absolutely affordable for companies of all sizes. Just send us your forms and requirements.

Turn to a paperless inventory with the Warehouse Inventory & Shipment app is the best way to end the year and get your warehouse ready for next year. Get more benefits for your business and raise it to the next level with other Snappii’s ready-made apps. Find and try them here. Most of them are also customizable.

How to Get the Great Business App for Field Data Management without Huge Effort and Costs

How to Get the Great Business App for Field Data Management without Huge Effort and CostsManaging data in an organized and systematic manner is essential for field businesses. An efficient data management system is a system where data can be easily and quickly collected, processed, shared, organized, appropriately stored, and provides constant access to it. Modern business apps can provide all of these. However, ready-made business apps for work with field data usually have too generalized features. And ordering a custom business app development is an expensive and long process. However, we know the way to let you don’t waste your time and money and start efficient field data management as soon as possible.

The best way to get a business app you need

Snappii offers an app customization solution. You just choose the most suitable app from our gallery of ready-made apps and we customize it to meet your specific needs. We can do it almost with all Snappii’s apps. Snappii apps cover plenty of industries and fields of activity and provide a great set of features for field data management.

Here are some words from our successful customers:

“Our field staff is able to collect documents and have them emailed to our office staff and stored in our cloud instantaneously. This has saved our company both time and money. It has enabled us to scale our business at a rapid rate. We have grown quickly enough to be an Inc. 5000 company four years in a row, that wouldn’t be possible without Snappii.”

John Bennett, Executive Director, Sunny Days In-Home Care, Inc.

“Snappii built the app with our requirements needed to reduce the handling of paper invoices and BOL for our customers. This is a real time saver all the way around. Our drivers are able to send the electronic document from where ever they are in the USA. Make the office reduce time with not having to manually go through stacks of paper when drivers return to the home terminal. This company has gone from many paper items to 0 paper needed for our purpose. We love it.”

Edwin Smutt, Elevation Transport

“The main idea for the application was to convert the existing paper forms we use on a daily basis. We needed to organize Timesheets, Pipe test reports, HVAC and Plumbing sheets, as well as track job on-site daily reports. We’re really happy with the progress. Now it literally takes a few minutes to fill out the report, sign and send it. We receive a convenient PDF output that’s stored in the app and also can be shared via email, cloud drives, and printed if needed.”

Steven Koski, Outside Labor Superintendent/Safety Officer, Harold Brothers Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

If you are ready to consider custom business app development from scratch, it is a more available solution with Snappii than with other app development companies. We offer shorter development times and a more affordable price. Just contact us to discuss this, ask any questions and get more detailed information and pricing.

Inspect & Maintain Vehicles App: Fast Inspections for DOT Compliance

Inspect & Maintain Vehicles App: Fast Inspections for DOT ComplianceFrom time to time commercial vehicles are put through a DOT inspection to make sure they are complying with all of the rules. These inspections are carried out by a state police officer or a DOT inspector. However, drivers must be aware of these inspections, be prepared for them and carry out their own ones.

A snag and consequences

DOT mandates a program of pre- and post-trip inspections. When an issue is discovered, a vehicle inspection form should be submitted stating the nature of the problem. Also, it requires a form after repairs, confirming that the issue has been corrected. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process, and as a result, contribute to ignoring, violations and heavy fines.

Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app – the solution that was so necessary

Keeping in mind all the difficulties of completing the vehicle inspection forms, Snappii has created an Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app. This app allows users to perform detailed inspections of various types of vehicles including heavy and not heavy ones right on a mobile device. It is possible to easily identify any issues and breakings, report them to mechanics and ask for a quick repair. Pre-made mobile pre- and post-trip inspection forms help avoid tedious and unreliable paperwork. Moreover, the Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app enables drivers and other professionals to keep all data at the fingertips and provide it, if necessary.

Have any specific needs? Lean on Snappii

We understand that any business is unique and have its own requirements. You can appreciate the benefits of the Inspect & Maintain Vehicles app but still refuse to use it due to its generalized format. Therefore, Snappii offers a great opportunity to customize the app. We will meet your specific needs and make the necessary changes. App customization is more affordable than the creation of an app from scratch. Many businesses have already appreciated this solution. Don’t waste your time and don’t settle for less! Contact Snappii to discuss app customization right now.

Make Quick Job Estimates without Paperwork

Make Quick Job Estimates without PaperworkDon’t base your estimates on how the competitors do this. If you take the time to estimate your jobs right, you’ll end up with a smooth cash flow. Among the major steps of proper job estimation are:

– Reviewing of the project scope,

– Estimation of a timeline,

– Calculation of materials costs,

– Calculation of labor costs,

– Calculation of special costs,

– Comparison with competitors.

Don’t waste the time on paperwork

Job estimation is a paper-based task. Many professionals complain that this is time-consuming, associated with errors, inaccurate and untimely data, and inconvenient to perform in the field. That’s why, Snappii decided to simplify and optimize this process and allow specialists to be more professional in the estimation process without huge effort, get paid quicker, and win more projects.

Smart job estimation process with Job Estimator app 

The updated ready-made Job Estimator app is a real godsend to generate professional job estimates in minutes and email them to clients. The app allows users to collect a customer’s information, work description, labor hours and rates as well as all necessary parts. All the calculations are made automatically. Record time and expenses spent on a particular client or project. There is a speech to text feature and an ability to import clients from the address book or Excel file. Add photos to the invoices – items. Also, the Job Estimator app allows users to preview the estimate as a PDF before sending it to the client. Quickly fill in invoices with previously entered data. They can be sent via texting or email. Inform and agree upon the changes made to the project and report about the work progress.

The unique opportunity to meet your specific needs

One of the unique advantages of Snappii is the app customization solution. If you have any specific requirements for the estimation app and the development process from scratch is too expensive, we can customize the Job Estimator app for you. It is fast and affordable for any company. Just contact us to discuss your requirements. Move to the smart and multifunctional mobile solutions to improve your daily operations.

Top Technological Trends in Field Service Industry

Top Technological Trends in Field Service IndustryField services are open to implementing technological innovations

The constant implementation of new developments and technologies has contributed substantially to the fact that a lot of businesses offering field services have increased their specific weight on the market and the revenue. Bearing all of this state of affairs in mind, nowadays the experts predict the following trends in the field service:

Mobile apps. Using mobile apps contributes to improving technicians’ efficiency, accelerating and improving work with field data, reducing the response times of the company in dealing with requests from their customers, improving the quality of reporting and its optimization, reducing the cost of document management and more. It is a great opportunity to increase the productivity of the entire company. Learn more about the benefits mobile apps can provide to the field service businesses in this blog post.

Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is able to cover some processes that the technicians themselves cannot complete. Also, this is a great opportunity to increase the pace and efficiency of work. For example, voice-activated intelligent assistants, as well as controllers of service processes and data processors allow specialists to work smarter, better quality and with significant savings in time, money and resources.

Drones and robots. Drones are usually used to review and monitor areas that are difficult to access. They allow specialists to get a great amount of detailed, accurate and timely data and thereby improve the service. Robot assistants are quite popular for mechanical tasks or risk environments for humans. They bring additional, extremely useful features, which have already been evaluated by some field service companies.

3D printing. 3D printing technology cuts the necessity to order parts for repair from suppliers. This way, it contributes to streamlining repairs and agile service. Moreover, it is an opportunity to save costs.

Want to be on top? Contact Snappii

It is not by chance that we put the mobile apps in the first place on the list above. According to the stats, 48% of organizations are already on board with some form of field service management software. A smartphone is what almost every person has in his pocket today. So field service apps are a rapidly growing trend now. Snappii has been working in this direction for several years. Today we offer some multifunctional ready-made field service apps, which will be helpful for daily operations. Find them here and feel free to try. Most of these apps can be customized to meet your specific requirements. You can send them to us and get a free quote. Moreover, Snappii’s team of high-quality professionals is able to create any field service app from scratch. We will discuss your needs and you will control the entire development process. Snappii is proud to be one of the leading business app development companies. Learn more about custom app development and start working with us here.

How to Achieve Construction Cost Savings

How to Achieve Construction Cost SavingsAny construction company is looking for a key to long-term construction cost savings. The final goal of the construction process is to produce a high-quality and performing project. This way, cutting costs is a complicated balancing act. A reasonable economy on a project is less about the counting of each dollar and more about spending time and resources smarter.

The way to work smarter and to stay within budget

One of the major reasons construction projects go over budget is ineffective communication and management. This causes delays, downtime, inaccurate and untimely data, unprofitable decisions and more. Since a construction project is a dynamic environment, it requires flexible and reliable tools for management and communication with the worksite. Modern mobile apps can provide this opportunity.

The leader on the market of construction apps

Snappii supports and provides plenty of useful features to construction businesses for about 10 years. Our construction apps help make projects on time and within budget. Among the top ready-made products are:

Construction Daily Log app. It is the #1 reporting app for any construction project. The app includes the one-page collapsed form with various details and the voice-to-text opportunity. After filling out, the form can be instantly generated into the PDF report. Learn more about the Construction Daily Log app here.

Construction Estimator app. This app allows users to quickly create on-site estimates for construction and repair projects. It provides the opportunity to quantify material, labor and other costs and fill in the pre-made form. Find more information about the Construction Estimator app here.

Punch In/Out Timesheet app. The app contains all of the necessary aspects needed to accurately record time for any project or job code for every worker in every crew and to generate a professional time card which can be emailed. Learn more and try it here.

Construction Change Order app.  The app allows users to avoid time-consuming paperwork and create quick construction change order requests right on a mobile device and provide them to selected supervisors for reviews. Learn more about the Construction Change Order app here.

Construction Manager app. The app ensures a regular flow of information between offices and construction sites. It contains the leading pre-made mobile forms to successfully manage any construction project. Learn more about its features here.

Visit the Snappii’s app gallery and find even more advanced construction apps. Most of them can be customized to meet any specific needs. You can send your requirements here.

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